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20 Countries That Have the Most Sex

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In this article, we will take a look at the 20 countries that have the most sex.

All living creatures in the world have the capability to reproduce. Animals, insects, trees, plants, and of course, humans. Having sex is how we humans are able to procreate. While having sex might be considered an activity only for married individuals, it’s undeniable that it remains a widely embraced activity among many people, young and old. With the rise of different dating sites, sex has increasingly become more casual, and the world slowly becomes more sexually liberated. Our society today is progressing towards greater comfort in discussing sex, whether it involves couples or even unfamiliar individuals who have just met at a club.

Many of us crave a wholesome sex life but fewer than half of us actually feel completely satisfied with our intimate experiences. There are some things to consider in order to achieve great sex. This includes the attraction level, emotion, and passion that two intimate people have for each other. While all of these contribute to great sex, there’s an often overlooked factor that influences our experiences, and that is, location.

According to research conducted by the dating site VictoriaMilan, Finland tends to have a healthier sex life compared to France or Belgium. Another research conducted on sexual activity among Europeans aged 60 to 75 revealed varying proportions of men and women engaging in sexual activity across different countries. Norway ranks 1st on the list of sexually active men with 91% followed by Portugal with 83%. The majority of men in Portugal reported having sex 1-3 times per week. Among women, the proportion of sexually active individuals varied across countries, with Belgium having 61% and Denmark having the highest at 78%. When it comes to the frequency of sexual intercourse, men from Norway, Denmark, and Belgium predominantly reported engaging in sexual activity 2-3 times per month, equating to around 23 to 24 percentage points. These countries are one of the most sexually active countries in Europe.

Our Methodology

In order to come up with the 20 countries that have the most sex, we conducted thorough research and consulted eight separate sources (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). Initially, we had over 28 countries mentioned in these sources, and each time a country appeared in a source’s list, it was assigned a single point. These points were then utilized to rank the countries, resulting in the identification of the top 20 countries that have the most sex. Please check out our related articles on 15 Most Sexually Open Countries in the World and 10 Most Sexually Active Countries 10 Years Ago and see how the rankings changed.

20 Countries That Have the Most Sex

20. India

India is expected to be the most populated country in the world by the end of this year. The country is projected to have around 1.43 billion people by December 2023. A study conducted by the National Family Health Survey between 2019 and 2021 reveals that the average number of sexual partners for men throughout their lifetime in India’s urban areas was 1.7, while women closely trailed with an average of 1.5 partners.

19. Norway

Norway has the most sexually-active men in all of Europe according to a study conducted by PubMed.  It received 91 percentage points from the study, which is way behind the 2nd country on the list (Portugal) with over 83%.

18. Sweden

When it comes to attitudes towards sex, Swedes tend to be quite open-minded. They promote an enjoyable, pleasurable yet safe experience for all involved. They embrace the idea that using toys can enhance fun and pleasure, which may be considered a revolutionary concept by some.

17. Finland

In Finland, sexuality is regarded in a positive light, with a strong emphasis on valuing and respecting each other as an integral part of it. A study conducted by the World Population Review reveals that Finns boast the highest number of sexual partners among any other nation in the world.

16. Belgium

Research company Statista conducted a survey in 2018 about the frequency of having two or more sexual partners of the people in Belgium. The study stated that approximately 10% of Belgians reported having multiple sexual partners.

15. Malaysia

Statistics from the National Health & Morbidity Survey conducted in 2022 reveal that approximately two-thirds of Malaysians reported being sexually active. Interestingly, a significant majority, 88%, did not use condoms or any form of birth control. Additionally, 11% acknowledged having multiple sexual partners.

14. Australia

A survey from the National Survey of Australian Secondary Students and Sexual Health conducted in 2021 reveals an increase in the number of sexually active young Australian individuals compared to previous years. In 1992, 49% of 12th-grade students reported being sexually active, whereas in 2021, that number rose to 69%.

13. United Kingdom

Researchers from the Policy Institute at King’s College London examined data spanning from the past four decades. The researchers discovered a shift in attitudes among baby boomers towards casual sex. In 2009, only 8% of baby boomers viewed casual sex as justifiable. However, by 2022, this percentage had significantly increased to 30%.

12. United States

Just recently, Naplab, a mattress review site, initiated a survey with the aim to find which U.S. states have the most sex. A total of 1,567 individuals were surveyed by Naplab regarding their weekly frequency of sexual activity and the state in which they reside. Out of the total participants, 7.8% reported having sex once a day, 45.6% engaged in sexual activity once a week, 24.8% had sex once a month, and 9.5% engaged in sexual activity once a year. On average, Americans engage in sexual activity approximately 1.06 times per week.

11. Portugal

PubMed conducted a research study that aimed to describe the patterns of partnered and non-partnered sexual activity as well as sexual satisfaction among older men and women among Europeans. Portugal ranks 2nd with 83 percentage points, next to Norway with 91%.

10. Russia

Sorting the number of average sexual encounters per person worldwide, Russia stands out with an average of 143 sexual encounters per year, according to the study conducted by the research company, Statista.

9. Germany

Germany boasts its comprehensive sex education programs and progressive political policies concerning sex work. The country exhibits a vibrant sexual culture. Similar to their counterparts in other Western European nations, Germans hold a positive view of their own sexual performance, rating it as excellent.

8. China

China garnered 78 percentage points on a study conducted by Durex to identify the countries that have the most sex. 78% of the sexually active adult population of China confess to indulging in their intimate activities on a weekly basis.

7. Brazil

According to a study conducted by Statista, Brazilians have an average of approximately 145 sexual encounters per year, which is more than three times the reported figure of the lowest-ranked country, Japan.

6. Mexico

A report was released by Noticieros Televisa explaining why Mexico is one of the countries with the most sex in the world. With 56% of its population over 30 years of age admitting that they have been engaging in sexual relations twice a week, Mexico sure is one of the 20 countries that have the most sex.

5. Greece

Condom maker, Durex, conducted a study to identify the countries that have the most sex. Topping the list is Greece. Based on the research, the country accumulated the highest percentage of sexually active adults in the world, with an impressive 87% engaging in sexual activity at least once a week.

4. Poland

Research company, Statista, revealed that according to its survey in 2019, the majority of sexually active participants from Poland said that they have been engaging in sexual activity a few times a week. Additionally, 8% of the respondents indicated that they have been doing sex on a daily basis.

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