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20 Countries With Highest Rate Of Down Syndrome

In this detailed article, we’ll talk about 20 countries with the highest rate of down syndrome. You can skip our analysis on progress in corporate healthcare sector on this front and go to 8 Countries With Highest Rate Of Down Syndrome

Each year, around 6,000 babies are born with Down syndrome across the globe, which accounts for 1 in 700 babies born according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Currently, Ireland tops the countries with the highest rate of Down syndrome prevalence, as its incidence of the syndrome is reported to be 27.5 per 10,000 live births. Such a high disease incidence rate in the country has been linked to higher maternal age since the likelihood of having a child with DS significantly increases in women over the age of 35. 

Other countries with a high Down syndrome occurrence are Norway and Malta, with DS prevalence rates of 24.9 and 20, respectively. As pregnancy termination is illegal in Malta in all circumstances, even if an unborn baby is diagnosed with Down syndrome prenatally, the parents are not allowed to terminate it. Consequently, the country is struggling with a high DS incidence of 24.9 per 10,000 live births. 

If we talk about the US, every 1 in 1000 babies born in the country had Down syndrome in 2002. However, the incidence dropped to 1 in 1,200 babies by 2008, and the country’s DS occurrence percentage is 9 per 10,000 live births as of current.

In stark contrast, Iceland and Denmark, with the help of advanced prenatal screening programs, reported near-zero birth rates of DS, with 100% and 97% termination rates for prenatally diagnosed DS pregnancies respectively.

As a result of better care facilities, the average lifespan of Down syndrome patients has increased from 10 years to 47 years between 1960 and 2010s. Moreover, according to United Nations’ health guidelines, people with Down syndrome can lead better lives provided they have prenatal care, medical guidance, and community support. 

Speaking of community support for those suffering from health conditions, we have already covered 20 Countries with the Highest Rate of Dementia; give this insightful overview a read.

Impact Of Prenatal Screening and Elective Termination on Down Syndrome

According to the Down Syndrome Population Organization, there are 10.1 children per 10,000 live births with Down syndrome in Europe. While for Australia, the figure stands at 8.6 per 10,000 live births, owing to the advancement in prenatal screening. However, without elective termination, the current DS prevalence in Europe would have been 21.7 per 10,000 births. 

Ever since advanced prenatal screening became accessible, a significant number of pregnancies with Down syndrome have been diagnosed in Australia and consequently terminated. Births with Down Syndrome in Australia have reduced by 66% since the 1970s. 

So if it wasn’t for elective pregnancy termination after a prenatal screening, which shows that the fetus is growing with a chromosomal abnormality, there would have been 23,156 people with Down Syndrome in Australia. But because of timely diagnosis and the availability of safe pregnancy termination, the current Down Syndrome population is 13,426 in the country. Although the current number has gone up from 2,852 people with the syndrome in 1950, it’s still progress, given the nation’s population surge between the 1950s and 2020s. 

However, not all children born with Down syndrome are diagnosed prenatally because of a lack of screening availability or the expectant parents’ unwillingness to choose screening. In the aspect of state-of-the-art prenatal testing, Illumina Inc (NASDAQ:ILMN) is doing well with DNA sequencing and array-based technologies to bring down the incidence levels in countries with the highest rate of Down syndrome. 

Illumina Inc (NASDAQ:ILMN)’s sequencing technology powers many non-invasive prenatal tests (NIPTs) used to screen common chromosomal abnormalities, including Down Syndrome. These tests look for genetic material from the baby in the mother’s blood and can be done early on in the pregnancy. Illumina Inc (NASDAQ:ILMN) also owns Verinata Health Inc, a company that developed the Verifi prenatal test to diagnose Edwards syndrome, Down syndrome, and Patau syndrome, among other aneuploidies (chromosome disorders). 

The reduction of Down syndrome in live birth rates is influenced by the number of people choosing prenatal testing, the accuracy of the screening test results, and parents’ decisions if there is a timely prenatal diagnosis. Another name making diagnosis easier for expectant parents is Natera Inc (NASDAQ:NTRA) which has developed non-invasive methods to analyze tiny amounts of DNA, including fetal DNA in pregnant women. Natera Inc (NASDAQ:NTRA) offers the Panorama test, a blood-based genetic test that screens common genetic abnormalities, including Down syndrome. Other diagnostic tests developed by Natera Inc (NASDAQ:NTRA) are Vasistera and Single-Gene NIPT.

20 Countries With Highest Rate Of Down Syndrome

Our Methodology 

We ranked countries with the highest rates of Down syndrome based on the syndrome’s prevalence per 10,000 people in the said countries’ populations. The prevalence of Down syndrome refers to the total number of existing cases (both new and old) in a specified population at a given time. Our sources to find the prevalence of Down syndrome in the world were WHO, European Health Information Gateway, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Down Syndrome Population Organization’s Europe and Australia Fact Sheets, Nature Journal, and, among others. Notably, some sources discuss Down syndrome rate by country out of 100,000 live births while others prefer the 10,000 scale. Therefore, to keep things straightforward and explain the condition’s occurrence, we ranked the countries’ incidence out of 10,000 live births. Put simply, if a country’s incidence is 20 in 10,000, it implies that out of every 10,000 babies born there, 20 have Down syndrome. 

