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20 Countries with the Lowest Slum Population in the World

In this article, we take a look at the 20 countries with the lowest slum population in the world. If you would like to skip our detailed analysis of slum populations, you can directly go to 5 Countries with the Lowest Slum Population in the World.

We have previously covered the definition of slums when discussing countries with the largest slum populations. In a nutshell, slums are impoverished urban areas that are densely populated and tightly packed. They are characterized by a lack of adequate fundamental services such as water and sanitation. For a more in-depth definition and analysis, you can take a look at our earlier article. According to UN-Habitat’s data, 24% of the world’s population lived in slums in 2018, which amounted to more than one billion people.

Why Do Slums Develop? 

According to the World Bank, rising conflicts can contribute to excessive pressure on cities, as 50% of forcibly displaced individuals find refuge in urban areas, often in slums and informal settlements. According to the Cities Alliance, slums develop due to two main reasons: rapid rural-to-urban migration and bad governance. The United Nations estimated that in 2022, 55% of the world’s population lived in urban areas. This accounts for over 4 billion people, which will double by 2050, by which time nearly seven in ten people will be living in cities (70% of the world’s total population).

However, the UN also estimates that at the same time, the slum population will increase to two billion as well, because rapid urbanization does contribute to growing slums and informal settlements. While the proportion of the slum population may decrease slightly as the population grows, the absolute number of slum dwellers will continue to rise. Today, 85% of the world’s slum-dwelling population is concentrated in Asia and Africa, leading many to believe that countries in the developed world have no slums. Even though slums may be less frequent and not as populated in the developed world, they still exist. In Europe and Northern America, over a million people live in slums, according to UN-Habitat. You can take a look at some of the countries with the largest slum population in Europe for more insights.

The World’s Largest Slums – Orangi Town, Pakistan 

In 2016, a report by the World Economic Forum reported that Dharavi in India was one of the largest slums in the world. Another major slum covered in the report is Orangi Town in Karachi, Pakistan, housing 2.4 million individuals. On October 13, 2016, Reuters published a report on the slums of Orangi Town. According to the report, Orangi is the largest slum in Asia, spread over almost 8,000 acres. The population started increasing exponentially when people migrated from East Pakistan after the 1971 war that turned East Pakistan into Bangladesh. Most houses have been built by the residents using locally manufactured concrete blocks. On average, a house has two to three rooms and is inhabited by eight to ten individuals.

Akhtar Hameed Khan, a Pakistani development expert and entrepreneur, launched the Orangi Pilot Project in 1980. The OPP aims to improve living conditions in the region through collaboration between local residents and experts from various organizations. In its first decade, the OPP had five successful basic programs: low-cost sanitation, housing, health, education, and credit for micro-enterprises. Within three decades, the program ensured that 90% of Orangi’s lanes and streets were fitted with sewer pipes, all of which were installed by residents.

OPP’s annual report from 2022 revealed that so far, the organization has replicated its low-cost sanitation model in 795 informal settlements around the country. From July 2021 to June 2022, OPP constructed 37 sewage lines in Orangi Town alone. The NGO has also installed eight waterlines in Gadap Town, another slum in Karachi. The organization is also running a food security program that offers training on kitchen gardening, which concerns growing vegetables at home. In 2022, the program trained 274 school children and 38 teachers under this program. Even though Pakistan continues to be one of the countries with the largest slum populations, OPP’s success is proof slum populations can improve through the commitment and efforts of local populations and dedicated experts.

Slum Upgrading and Corporate Partners 

Habitat for Humanity is an NGO working to provide affordable housing options to people living without homes or in inadequate housing, including slums. According to Habitat’s 2019 issue brief on slum upgrading, the organization has helped improve the living conditions of slum dwellers in Bangladesh, Brazil, and South Africa, impacting over 140,000 individuals. This work of slum upgrading cannot occur without the effort of corporate partners and their donations. Two organizations that have provided long-term considerable support to Habitat as legacy partners include Lowe’s Companies, Inc. (NYSE:LOW) and Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE:WFC).

Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE:WFC) has been a Habitat for Humanity partner for thirty years. In the fiscal year 2022, the company provided $7.75 million to the organization, helping more than 350 families repair or build affordable homes. Since 2010, Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE:WFC) and its Foundation have contributed $119 million to the NGO, which has gone to home construction and neighborhood revitalization efforts. More than 104,000 volunteers from Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE:WFC) have worked with the Habitat in their homebuilding projects.

Lowe’s Companies, Inc. (NYSE:LOW) has been partnering with the Habitat since 2003. Since then, the corporation has contributed $85 million to the NGO, helping 17,000 families improve their living conditions. On June 6, 2023, Habitat announced that Lowe’s Companies, Inc. (NYSE:LOW) had pledged $6 million for home repairs and rehabilitation across the US. The money will fund projects for the next two years. It will be distributed to 75 local chapters, which will utilize it to complete more than 400 projects across the country. During 2022, support from the company helped Habitat complete 680 projects in total.

