In this article we take a look at the 20 best U.S. cities to find a husband in 2020. Click to skip ahead and jump to the 10 best U.S. cities to find a husband in 2020
In this article we will list the best 20 U.S. cities where it will be easier for you to take up the challenge called How to find a husband in 2020. To begin with the idea that a woman is not terrified of being alone, but nevertheless she would still like to have a boyfriend who will potentially be her husband, then it is time for her to:
Activate friends (use social networks as well)
She should share with her friends that she is actually looking for a boyfriend. Of course, this statement should be clearly and directly delivered to them. It will be received as good news since you know; we like to help in matters where love is concerned, and the truth is that we like to influence other people’s lives.
She should of course join all those specialized dating sites and services so she can easily meet people with which she has similar interests.
She should ask her friends and listen to their stories on how they met their partner and follow the same steps (meeting on dating sites, at the bus station, at work, through friends who knew friends who had friends that were looking for someone, in dance classes, at weddings, on Facebook, language learning site etc.)
Join clubs and social organizations, attend social events
The dance school, gym, language courses, cooking, exhibitions, concerts, cinema, and theater, ideas that support gatherings: these are all places where a woman can meet interesting people.
Accept invitations to hang out and go out (even if she is not immediately thrilled)
Develop her socializing skills

Dmitry Sheremeta/
What can a woman find in the “husband market” other than a married man, a man in a long relationship or a man that has served a prison sentence? She will surely meet some of these types of men:
Immature nerd – will get married, sometime, but only as a result of running out of friends who are not married and he has no one to hang around with. But even after marriage, it doesn’t mean he will change his style or his way of living. If by any chance the woman can tolerate this behavior, as soon as the child is born, she will have the status of a single mum even though she’s married.
Mama’s boy – he will marry only when his mother runs out of energy to wash, clean, iron, cook, cuddle, so she will make him bring home another female to take up her duty.
Narcissistic egocentric – they stay single for thirty, forty, or more years. Victims are drawn in the ocean of nice words and gestures, to the generosity and great charm. It is followed by a phase of harassment that lasts from seven days to 70 years. And the last one is the phase of rejection because the wife is not good enough, beautiful, and smart. The general advice is better to marry a tree, a cow, or a pole, woman will definitely get more love.
Frightened of relationships – they don’t know where to go, whether they want a relationship, marriage or anything of that sorts, they let you get close just enough not to leave, but they’ll never propose to any woman. The moment the woman asks the serious question, he is already miles away. If you know you will live for 300 years, you can try. And don’t blame him, when he was 3 years old his mother left him alone in the house for more than 2 hours.
Romantic tormented soul – No one understands him; he is just looking for love, helpless in life and space, with a long-neglected physical appearance and mental state. He reads poetry and collects napkins and stamps. If his girlfriend gets tired of him and asks him to clean the snow from your car at least once a year, he will run away and will never call her again.
Maniac – behind him is a series of abused ex-wives and girlfriends. This type will shower his date with attention for the first few meetings and suddenly he will physically attack the man at the next table, because he was “looking at his girlfriend like that.”
Infinite combinations of the above categories
The category of normal – they are the least, they are with only one common feature – make women happy. Both lovebirds have certainly been looking for all of their life. Or their therapies match. In any case, it is important that both are happy.
So what to do? How to get married and at the same time avoid the first seven listed categories? Marriage is not the meaning of life. It is nice to be in a beautiful marriage, but being married is not an uncompromising and categorical condition for happiness. And if a man appears with whom there is no need to discuss whether to marry or not, he will be more than welcome.
To make our list, we use the lowest percentage of divorced women and highest annual single me income in the most populated U.S. cities. Statistics were provided from U.S. Census’ 2019 tables, B19215 and B12001. Check out some other related lists in our articles 25 U.S. cities with the Most Unfaithful Husbands and 8 Free Dating Websites in the U.S.
In 2020, the dynamics of dating has undergone a sea of change. Social distancing becoming the norm it has gotten even harder than it usually was. Also, dating apps like Tinder and websites like from the Match Group (NASDAQ:MTCH) have taken over the traditional ways of finding a man. You could clearly see the results of this on MTCH’s stock price. Match Group shares were trading at $73 at the beginning of this year. Yesterday, MTCH closed at $131, a gain of more than 75%. In August when MTCH shares were trading around $100 we published an article and explained why MTCH stock is a compelling investment.
Whether you are using dating apps like Tinder or or trying to find a partner the traditional way, here is our list of best U.S. cities to find a husband in 2020:
20. Nashville, Tennessee
The divorce rate: 6.8 %
The male annual income: $46,819.
This “Country Music Capital of the World” has numerous shows, concerts, and 180 live music venues, many ways for a woman to have fun and meet an interesting man. Elvis Presley recorded over 200 songs in cult RCA Studio.

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