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20 Countries With The Best Architecture

In this article, we look at 20 countries with the best architecture. You can skip our detailed analysis on how we ranked these countries, and head over directly to the 5 Countries With The Best Architecture.

Countries can be shaped by many factors. Ranging from food, culture, environment, and others. However, it is architecture that defines a place in the most distinct manner. What separates architecture from construction is the art and design involved in building something which serves not just practical requirements, but also meets expressive and aesthetic ends.

The global architectural services market size has an estimated value of $376 billion in 2023, which is expected to further grow at 4.8% annually to reach $523 billion by 2030. These projections have been made by Research and Markets in one of their recent publications. Much of this demand is driven by high rates of urbanization in countries like Brazil, India, and South Korea, due to an increased need for smart homes.

On the other hand, we have witnessed some astonishing architectural marvels in the 21st century, adding to the architectural richness that still exists from older times, and has been well preserved. Dubai’s Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, and the Museum of the Future, are some of the finest works of modern architecture in the 21st century, while the Colosseum, the largest amphitheater in the world built between C.E. 70 and 72, still attracts over 6 million tourists every year.

Governments spend heavily on preserving their heritage and history, and on constructing new modern architectural wonders that become a signature of their identity. Gensler, Nikken Seiki, AECOM (NYSE:ACM), Perkins & Will, and HDR are some of the largest companies in the industry that help them do that.

Gensler is the largest architecture firm in the US. In 2021, the company generated $1.235 billion in revenues, the highest for any other company in the industry in the US. Gensler has undertaken several projects, ranging from designing Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s first ever retail store to constructing the new Terminal One building at the JFK International Airport for a $9.5 billion deal. Interior of The New York Times Company (NYSE:NYT)’s building completed in 2007 was also designed by Gensler. The New York Times Company (NYSE:NYT) building is considered one of the most prominent icons of New York City.

American infrastructure consulting firm AECOM (NYSE:ACM) has also completed several prominent mega projects in the last decade. It designed parks for the London and Rio Olympic Games in 2012 and 2016, respectively, and is also working on a similar project for Los Angeles 2028.

AECOM (NYSE:ACM) also builds infrastructure facilities for the U.S. Air Force, and won a $2 billion contract in 2021 to provide design and construction planning services for the Architect-Engineer NEXT Program. Other completed projects of AECOM (NYSE:ACM) include Abu Dhabi’s Etihad Towers, Taizhou Bridge in China, the Colombo South Container Terminal in Sri Lanka, and London’s Crossrail.

An increasing number of corporations have shifted focus on architecture while building their offices, and each tells a different story. Apple Park, the headquarter of Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) located in Cupertino, is a circular design reminiscent of a spaceship, with 80% of the site covered in green plantation, including indigenous drought-resistant trees. In complete contrast to Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s ring-line design is Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG)’s head office, which presents a much more sober outlook, and does not make much impact on the city’s skyline.


We have ranked countries with the best architecture using analysis and data released by various websites that cover travel and architecture. These included Conde Nast Traveler’s 2017 article The World’s 20 Best Cities for Architecture LoversTravel Channel’s World’s Top Architecture Cities, Top Destinations For Architecture Fans To Visit by The Roam Wild, 10 Cities For Architectural Enthusiasts by Suitcase Magazine, and TopTen’s list of Countries with the Best Architecture, among others.

Consensus method has been followed. Countries were ranked based on the number of times their cities were listed in our sources. If a country’s cities were listed in only one of our sources, it received a score of 1; if in two, then a score of 2, and so on. In case of countries having the same score, tiebreaking was done on the basis of which country was outranking the other in our sources.

Norma Martiri/

Let’s head over to the list of countries with the best architecture.

20. Serbia

Score: 1

From medieval times to modernity, much of Serbia’s architecture is built around its rich history and culture. Some of the main architectural sites to visit in Serbia include the St. Sava Temple; Saint Petka’s Chapel; The Belgrade Fortress, which receives more than two million visitors annually; the monument of Prince Mihailo; and St. George’s Church in Oplenac.

19. Poland

Score: 1

Poland outranked Serbia on weighted scores that were used as a tiebreaker. The country located in Central Europe is home to some of the most prominent Baroque architectural structures, such as the Wilanow Palace in Warsaw, and Branicki Palace in  Bialystok. Neoclassical architectural buildings are also in abundance in Poland.

18. Israel

Score: 2

“White City” in Israel’s Tel Aviv contains 4,000 International Style buildings that were constructed for Jewish immigrants fleeing persecution in Europe during the 1930s and 1940s. The place is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and was built by Bauhaus-trained architects. The country is also home to ancient sites in Jerusalem with religious value for Abrahamic religions.

