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20 Highest Paying Jobs in Europe for Non EU Citizens

In this article, we will look at the 20 highest-paying jobs in Europe for non-EU citizens. We will also discuss the best countries in Europe for non-EU citizens. If you want to skip our detailed analysis, head straight to the 5 Highest Paying Jobs in Europe for Non-EU Citizens

Best Countries in Europe for Non-EU Citizens

While Switzerland is the country in Europe that pays the highest salary, Portugal and Estonia are considered the best countries in Europe to get a job easily because of their relatively smoother visa application procedures. According to, maintenance and production technicians are popular jobs in europe for African citizens. Germany, on the other hand, is considered a country in Europe that has the highest job opportunities for foreigners. To read more about such countries, see the best countries to work and make the most amount of money

The UK is one of the most popular countries for non-Europeans to move to as foreigners. In the year ending in June 2023, UK net migration was reported at 672,000, indicating a slowdown compared to the previous year’s revised record of 745,000. Of the 1,180,000 people arriving, 968,000 were from non-EU countries, with the top five nationalities being Indian (253,000), Nigerian (141,000), Chinese (89,000), Pakistani (55,000), and Ukrainian (35,000). Education accounted for 39% of non-EU migration, followed by work for 33% for non-Europeans and 9% for humanitarian reasons. In terms of student visas, 486,107 were issued in the 12 months to September 2023, with half going to Indian and Chinese nationals. 

The Tech Giants in Europe: Promising Job Opportunities

One of the biggest reasons why non Europeans consider Europe for jobs is the expansion of tech firms in the region. For example, Microsoft Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT) has recently announced the inaugural of a data centre region in Poland with substantial investments and comprises of three independent physical locations around Warsaw. The initiative is set to create many job opportunities in the rapidly growing technology field. With over 430,000 IT professionals, business representatives, partners, and students already trained since Microsoft Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT)’s 2020 commitment to Poland, the company aims to address the increasing demand for skilled individuals in the digital landscape. 

As part of the broader effort to support Poland’s technological development, this investment not only ensures the country’s resilience in times of economic uncertainty but also aligns with the global trend of digital transformation, as confirmed by the fact that 54% of CEOs in Poland believe in the necessity of transformation for future profitability, as per the 2023 PwC CEO survey.

Moreover, the establishment of Microsoft Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT)’s cloud region in Poland, with three Azure availability zones, guarantees the highest standards of security and compliance with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) According to IDC Research, the new data centre region is anticipated to eliminate barriers to cloud adoption and contribute to approximately 16.5% of the new revenue ($45.7 billion) by 2026. This economic impact is expected to translate into job creation that will provide employment opportunities for engineers, developers, and other professionals who will be pivotal in progressing Poland’s digital economy globally.

On the other hand, Intel Corp (NASDAQ:INTC)’s groundbreaking €30 billion investment ($32.76 billion) in a chip manufacturing facility in Magdeburg, Germany, is the largest foreign direct investment in Germany. This investment is set to create 3,000 high-quality jobs, reinforcing the region’s economic development. With the government committing €9.9 billion ($10.81 billion), covering a third of the cost, the project has its strategic significance. The twin semiconductor plants, slated for completion in 2027, align with Germany’s broader goal to promote domestic semiconductor production, reducing reliance on global supply chains. This will certainly contribute to Germany’s emergence as a major global semiconductor hub, in line with the European Union’s aim to diminish dependence on China and the US in microchip production.

Simultaneously, Intel Corp (NASDAQ:INTC)’s  €4.6 billion investment in a microchip factory in Poland, part of a broader €33 billion ($32.76 billion) plan across Europe, will also create around 2,000 jobs. Operating in tandem with the Magdeburg, Germany site, the Polish facility, starting operations in 2027, will handle crucial steps in chip production, strengthening Intel Corp (NASDAQ:INTC)’s European foothold.


To list the highest-paying jobs in Europe for non-EU citizens, we identified the most popular European countries for non-Europeans to work in and then made a list of 30 highest-paying jobs in those countries based on our research consensus. Of those 30, the 20 with the highest average salaries were selected and have been ranked. We acquired the data for average salaries from and The list is presented in ascending order of salaries.

20. Underwater Welder

Average Salary: $87,606

The demand for underwater welders is rising due to expanding maritime industries, offshore construction, and infrastructure projects. With a 19% salary increase projected over five years in Germany, the field is attracting attention for its critical role in maintaining and developing underwater structures, confirming a growing demand for skilled professionals in the industry.

19. Management Consultant

Average Salary: $89,161

Johnson and Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) and Procter and Gamble Co (NYSE:PG) are two of the potential multinational companies that hire for management consultants in Europe with excellent salaries. It is also because of the high salaries of management consultants that they are considered to have one of the most overpaid jobs in the world

18. Full Stack Developer

Average Salary: $89,587

In 2022, full-stack engineers constituted 56% of all interview requests. Smaller companies prefer them for versatility, and larger organizations increasingly embrace full-stack developers for efficiency. Salaries for developers in the UK are growing, with starting pay 64% above the national average.  It is one of the highest-paying jobs in europe for foreigners.