Based on our data, here are 20 countries with the highest rate of Down syndrome:

20. Australia 

Down Syndrome Prevalence Incidence: 8.6 in 10,000

Down syndrome is a significant public health concern in Australia, affecting approximately one in every 1,100-1,200 births. The Australian government, through a partnership with Down Syndrome Australia, has developed policies to improve the quality of life of individuals with Down syndrome. The government’s strategies include early intervention services, inclusive education initiatives, and vocational programs that encourage self-sufficiency. The country also leads in research in the field of non-invasive prenatal screening that can enhance early DS detection and informed decision-making. 

19. Hungary 

Down Syndrome Prevalence Incidence: 8.97 in 10,000

Hungary is one of the countries with highest pravelence of down syndrome. Consistent efforts have been made in Hungary to address Down syndrome at medical and societal levels. The country has reliable prenatal screening programs to facilitate early diagnosis, owing to its strong health infrastructure. Some concerted initiatives are also dedicated to improving the quality of life for individuals with DS through accessible educational resources and specialized care. Notably, a focus on inclusivity in schools and workplaces is contributing to reducing stigmatization and enhancing societal integration for those with DS.

18. United States 

Down Syndrome Prevalence Incidence: 9 in 10,000

Down syndrome affects 1 in every 900 live births in the US. That’s the reason National organizations like the National Down Syndrome Society have been instrumental in improving access to healthcare for DS affectees. Moreover, legislation like the Achieving a Better Life Experience Act offers financial support to make independent living possible for those with disabilities. 

17. Albania 

Down Syndrome Prevalence Incidence: 9.02 in 10,000

The Albanian government has introduced specialized training for medical professionals to provide accurate diagnosis and betterment strategies for Down syndrome. Plus, non-profit organizations such as Down Syndrome Albania Foundation advocate for the rights of individuals with Down syndrome to include them in regular life sectors. But despite these advances, Albania is confronted with the challenge of ensuring equitable access to these services, particularly in rural areas.

16. North Macedonia

Down Syndrome Prevalence Incidence: 9.64 in 10,000

Down syndrome incidence rate in North Macedonia is 9.64 per 10,000 live births and is recognized as a significant health concern. Therefore, the country’s National Health Care System provides a multi-disciplinary approach to contain this chromosomal condition. Its services span healthcare professionals, educationalists, and social workers. Some local non-profit organizations like Down Syndrome Center, in Skopje, also supplement the government’s efforts with resources by initiating DS-specific educational programs and family support projects. 

15. United Kingdom

Down Syndrome Prevalence Incidence: 10.1 in 10,000

Down syndrome affects one in every 1,000 live births in the UK. The nation is known for its advanced healthcare system and offers sound medical and support services for those with Down syndrome. National organizations like the Down’s Syndrome Association provide resources and advocacy. Advances in medical care have shifted the narrative from disability to ability and inclusion for DS sufferers. 

14. Finland 

Down Syndrome Prevalence Incidence: 10.2 in 10,000 

In Finland, Down syndrome affects approximately one in 1000 births, attributable to the country’s practice of less aggressive prenatal screening. Also, there’s a philosophical emphasis on respecting diversity of life in the nation which stops elective termination from becoming a norm in prenatally diagnosed conditions. Luckily, the country’s legislation promotes the inclusion of specially-abled people in all aspects of life, so those dealing with this lifelong condition get sufficient representation. 

13. Switzerland

Down Syndrome Prevalence Incidence: 11 in 10,000 

The prevalence of Down syndrome is 11 in 10,000 in Switzerland. Although the country provides high-quality medical facilities for individuals with Down syndrome, the incidence remains a concern. Unlike some European counterparts, Switzerland has an extensive prenatal screening program, and a high percentage of pregnancies diagnosed with Down syndrome are terminated. These terminations lead to lower live birth rates of Down syndrome babies. 

12. Russia

Down Syndrome Prevalence Incidence: 11.5 in 10,000 

Down syndrome is a common genetic disorder in Russia with an incidence similar to global averages, i.e., roughly 1 in every 1,100-1,200 live births. Sadly, societal stigmas still persist in the country, which has resulted in underreporting and, often, institutionalization of DS. Recent years have seen advancements in awareness and the government now implements inclusive education laws.  

11. Romania

Down Syndrome Prevalence Incidence: 11.6 in 10,000

According to WHO, Romania has an incidence rate of 1 in 1,000 live births for Down syndrome. Other concerning conditions that are prevalent in the country are Wilson disease, syndromic PID, and single-gene defects, among others. Access to specialized healthcare services and diagnostic programs for individuals with Down syndrome has been a crucial focus in the country’s efforts to curtail the situation.  

10. Netherlands

Down Syndrome Prevalence Incidence: 11.9 in 10,000 

Down syndrome is a significant health concern in the Netherlands, impacting about 12 in 10,000 births. Luckily, prenatal screening has been universally offered in the country since 2007 and has increased detection rates. Despite this, the stigma persists in the nation and prompts ongoing initiatives for public awareness and advocacy.

9. Germany 

Down Syndrome Prevalence Incidence: 12.2 in 10,000  

The incidence rate of Down syndrome is 12.2 in 10,000 live births in Germany. Although the introduction of prenatal screening has made this condition’s detection easier, elective termination rates remain relatively low. Interestingly, Germany’s healthcare and social systems prioritize inclusion and support the integration of DS sufferers into mainstream society. 

Click to continue reading 8 Countries With Highest Rate Of Down Syndrome.

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Disclosure: None. 20 Countries With Highest Rate Of Down Syndrome is originally published at Insider Monkey.

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