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20 Easiest Countries To Immigrate To From US

This article explores the 20 easiest countries to immigrate to from the US. You can skip our detailed analysis and proceed directly to the 5 Easiest Countries To Immigrate To From US.

The number of Americans living abroad has been steadily increasing, with millions of American citizens choosing to reside and work in various countries worldwide. These expatriates form a significant demographic comparable to some of the most populous states in the United States.

American Expatriates: Insights and Estimates

According to the State Department, around 8.7 million Americans (excluding military personnel) live in over 160 countries worldwide. If these individuals were to be grouped in a single state, their combined population would be comparable to the 12th most populous state in the United States, between New Jersey and Virginia.

During “Overseas Americans Week” in March 2016, envoys from the Association of Americans Resident Overseas (AARO) received updated estimates from the State Department. These figures indicated that approximately 8.7 million Americans have chosen to reside and work in various countries. This number is equivalent to the combined populations of major cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Tucson. It underscores the significance of considering the impact of legislative decisions on this substantial demographic.

While these numbers are approximations, they provide valuable insights into the global dispersion of American citizens. It is important to mention that detailed breakdowns by country or region are currently not available, unlike previous estimations from the early 2000s and 2011.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) of the United States issued a report in 2018 that presented estimations regarding the population of US citizens residing outside the country. The report specifically categorized these individuals based on geographic regions as of April 21, 2015. As per the report, the estimated number of American residents in each region was as follows: Africa (231,854), East Asia and Pacific (1,135,114), Europe and Eurasia (2,027,914), Near East (1,019,457), South Central Asia (618,772), and Western Hemisphere (3,706,577). Combining these figures gives an approximate total of 8.7 million American citizens living abroad.

According to data from Immigrant Invest, in the second quarter of 2022, 580 American individuals relocated to foreign countries and voluntarily renounced their citizenship. This number represents a threefold increase compared to the figures recorded in 2021. Over the past five years, 1,473 American citizens with a net worth of $2 million have chosen to depart from the United States.

Factors Facilitating US Citizens’ Immigration

Several factors motivate US citizens to seek immigration opportunities in foreign countries. Economic factors such as job prospects, higher salaries, and favorable business conditions can be strong driving forces. Political considerations may also play a role, including dissatisfaction with domestic policies or seeking a different political climate. Social and personal factors, like desire for new cultural experiences, better quality of life, retirement community preferences, or reuniting with family members in other countries can contribute to the decision to immigrate.

Here are some key factors that can lead to easiest immigration from the USA:

  • Favorable immigration policies
  • Accessible visa application procedures
  • Efficient processing times
  • Lenient eligibility criteria
  • Job opportunities in the destination country
  • Skilled worker programs
  • Bilateral agreements
  • Language and cultural similarities
  • Family or marriage connections
  • Retirement and investor programs
  • Educational and study opportunities
  • Geographic proximity
  • Political stability and safety

When it comes to the business or investment aspect of US citizens’ immigration, multinational companies like Korn Ferry (NYSE:KFY), FTI Consulting, Inc. (NYSE:FCN), and Ernst & Young Global Limited (EY) can provide valuable services and guidance. Korn Ferry (NYSE:KFY) specializes in talent management and executive recruitment, assisting individuals in finding suitable positions and establishing businesses in their new country of residence. Meanwhile, FTI Consulting, Inc. (NYSE:FCN) and Ernst & Young Global Limited (EY) are renowned professional services firms offering a wide range of expertise, including business consultancy, audit, and advisory services.

Investors planning to immigrate from the US can leverage the comprehensive business consulting services provided by Korn Ferry (NYSE:KFY), FTI Consulting, Inc. (NYSE:FCN), and Ernst & Young Global Limited (EY), which can navigate complex international tax and regulatory landscapes, optimize business operations, and ensure compliance with local laws.

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To gather information for this article, we adopted a consensus-driven method that involved conducting thorough research from various sources (Insider, Wander Onwards, Boundless, Visa Guide, and Nomad Capitalist) to determine the easiest countries to move to from the US.