17. Investment Banker

Average Salary: $97,796

Investment banker jobs in Europe are prevalent, particularly in financial hubs like London, Frankfurt, and Paris. Prominent companies hiring investment bankers include JPMorgan Chase & Co (NYSE:JPM), Goldman Sachs Group Inc (NYSE:GS), and Deutsche Bank AG (NYSE:DB). These firms seek professionals skilled in financial analysis, risk assessment, and strategic advisory. 

16. Pharmaceutical Manager

Average Salary: $98,272

Major pharmaceutical companies hiring in Europe for pharmaceutical managers are Novartis AG (NYSE:NVS) and Roche. These companies usually require experienced managers to ensure compliance with industry standards and manage production processes and distribution of pharmaceuticals.

15. Actuary

Average Salary: $98,433

Becoming an actuary offers a stable and lucrative career, with employment projected to grow 21% from 2021 to 2031. Actuaries are often called “risk gurus,” as they predict future events to manage financial risks. The profession allows for versatility, catering to both introverts and extroverts. 

14. Aeronautical Engineer

Average Salary: $100,580

Aeronautical engineers design, develop, and test aircraft and spacecraft. They analyze aerodynamic performance and ensure structural integrity while optimizing fuel efficiency. It is one of the highest paying jobs in Europe

13. IT Manager

Average Salary: $103,482

IT companies in Europe do hire non-EU citizens for IT manager positions, but the process is often complex due to visa and work permit requirements. Compliance with immigration laws is essential which involves obtaining work permits and visas, which can be time-consuming and costly. Despite these challenges, companies may sponsor visas for skilled individuals, depending on the specific country and industry. Nonetheless, IT managers have one of the most best jobs in europe for English speakers.

12. Data Scientist

Average Salary: $107,215

The demand for data science education in Europe is on the rise, as highlighted by a recent report from Studyportals. The analysis revealed an increase of 20.5% in interest in Italy by students from outside of Europe, particularly from Pakistan and Bangladesh, over the past 12 months. While Germany also maintains a major share of global student interest, there’s a relative drop in demand for its programs. It is one of the most in-demand jobs in Europe in 2023.

11. Machine Learning Engineer

Average Salary: $107,720

The demand for Machine Learning (ML) engineers in Europe has increased due to a 40-42% annual growth in the AI and ML software market from 2021 to 2028. The shortage of skilled ML developers is evident as over 50% of European companies are struggling with filling ICT specialist positions. 

10. Air Traffic Controller

Average Salary: $110,176

Europe’s air traffic control sector is facing a major shortage, with estimates ranging from 700 to 1,000 controllers needed. The challenge has increased due to gaps in training programs, unattractive working hours, and competition from more lucrative career alternatives. The aging workforce adds urgency to the problem, creating a demographic gap as controllers approach retirement. Additionally, the industry experiences a brain drain to the Middle East, where competitive recruitment efforts lure skilled controllers. 

9. Commercial Pilot

Average Salary: $112,812

The demand for pilots in Europe is experiencing a major increase, as confirmed by CAE’s recent announcement to increase pilot and cabin crew training capacity for Air Europa in Madrid. According to CAE’s Aviation Talent Forecast, Europe is projected to require 44,000 new commercial pilots in the next ten years and hence, sheds light upon the critical need for skilled aviation professionals. It is one of the most well-paying jobs in Europe

8. Corporate Financial Manager

Average Salary: $115,937

The job of corporate financial managers is to oversee financial activities, manage budgets, and ensure financial health. In Europe, two companies that are likely to hire for this role are Siemens AG (OTC:SIEGY) and Unilever plc (NYSE:UL) as they often look for skilled financial professionals to contribute to their strategic financial management and planning.

7. International Sales Manager

Average Salary: $115,969

International Sales Managers oversee a company’s global sales operations, developing strategies to expand market share. They identify potential markets, build relationships with international clients, and lead sales teams. While their jobs come with huge responsibilities, they are also some of the best-paying jobs in Europe for non-EU citizens. 

6. Lawyer

Average Salary: $119,481

In 2021, K&L Gates, an American multinational law firm, expanded further into Europe. It added a real estate team from Eversheds Sutherland in Frankfurt and Munich while recruiting a restructuring partner from De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés in Paris and combining with Luxembourg’s Volckrick & Associates. With eight European offices, K&L Gates aims for a stable presence in Germany and France.

Click here to see the 5 Highest Paying Jobs in Europe for Non-EU Citizens.

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Disclosure: None. 20 Highest Paying Jobs in Europe for Non-EU Citizens is originally published on Insider Monkey. 

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