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20 Countries with Most Credit Card Debt in the World

In this article, we will be taking a look at the 20 Countries with Most Credit Card Debt in the World. You can also take a detailed look at the 5 Countries with Most Credit Card Debt in the World.

The use of credit cards has become increasingly prevalent, shaping the financial behaviors of individuals and economies worldwide. As consumers seek convenience and flexibility in their transactions, credit card usage has soared, leading to a significant rise in the levels of credit card debt across the globe. This trend highlights a complex interplay between consumer spending habits, economic factors, and financial policies that have profound implications for individuals, businesses, and governments alike.

The global use of credit cards has been on the rise in recent years. In fact, the total number of credit cards in circulation worldwide reached an astounding 6.8 billion in 2020, representing a significant increase from previous years. This surge in credit card usage can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, advancements in technology and the digitization of financial services have made it easier than ever for consumers to access credit. With the advent of online banking and mobile payment platforms, individuals can now apply for credit cards and make transactions with just a few taps on their smartphones. Additionally, the widespread adoption of credit cards by sellers and retailers has further incentivized their use, as consumers are often offered exclusive discounts and rewards for using plastic over cash.

However, the rise in credit card usage has also brought about a corresponding increase in credit card debt. As consumers embrace the convenience of credit cards, many find themselves caught in a cycle of overspending and debt accumulation. The total amount of credit card debt in the US reached nearly $1 trillion in 2019-20, highlighting the magnitude of the issue. Macroeconomic factors also play a significant role in driving credit card debt levels. In countries where interest rates are low and access to credit is abundant, consumers may be more inclined to borrow and spend freely.

Let’s now head over to the list of the 20 countries with the most credit card debt in the world.


To shortlist the 20 Countries with Most Credit Card Debt in the World, we consulted credible sources like Card Rates, TransUnion, Finder, and Federal Reserve Survey of Consumer Finances to gain information on the use of credit cards in different countries. We used Card Rates’s data of average credit card debt for each country, as of late 2023. For countries whose data was not mentioned on that platform, other aforementioned sources were used to derive the data. All data was converted to USD to maintain uniformity and to ensure fair ranking.

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20 Countries with Most Credit Card Debt in the World

20. Ireland

Median Credit Card Debt: $1,534

Ireland, a country known for its robust economy and high standard of living, also experiences significant credit card debt among its citizens. With a median credit card debt of $1,534, many Irish households rely on credit cards to manage their finances. Despite efforts by the government and financial institutions to promote responsible borrowing, the ease of obtaining credit cards and the allure of rewards and cashback incentives often lead to overspending. 

19. Canada

Median Credit Card Debt: $1,604

Canada is 19th on the list of 20 countries with the most credit card debt. The credit card debt here remains a significant financial concern for many households. Factors such as rising living costs, stagnant wage growth, and increasing reliance on credit for daily expenses contribute to the accumulation of credit card debt. Additionally, low minimum monthly payments and high-interest rates can trap individuals in a cycle of debt, making it challenging to repay balances in full. 

18. France

Median Credit Card Debt: $1,616

Despite its reputation for prudent financial management, France faces challenges related to credit card debt among its citizens. With a median credit card debt of $1,616, French households grapple with the temptation of easy credit and the allure of consumer goods and services. While credit cards offer convenience and flexibility, overspending and high-interest rates can lead to financial strain for individuals and families. Economic uncertainty, such as job loss or unexpected expenses, can exacerbate debt problems, making it difficult for individuals to regain financial stability. 

17. China

Median Credit Card Debt: $1,728

As China’s economy continues to grow and urbanize, credit card usage has become increasingly prevalent among its expanding middle class. With a median credit card debt of $1,728, Chinese consumers face challenges associated with managing their finances in a rapidly changing economic landscape. The expansion of credit card offerings by banks and financial institutions has fueled consumer spending, particularly among the emerging middle class. However, inadequate financial education and a lack of understanding about credit card terms and interest rates contribute to debt accumulation among individuals. 

16. Austria

Median Credit Card Debt: $1,795

Austria, known for its stable economy and high quality of life, also grapples with credit card debt among its citizens. With a median credit card debt of $1,795, Austrian households navigate the challenges of managing finances in a modern consumer-driven society. While credit cards offer convenience and purchasing power, they also pose risks, particularly when used irresponsibly. 