To ascertain the top countries, we devised a structured scoring system. Each country identified through our research sources was awarded a single point if it was mentioned once in the consensus two, if it was mentioned twice and so on. By employing this approach, we generated a definitive compilation of the 20 easiest foreign countries to move to that we present below.

20. Panama

Insider Monkey Score: 1

People hailing from any of the 50 nations recognized as “friendly” to Panama can relocate to this country with their immediate family and obtain a permanent residency visa. By investing a minimum of $80,000 in a reforestation project officially endorsed by the government, individuals can secure a temporary resident visa that remains valid for 5 years.

19. Barbados

Insider Monkey Score: 1

Barbados presents the Special Entry and Residence Permit (SERP), an opportunity for foreign investors seeking to relocate to the captivating Caribbean island. Through the SERP, high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) can obtain permanent residence by making a minimum investment of $2,000,000 in Barbados-based properties or other investments. The duration of the permit varies based on age and special skills: individuals aged 60 and above can acquire an indefinite SERP.

18. Georgia

Insider Monkey Score: 1

According to Passports.IO, obtaining Georgian citizenship through investment in real estate involves meeting specific criteria. This includes purchasing non-agricultural property in Georgia valued at a minimum of USD 100,000. To proceed, you must provide supporting documentation to verify your investment, whether in real estate or a newly-formed Georgian company. Additionally, obtaining a clean criminal record report from your local police agency is a mandatory requirement. Fulfilling these prerequisites will set you on the path towards acquiring Georgian citizenship through your investment in real estate or a new Georgian company. Georgian immigration law is lax for citizens of certain countries, including the US.

17. Thailand

Insider Monkey Score: 2

For individuals planning to relocate to Thailand for a duration exceeding three months, there are several legitimate avenues to explore. These include moving to Thailand for employment purposes, pursuing educational opportunities, entering into marriage with a Thai citizen, or seeking retirement in the country through its retirement visa program. Individuals above the age of 50 who wish to retire in Thailand have the option to apply for a Thailand Retirement Visa. This visa is specifically designed to cater to the needs of retirees, offering them the opportunity to enjoy their golden years in the captivating country of Thailand.

16. Indonesia

Insider Monkey Score: 2

To relocate to Indonesia, acquiring a KITAS (Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas) is a prerequisite. The KITAS acts as a residence permit card that grants a one-year stay in Indonesia, with the option of extension prior to its expiry. Depending on the purpose of your intended stay, various types of KITAS are available for selection. The most common KITAS options for immigration include the Work Visa KITAS, Family Visa KITAS, Retirement Visa KITAS, and Student Visa KITAS. By carefully choosing the appropriate KITAS category that aligns with your specific needs, you can smoothly proceed with your plans to relocate to Indonesia.

15. Montenegro

Insider Monkey Score: 2

Montenegro’s Golden Visa program provides an attractive opportunity for investors looking to obtain residency in this beautiful country. As per Visa Guide, the program offers flexibility with investment options ranging from €250,000 for real estate to €450,000 for business or real estate developments. Montenegro is an appealing destination not only for High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI) but also for retirees seeking a high-quality lifestyle. With its stunning landscapes, pleasant climate, and emerging economy, Montenegro offers a desirable environment for those looking to relocate and enjoy the benefits of its Golden Visa program.

14. Malta

Insider Monkey Score: 2

As noted by Premier Consultancy Group, the Malta Golden Visa program offers an enticing opportunity for investors seeking permanent residency in Malta. With an investment threshold of $140,000, participants can apply for the Malta Permanent Residency Programme (MPRP) and obtain a Maltese permanent residence permit. To qualify for the MPRP, investors must either make an investment of €100,000 or purchase property valued at a minimum of €300,000 in Gozo/South of Malta or €350,000 in the rest of Malta. This program provides a pathway for individuals to gain long-term residency in Malta, renowned for its favorable business environment and attractive lifestyle options.