17. Egypt

Score: 2

Egypt’s architectural history spans over three thousand years and civilizations going through constant change. The country is known for its pyramids, fortresses, excavated temples, tombs, and palaces.

16. Vietnam

Score: 2

French Colonial is the architecture style that is common across Vietnam. It is also reflected in the government buildings in Hanoi, including the Presidential Palace, which was completed in 1906. Another architectural masterpiece in the city is the Hanoi Opera House, that reminds of French rule in Vietnam.

15. Denmark

Score: 2

Denmark is one of the happiest countries in the world, and that reflects in its architecture. Buildings in the country are not just beautiful, but are built with environmental sustainability in mind. Some of the world’s most prominent architects like Henning Larsen have left their mark on the city’s architectural marvels. The Copenhagen Opera House and Christiansborg Palace are major attractions of the capital city.

14. France

Score: 2

France is one of the most architecturally rich countries in the world, and is home to marvels like the Notre Dame Cathedral symbolic of French Gothic culture and the Eiffel Tower in Paris, which has become synonymous with the French identity. Other notable architectural buildings include the Louvre Pyramid and La Grande Arche de la Defense, among others. The French architecture has been inspired by the Italian Renaissance in its early days, and later adopted its own distinct French style.

13. Germany

Score: 2

Germany is ranked number one on The Top Ten’s list of the world’s best countries by architecture. One of the most prominent pieces of architecture in modern times in Germany is Reichstag, which is the home of the German parliament. Other structures of architectural interest include the Atles Museum and Das Rotes Rathaus. German architecture is a fine blend of Gothic, Romanesque, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical and Modern styles of architecture.

12. Morocco

Score: 3

Morocco is a great place to visit for enthusiasts of the Moorish style of architecture. Interior courtyards, clay walls, open gardens, skylights, and the mosques and its minarets are a distinct culture which you will only find in Morocco.

11. United Kingdom

Score: 3

From medieval landmark heritage to modern designs, the United Kingdom has a rich architectural history that has evolved over time and gone through various phases and styles, including Tudor, Baroque, Elizabethan, Victorian, and post world war, among others. There are many prominent buildings and places in the kingdom that leave visitors awestruck. Perhaps, the most famous of them being Oxford’s 19th century Gothic skyline.

10. Russia

Score: 3

Russia’s architecture is known to be associated with the Byzantine revival, Muscovite, and neoclassical styles, with some influence of the Soviet Union era as well. One of the most stunning landmarks in the country is the Catherine Palace in St. Petersburg, which drew inspiration from the Rocco movement in Italy during the 18h century, with its light blue and pale colors signifying a light-hearted secular theme.

9. Turkey

Score: 4

Located between Asia and Europe, Turkey has its status of being the melting pot of cultures. This mix of cultures has allowed the country to have a grand setting in terms of architecture. Historically, its architecture was heavily influenced by the Suljuk and Ottoman dynasties, with mosques and tombs being the landmark of Turkish cities which still remain. However, there has been a shift towards modern, nationalistic architecture since the country became a republic in 1923.

8. Brazil

Score: 4

Brazil’s architecture amalgamates pre-Columbian indigenous influences and baroque styles brought by Portuguese colonizers. Modern styles have begun to emerge, however, starting with the government building a new capital city, Brasilia, in what was a barren region. Today, buildings built with concrete and glass adorn the skyline. Prominent, futurist architectural marvels include the residence of the President, and office of the Attorney General.

7. India

Score: 4

India has a diverse history and culture which is reflected in its architecture. The architecture is influenced heavily by Mughal, Rajput, and the Indo-Saracenic variations. The Taj Mahal in Agra, which is a symbol of love and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is visited annually by between 7-8 million tourists. Chandigarh, in Punjab, is another region of India that excites enthusiasts of modern architecture. The Indian government, after independence in 1947, tasked Le Corbusier, a Swiss modernist, to design a progressive and modern city. It is India’s first planned city.

6. China

Score: 4

Tiebreaker Weight: 0.9

China is one of the top countries in architecture. It is home to one of the world’s greatest landmarks, The Great Wall of China. Other prominent pieces of architecture in the country include The Temple of Heaven and The Tiananmen Square in Beijing. It is also known for its palaces and temples focused on bilateral symmetry, open spaces, and mythology.

Click to continue reading and see the 5 Countries With The Best Architecture.

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Disclosure: None. 20 Countries With The Best Architecture is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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