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20 Countries with the Largest Rural Population in the World

In this article, we will take a look at the 20 countries with the largest rural population in the world. If you want to skip our discussion on the rural economy trends, you can go directly to the 5 Countries with the Largest Rural Population in the World.

According to the UN, the world is becoming increasingly urbanized, with over half of the population now living in cities. This trend is expected to continue, with around 2.5 billion more people projected to be added to urban residents by 2050 due to rural-urban migration and overall population increase. Much of this growth will be concentrated in Asia and Africa, particularly in India, China, and Nigeria. Consequently, the world’s rural population percentage will decline.

By definition, rural areas are vast open areas of land that have few homes and people. Rural areas are dominated by agriculture, with many residents working on farms or ranches. Small communities like hamlets, villages, and towns dot these regions. The majority of the world’s impoverished population resides in rural regions, with the majority sustaining themselves through farming. Improving agricultural productivity is important for tackling poverty. Furthermore, agricultural productivity growth is the key to driving changes in economic structure. You can check out the 20 Countries With the Highest Agricultural Population Density here.

Agricultural technology, such as drones, is increasingly being adopted in rural farming practices. It is expected that the agricultural drone market will expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.1% on average from 2023 to 2032. The promotion of precision agriculture shall be a major driving force behind the growth in this market. However, government regulations can have a negative impact on the market for agricultural drones. Major companies that are currently operating in this market space include AeroVironment, Inc. (NASDAQ:AVAV), AGCO Corporation (NYSE:AGCO), and AgEagle Aerial Systems, Inc. (NYSE:UAVS). As these companies innovate and adapt to the evolving agricultural landscape, they play a significant role in shaping the future of rural economies worldwide.

AeroVironment, Inc. (NASDAQ:AVAV) is a major supplier of drones, especially for military and security. However, it is now moving into the agricultural market also with a solid product called Quantix. The company donated good quantities of its drones to the agricultural departments of 35 US universities. This move shows the company’s commitment to research and innovation, as well as its willingness to invest in the field of precision agriculture.

AGCO Corporation (NYSE:AGCO), a well-regarded agricultural machinery company, is also investing in the field of agricultural drones. It recently launched a new brand, PTx, as a part of its precision agriculture product portfolio.

AgEagle Aerial Systems, Inc. (NYSE:UAVS) is another leading name when it comes to drones, sensors, and associated software solutions for customers globally. Recently, the Greek Ministry of Agriculture awarded a tender to ALVO, the company’s exclusive Value Added Reseller (VAR). The contract includes the purchase and deployment of 50 AgEagle RedEdge-P multispectral cameras mounted on drones for monitoring various agricultural activities.

Our Methodology

We have shortlisted 20 countries with the largest rural population in the world using estimates from the World Bank. The classifications provided by each country’s national statistical offices have been followed in defining rural populations. The countries have been ranked in ascending order of the rural population estimates as of 2022.

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Let’s begin our list of the rural population by country.

20 Countries with the Largest Rural Population in the World

20. Sudan

Rural Population: 30,020,115

Sudan, a Northeast African country, has a young and largely rural population.  Over two-thirds of Sudanese live in rural areas, and a significant portion (62%) are younger than 25. This trend is reflected in the country’s high population growth rate of 2.5% per year. Agriculture is the backbone of rural Sudan, providing sustenance for most of the rural population (around two-thirds) and contributing significantly to the country’s GDP.

19. Afghanistan

Rural Population: 30,181,937

Afghanistan, a landlocked country at the crossroads of Central and South Asia, is characterized by its rural population and agricultural economy.  With 71% of its population living in rural areas and 5% practicing nomadic pastoralism, Afghanistan’s economy relies heavily on agriculture and animal husbandry. Subsistence farming and livestock farming are the mainstays of Afghanistan’s GDP. The country has amongst the highest fertility rates in Asia, contributing to its population density of 65 people per square kilometer.

18. Thailand

Rural Population: 33,777,188

Thailand, a Southeast Asian country, retains a strong rural character despite urbanization. Wet rice cultivation remains the primary agricultural activity, and many Thais choose village life even in modern times. Settlement types in the country vary geographically. Northeastern villages cluster on high ground near rice fields, while the north features hill settlements similar to the northeast’s nucleated villages. However, poverty is more prevalent in rural areas, with 79% of the poor residing in agricultural households.