13. Saint Lucia

Insider Monkey Score: 2

Saint Lucia offers a promising and hassle-free avenue for individuals seeking a smooth transition out of the US. The application process for Saint Lucia’s citizenship by investment is typically completed within two to three months, involving a non-refundable contribution of $100,000 to the Saint Lucia National Economic Fund. As an alternative route, prospective applicants can obtain St. Lucian citizenship by making a minimum investment of $200,000 in pre-approved real estate or by investing in enterprise projects.

12. Grenada

Insider Monkey Score: 2

Grenada provides US citizens with a convenient route for immigration, distinguished by its unique advantages. As highlighted by Henley & Partners, Grenada stands as the sole Caribbean nation with a citizenship by investment program that holds an E-2 Investor Visa Treaty with the USA, allowing individuals to qualify for a non-immigrant visa application, subject to meeting the requirement of continuous residency in Grenada for a period of three years.

11. Dominica

Insider Monkey Score: 2

Dominica has a very lenient immigration pathway for those seeking a new home. The process entails a minimum investment or donation of $100,000, with a processing time of around three months. One notable advantage is the option to include family members, such as spouses, unmarried dependent children under 31, and elderly parents and grandparents aged 65 and above.

Citizenship by descent is also available for future generations. Obtaining citizenship grants the right to live, work, and study in Dominica. Single applicants have two choices: a non-refundable contribution to the Economic Development Fund of $100,000 or an investment in approved real estate valued at a minimum of $200,000. It is one of the easiest Caribbean countries to immigrate to from the United States.

10. St. Kitts and Nevis

Insider Monkey Score: 2

St. Kitts and Nevis offers a compelling immigration opportunity for US citizens in search of a favorable destination. By participating in the citizenship by investment program, individuals can secure citizenship and embrace the advantages of residing in these captivating Caribbean islands. The process typically entails making a qualifying investment in either real estate or the Sustainable Growth Fund. For the real estate option, the minimum investment required is $200,000, and for the donation option, the minimum contribution is $150,000.

9. Antigua and Barbuda

Insider Monkey Score: 2

Antigua and Barbuda’s Citizenship by Investment program offers seamless immigration options for those seeking to relocate. Through the National Development Fund (NDF) pathway, individuals or smaller families can obtain citizenship with a $100,000 contribution and $30,000 in processing fees. Larger families can contribute $125,000, with an additional $15,000 processing fee per dependent. Alternatively, the real estate route requires a minimum investment of $400,000.

8. Greece

Insider Monkey Score: 2

The Greece Golden Visa program presents an easy pathway for individuals seeking permanent residency in a European country. By making a minimum investment of almost $267,791 (€250,000) in the private real estate sector in Greece, applicants can avail themselves of one of the most favorable terms within the European Union. Within a mere two months, successful applicants will be granted a permanent residence permit, opening doors to numerous benefits and opportunities. Greece’s Golden Visa program provides a seamless and efficient route to secure permanent residency in Europe through strategic investment in the thriving Greek real estate market.

7. Australia

Insider Monkey Score: 2

US citizens who meet the eligibility criteria for various visa subclasses have a straightforward path to migrate to Australia. Australia offers a range of visas to eligible individuals, including employer-sponsored, general skilled migration, distinguished talent, student and graduate, business, and family visas. Each visa subclass has its own specific requirements and application process. The diverse visa options cater to different circumstances, allowing US citizens to explore opportunities and make a smooth transition to their new life in Australia. These factors make Australia one of the easiest countries to move to for US citizens.

6. New Zealand

Insider Monkey Score: 2

For Americans interested in relocating to New Zealand or seeking temporary employment opportunities, there are various visa options to consider. Those aged 18-30 can take advantage of working holiday visas, which allow them to spend up to 23 months in New Zealand. Work visas provide the opportunity to live and work in the country for a designated period, with some visas potentially leading to permanent residency. Resident visas offer additional benefits, including access to state-funded public services, property ownership rights, and the ability to stay in New Zealand indefinitely.

Click to continue reading and see the 5 Easiest Countries To Immigrate To From US.

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Disclosure: none. 20 Easiest Countries To Immigrate To From US is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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