In this article, we will take a look at the 20 countries that watch the most porn in 2023.
When you are caught watching porn on your phone’s incognito tab, a humorous defense is that you are merely de-stressing and releasing happy hormones. According to a study, porn can indeed be a stress-relieving pastime that aids in the release of these hormones. The longest Millennial porn session, according to PornHub, lasts 9 minutes, while the average age of young people having their first sexual experience is 17. Zimbardo et al. believe that this means the average boy has had approximately 1,400 porn sessions prior to having real-life sex.
But in keeping with the adage that too much of a good thing is bad, this also holds true for watching porn. A Qualitative Study of Problematic Porn Use found that while pornography has been shown to have a positive influence, most research indicates problematic, obsessive, or excessive pornography usage and the related negative impacts on well-being. Pornography addiction was regularly portrayed as dangerous and detrimental in both experiences and attitudes. Despite experiencing negative consequences, the majority of individuals reported an inability to stop using. A progressive increase in the usage and consumption of new or more frightening content was widely noted. Content consumption was defined as an escape or coping method for bad feelings or boredom.
After all, watching porn is an individual and subjective choice. Adults need to handle it responsibly; otherwise, they can find themselves in an unwelcome blurred situation similar to the films they are watching on porn sites.
The 20 Countries that Watch the Most Porn in 2023 will be covered in this article. Do you want to know if your country is included? Check out the list below to see if you are a proud contributor to your country.

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Our Methodology
Pornhub publishes an annual report on the countries with the highest number of visitors of their website. This site, which is the most popular among the others, has been used to determine which countries will be included on the list. Pornhub’s assessment from 2018 to 2022 (1, 2, 3, 4) was taken and studied to determine the 20 Countries that Watch the Most Porn in 2023. To further illustrate why these countries deserve a spot on the list, a number of studies and research projects were also looked into.
20 Countries that Watch the Most Porn in 2023
20. Chile
One study found that searching the Internet and, in particular, watching pornography were identified as means of learning about diverse sexual actions in Chile. Males described pornography as normal but maybe only acceptable up to a certain age, whereas females considered it forbidden. In contrast to the contemptuous attitude of the females, the researchers concluded that there was a greater level of reflection and positivity toward pornography as a source of information about graphic sexual behaviors.
19. Sweden
The findings of research aimed at determining the frequency of pornography consumption in Sweden revealed that 68.7% of males and 27.0% of females reported using pornography. 17.2% of boys between the ages of 16 and 24 used pornography daily or nearly daily, 24.7% did so on a weekly basis, and 23.7% did so sometimes. Pornography use drops with age in both men and women.
18. Argentina
Argentinian ‘women’ appear to be in fourth place among visitors to that gate, per the 2022 Pornhub Review. Pornography use among Argentine women has increased over the years.
17. South Africa
Research states that African countries, like Asian countries, are conservative in their views and attitudes toward pornography, which has limited the specialized treatment choices and facilities for persons with problematic pornography use (PPU). There is also a scarcity of pornographic literature in Africa. According to African culture, PPU most likely leads to violent sexual behaviors, which may have a mental health impact on the victims.
16. Russia
According to data from Pornhub and XVideos, Russian consumers prefer to watch amateur-style videos. Sunday is the most popular day for Russians to watch porn.
15. Ukraine
Gluck (2022) stated that following the Russian invasion, pornography users began searching Google for “Ukrainian girls,” “Ukrainian porn,” and “war porn.” The films were unlikely to be of Ukrainian refugees, but the site made money by encouraging people to believe they were. Users on Reddit requested explicit information about sexual attacks in Ukraine.
14. Netherlands
A study shows that online pornography is seen as dangerous, yet Dutch internet users find it tolerable. The impact of ‘national cultures’ on the transnational internet, as well as the mechanisms involved in the social construction of online risks, demonstrate how these worries may be defused and normalized, as well as inflated and exaggerated into moral panic.
13. Australia
A Profile of Pornography Users in Australia reveals that the majority of males (84%) and half of the women (54%) had viewed pornographic material at some point in their lives. Three-quarters (76%) of these males and more than one-third (41%) of these women have viewed pornographic content.
12. Poland
Based on a study, the most prevalent self-perceived negative impacts of pornography consumption were a requirement for longer stimulation (12.0%) and more sexual stimuli (17.6%) to achieve orgasm, as well as a drop in sexual satisfaction (24.5%). Females and males with a BMI greater than 25 kg/m2 were more likely to report a self-perceived deterioration in relationship quality as a result of pornographic consumption. In both males and females, the age of first exposure was significantly associated with the reported need for longer stimulation and more sexual stimuli to achieve orgasm when using pornography, a decrease in sexual satisfaction and the quality of romantic relationships, neglect of basic needs and duties due to pornography use, and self-perceived addiction.
11. Spain
A survey study on pornography consumption among young Spaniards and its impact on interpersonal relationships reveals that the first exposure to pornography occurs at an early age (eight years), and the Internet and pornography were shown to be substitutes for affective sexual education, clearly influencing adolescents and young people’s perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors and increasing risk behaviors. It is concluded that effective sexual education should be enhanced and the engagement of various socialization agents should be monitored.
10. Brazil
A 2023 study looked at the effect of pornified social media content as an inducer of porn addiction among Brazilian porn addicts. The findings reveal that some social media content is perceived as a trigger by identified porn addicts and that the addict’s age, gender, and the number of times they have relapsed are factors that affect this impression.
9. Philippines
A report from the 2021 PornHub Review reveals that the Philippines topped the global list for the longest amount of time spent watching pornographic films in a single visit in 2021. This is why the Philippines has proclaimed an all-out “war” on internet pornography, particularly online sexual exploitation of minors, pledging to pursue and imprison abusers in the face of a threefold increase in online sexual abuse cases involving children.
8. Germany
Based on a study entitled German Heterosexual Women’s Pornography Consumption and Sexual Behavior, it was found that higher levels of pornographic exposure among heterosexual German women are connected with a desire to engage in or have already engaged in subordinate sexual behaviors but not with dominating sexual behaviors. This association pattern is consistent with sexual script theory and content studies of dominance and submission, as well as gender in pornography. It contradicts the view that measurements of pornography usage are merely proxies for things such as a strong sexual urge or an experimental attitude toward sex.
7. Mexico
According to the 2019 Pornhub Review, Mexican women watch the most pornographic content worldwide. The typical amount of time a Mexican spends viewing images and videos on Pornhub is 9:16 minutes.
6. Italy
According to a study of 28,000 users, many Italian men began using porn sites “excessively” as early as age 14, and by the time they reached their early to mid-20s, they were accustomed to seeing “even the most violent” images, according to Carlo Foresta, president of the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine (SIAMS).
5. Canada
According to PornHub’s 2022 Annual Report, Canadians spent an average of 10 minutes per day on the site, which equates to more than an hour each week on that platform alone. Smartphones accounted for three-quarters of porn traffic consumption. Of course, the problem is that the ever-present mix of internet pornography and smartphone technology provides Canadian youths with unparalleled access to pornography depicting rape and other types of sexual violence. Lamb said that politicians can’t ignore Canada’s porn problem any longer.

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4. France
France is working to minimize young people’s access to pornography. The French government is instituting age verification to prevent minors from accessing pornographic websites, a step long advocated for by Church organizations. But if it fails, something else must be done. Evert thinks that the fight against pornography necessitates a cultural shift.

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