While some countries have reduced their slum population through help from corporate partners, others have built strong policies to ensure that slums remain minimal. In this context, we have compiled a list of 20 countries with the largest slum populations in the world. You can also check out some of the countries with the largest rural populations.

20 Countries with the Lowest Slum Population in the World

Our Methodology

In order to compile this list, we have reviewed the 2018 UN-Habitat dataset for the proportion of slum populations as well as the dataset for the absolute population living in slums. The countries are ranked in descending order based on the proportion of the urban population living in slums. In order to tiebreak, we have utilized the absolute number of people living in slums. Further information has been added from Habitat for Humanity for the countries in which it has had a presence. Urban population, wherever mentioned, has been reported by the World Bank. Based on this methodology, here are 20 countries with the lowest slum population in the world.

20 Countries with the Lowest Slum Population in the World

20. Kyrgyzstan

Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 189,000

Proportion of Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 8.5%

Most slums in Kyrgyzstan were formed by people fleeing from other regions due to the collapse of the Soviet Union. A Habitat for Humanity chapter was established in the country in 1999, after which the chapter reported that 70% of the total population was either homeless or living in substandard homes. By 2018, the number had dropped to 8.5% of the urban population, making Kyrgyzstan one of the countries with the lowest slum populations in the world.

19. Bosnia and Herzegovina

Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 140,000

Proportion of Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 8.3%

Bosnia and Herzegovina has also been at the center of conflict during the 1990s, which is one of the elements that contribute to a buildup of slum populations. However, three decades down the line, the country ranks as one of the regions with the lowest slum populations in the world.

18. Armenia

Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 152,000

Proportion of Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 8.2%

Habitat for Humanity has been in Armenia since 2000, during which time the NGO has helped 6,000 low and middle-income families find affordable housing options. In the municipalities of Vayk and Spitak, Habitat has also provided renewable and efficient energy.

17. Tunisia

Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 643,000

Proportion of Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 8%

The Tunisian revolution of 2011 led to an expansion of slum areas after much of the middle class became unable to afford decent housing. Despite its past, Tunisia has recovered to become one of the countries with the lowest slum populations in the world, with just 8% of its urban population living in slums.

16. Spain

Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 2,907,000

Proportion of Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 7.8%

Even though Cañada Real in Spain is one of the largest slums in Europe, housing around 8,500 people, Spain is still one of the countries with the lowest slum populations in the world. This is a look into how much worse some dwellings are in some other countries.

15. Italy

Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 3,007,000

Proportion of Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 7.2%

In 2021, the New York Times reported that the worsening conditions of the pandemic had caused the Italian government to take action to develop the slums in Sicily. Governmental policies are one of the reasons why Italy has managed to keep its slum population at a minimum.

14. Türkiye

Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 4,320,000

Proportion of Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 7%

Türkiye has implemented several slum-upgrading projects over the years, which is why it ranks 14th on our list of countries with the lowest slum populations. In 2005, slums accounted for 25% of Türkiye’s urban population, but the number had decreased to 7% by 2018.

13. Cuba

Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 584,000

Proportion of Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 6.6%

Old Havana and Centro Havana are the two municipalities where most Cuban slums are present. In 2018, 6.6% of Cuba’s urban population lived in slums, making up around 584,000 people.

12. Macedonia

Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 77,000

Proportion of Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 6.4%

As reported by the World Bank, Macedonia is a small country with an urban population of only 1.2 million. It has only 77,000 people living in slums, which makes it one of the countries with the lowest slum populations in the world.

11. Austria

Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 311,000

Proportion of Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 6.1%

Austria has kept its slum population at a minimum through social housing policies, especially in the capital city of Vienna. In 2018, only 311,000 Austrian citizens had been living in slums, a number constant since 2016.

10. Suriname

Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 21,000

Proportion of Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 5.5%

In 2018, Suriname had an urban population of only 392,000, which is why only 21,000 people lived in urban slums. Suriname has one of the world’s smallest slum-dwelling populations, both in absolute numbers and in proportion.

9. Slovenia

Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 42,000

Proportion of Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 3.7%

Slovenia ranks ninth on our list of countries with the lowest slum populations. It is also one of the countries with the world’s lowest poverty rates, which showcases that most of the citizens in the country are living reasonably well.

8. Portugal

Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 242,000

Proportion of Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 3.6%

Habitat for Humanity has been present in Portugal since 1996. In 2019, the chapter helped 340 individuals and hosted 519 volunteers. Portugal is one of the countries with the lowest slum populations in the world due to such efforts.

7. Serbia

Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 177,000

Proportion of Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 3.6%

Serbia is one of the countries with the lowest slum populations in the world. 3.6% of its urban population lives in slums, which makes up around 177,000 people.

6. Costa Rica

Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 141,000

Proportion of Urban Population Living in Slums (2018): 3.6%

In 2005, Costa Rica had a slum population of 10.9. By 2014, it had dropped to 5.5, showing almost a 50% decrease in one decade. As per the latest reports from 2018, Costa Rica has 3.6% of its urban population living in slums, making it one of the countries with the lowest slum populations globally.

Click to continue reading and see the 5 Countries with the Lowest Slum Population in the World

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Disclaimer: None. 20 Countries with the Lowest Slum Population in the World is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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