15. Belgium

Median Credit Card Debt: $1,795

In Belgium, credit card debt is a common financial concern among its citizens. With a median credit card debt of $1,795, many Belgians rely on credit cards for daily expenses and larger purchases. While credit cards offer convenience and flexibility, they also present risks when mismanaged. Overspending, high-interest rates, and fees can quickly accumulate, leading to financial strain for individuals and families. Economic factors such as job loss or unexpected expenses can exacerbate debt problems, making it challenging for people to regain financial stability. Belgium, therefore, lands on the list of the top 20 countries with the most credit card debt.

14. South Korea

Median Credit Card Debt: $1,815

South Korea’s economy has experienced rapid growth in recent decades, leading to increased consumer spending and credit card usage. With a median credit card debt of $1,815, many South Korean households rely on credit cards to finance their daily expenses and lifestyle choices. The proliferation of credit card offerings from various financial institutions, coupled with aggressive marketing tactics, has contributed to the widespread adoption of credit cards. However, this has also led to challenges related to debt accumulation and financial stress among individuals and families. 

13. Hong Kong

Median Credit Card Debt: $1,935

Hong Kong, a global financial hub, also faces challenges related to credit card debt among its residents. With a median credit card debt of $1,935, many Hong Kongers rely on credit cards for daily expenses, dining, entertainment, and travel. The convenience and purchasing power offered by credit cards make them a popular payment method. However, high living costs, coupled with low savings rates and a culture of consumerism, contribute to debt accumulation among individuals and families. 

12. Norway

Median Credit Card Debt: $1,964

Norway, known for its high standard of living and robust social welfare system, also grapples with credit card debt among its population. With a median credit card debt of $1,964, many Norwegians rely on credit cards for convenience and purchasing power. However, easy access to credit, coupled with rising living costs, can lead to overspending and debt accumulation. 

11. Germany

Median Credit Card Debt: $2,052

Germany, Europe’s largest economy, also faces challenges related to credit card debt among its citizens. With a median credit card debt of $2,052, many Germans rely on credit cards for online purchases, travel, and emergencies. However, credit card usage remains relatively low compared to other countries, with cash and debit cards being more popular payment methods. High-interest rates and fees associated with credit cards can exacerbate financial strain, particularly for those with lower incomes or unstable employment. However, the government is taking initiatives to promote financial literacy, regulate lending practices, and provide resources for debt management to help Germans achieve greater financial well-being.

10. Netherlands

Median Credit Card Debt: $2,122

The Netherlands, known for its progressive social policies and strong economy, also grapples with credit card debt among its residents. With a median credit card debt of $2,122, many Dutch households rely on credit cards for convenience and flexibility in their financial transactions. However, the ease of obtaining credit, coupled with a culture of consumerism and rising living costs, can lead to overspending and debt accumulation. 

9. Singapore

Median Credit Card Debt: $2,241

Singapore, often lauded for its financial prowess and economic stability, faces the challenge of credit card debt among its residents. With a median credit card debt of $2,241, many Singaporeans find themselves entangled in the allure of credit card convenience. The city-state’s affluent lifestyle and bustling consumer culture contribute to the widespread use of credit cards for everything from daily transactions to luxury purchases. 

8. Denmark

Median Credit Card Debt: $2,288

In Denmark, renowned for its progressive social policies and high quality of life, credit card debt is a pertinent financial concern. With a median credit card debt of $2,288, many Danes navigate the fine line between financial convenience and fiscal responsibility. The Danish penchant for hygge, or cozy living, often involves indulgences that may extend beyond one’s means, driving credit card usage. Government initiatives promote fiscal responsibility, while consumer protection laws ensure fair lending practices, fostering a culture of financial well-being among Danes.

7. United Kingdom

Median Credit Card Debt: $2,316

The United Kingdom, a global economic powerhouse with a rich cultural heritage, grapples with the pervasive issue of credit card debt. With a median credit card debt of $2,316, many Britons find themselves balancing the convenience of credit cards with the burden of debt repayment. Consumerism, coupled with rising living costs and stagnant wages, exacerbates the problem, making it challenging for individuals to stay afloat financially. 

6. Finland

Median Credit Card Debt: $2,375

In Finland, celebrated for its high quality of life and innovative social policies, credit card debt poses a significant challenge for many households. With a median credit card debt of $2,375, Finns grapple with the temptation of easy credit in a society that values financial independence and stability. The Finnish way of life, characterized by a strong work-life balance and a deep connection to nature, may sometimes be at odds with the consumerist tendencies that drive credit card usage. 

Click to continue reading and see the 5 Countries with Most Credit Card Debt in the World.

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Disclosure: none. 20 Countries with Most Credit Card Debt in the World is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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