17. Uganda

Rural Population: 34,889,566

Uganda, a landlocked East African country, has a largely rural population. Over three-quarters (73.84%) of Ugandans live in rural areas, contributing to a high national fertility rate and a population growth exceeding the global average. Agriculture is the cornerstone of Uganda’s economy, employing a significant portion of the workforce (two-thirds) and driving roughly half of the country’s export earnings. This focus on improving agricultural productivity has sustained growth in rural Uganda.

16. Russia

Rural Population: 35,877,495

Russia, the world’s largest country, stretches across Eastern Europe and North Asia. Despite its vast size, a significant portion of its population, around 36.8 million people, resides in rural areas. Agriculture is the lifeblood of these communities, with wheat, barley, maize, and other grains like rye, oats, and rice being the main food crops. Forage production, which provides food for livestock, is another important branch of Russia’s agricultural sector.

15. Myanmar

Rural Population: 36,965,999

Myanmar is a Southeast Asian country. Myanmar’s rural population was recorded at 36,965,999 in 2022, marking a 0.23% increase from the previous year. Myanmar’s rural areas are home to around 70% of the country’s 54 million inhabitants. These communities rely heavily on agriculture for their livelihoods, with crop production, fisheries, and livestock farming being the mainstays of their income. Around 51% of the country’s total labor force lives in rural areas.

14. Kenya

Rural Population: 38,358,435

Kenya is an East African country with a predominantly rural population. Over 75% of Kenya’s population lives in rural areas, where around half of the population faces poverty. Maize is one of Kenya’s staple foods. It is cultivated on around 90% of Kenyan farms. Kenya is among the top 15 countries with the largest rural population in the world.

13. Tanzania

Rural Population: 41,471,864

Tanzania is a country located in East Africa. Around 63.32% of the country’s population is rural. Agriculture is a dominant force in Tanzania, employing around 65.3% of the country’s households. Crop farming is the most widespread activity in the country, practiced by 65% of agricultural households.  The remaining 33% combine crop cultivation with livestock keeping.

12. Congo, Democratic Republic

Rural Population: 52,636,799

The Democratic Republic of the Congo has a predominantly rural landscape. Scattered villages dot the countryside, housing more than half of the Congolese population. The agriculture sector employs over 60% of Congo’s workforce. Sugarcane and tobacco are the major crops grown. Palm kernels, cacao, and coffee are also cultivated in reasonable amounts, as are rice, bananas, and cotton. Cattle ranching is also practiced in rural Congo.

11. United States

Rural Population: 56,378,923

Rural America is home to about 1 in 5 residents, or around 17.9% of the country’s total population. Agriculture forms the backbone of these communities, driving the economies of many rural areas. Corn, wheat, soybeans, cotton, and hay are the major players, accounting for around 90% of harvested land in the United States.

10. Philippines

 Rural Population: 60,117,263

The Philippines’ rural population was recorded at over 60 million in 2022. Given the country’s mountainous terrain and tropical climate, subsistence farming and fishing are among the primary sources of livelihood for rural communities. The Philippines is at the tenth position on our list of countries with the largest rural population in the world.

9. Vietnam

Rural Population: 60,123,739

Vietnam is a Southeast Asian country. Around 66% of Vietnam’s population lives in rural areas across the country. Roughly 30 million people in this country hover near the poverty line. This economic vulnerability disproportionately affects ethnic minority groups, who make up a larger share of the poor and extremely poor. Almost 70% of the rural Vietnamese population is dependent on agriculture as its source of livelihood, with rice being the staple crop cultivated.

8. Egypt, Arab Republic

Rural Population: 63,300,985

Around 56% of the Egypt’s population is rural. The country’s agricultural sector provides 55% of the total population with livelihoods and directly employs 30% of the workforce. This sector is a major contributor to the Egyptian economy, responsible for 15-20% of the GDP.

7. Ethiopia

Rural Population: 95,420,799

Ethiopia, situated in the Horn of Africa, is a landlocked country in East Africa. The majority of Ethiopia’s population resides in rural areas, accounting for nearly 80% of the total population. Almost 67% of Ethiopians practice agriculture, mainly in the form of subsistence and rain-fed farming and livestock production.

6. Nigeria

Rural Population: 101,575,770

Nigeria is a West African country. The rural population makes up 46.48% of the country’s total population. Maize and yam are among the major crops farmed in Nigeria, where a significant 70% of households are involved in crop production.

Click to continue reading and see the 5 Countries with the Largest Rural Population in the World.

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Disclosure: None. 20 Countries with the Largest Rural Population in the World is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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