Dear guys, believe it or not, being tall and slender isn’t the reason enough to get a match on Tinder, so, if you want girls to swipe right, check out some of the best tinder bios for tall guys – they are just a few clicks away.
We can debate on and on about what’s better, to be tall or short, and arguments for both sides are well known. And even though your height is a matter of biology, it’s surprising how it can influence your destiny. For instance, some studies suggest that height plays a major role when it comes to the US presidential elections. Apparently, candidates taller than their opponents receive more popular votes and are more likely to be reelected, due to being ‘greater’ and having more communication and leadership skills. After all, Abraham Lincoln was 6’4″. On the other hand, we can’t diminish the ‘greatness’ of 5’2″ tall Napoleon, right? And while there are assumptions that Napoleon was a bit taller, being 5’7″ (the height of an average Frenchmen), the fact is, that being tall doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to be ‘great.’ Then again he’s a Corsican from the 18th century, and he doesn’t have much in common with American presidents (‘only’ a conquering spirit). Nevertheless, according to some studies, taller people are happier and have a better sex life since they are considering themselves as more attractive. And we all know that self-confidence is an aphrodisiac.

Goran Bogicevic/
But, let’s fast forward to the 21st century and online dating which has come out of darkness and creepiness with the help of apps like Bumble and Tinder. So, these apps are usually built on physical appearance. That’s why it’s hard not to ask ourselves, are bios really important when it comes to the right swipes? Well, the reasons people use apps like Tinder vary, and besides love and casual sex, there are reasons such as excitement, validation, and self-worth as well as communication. And while there’s a number of those who use Tinder in order to get some, there are also those searching for love and friendship. In that light, good Tinder bio lines can make you look twice, and coming up with a great opening line is somewhat crucial. But, in case you’re just horny dude looking for some fun, then our list of best Tinder bios for guys to get laid is exactly what you’re looking for.
So, coming up with good Tinder bio lines is a bit hard, because writing about yourself can be frustrating. After all, if praising ourselves was a piece of cake, we’ve might even don’t need apps such as Tinder. Some of the very best Tinder descriptions I’ve read are a part of the Tinder Seduction’s compilation of more than 1000 bio taglines and about me examples which are not just interesting, but witty as well. So, if you’re not related to J.K. Rowling or Jerry Seinfeld, and you don’t have much inspiration, surf the Internet since it’s full with funny tinder bio examples that can crack everyone up. The great thing about them is that they work like magic, because a sense of humor, which (at least according to my humble opinion) is crucial when it comes to dating. Even science supports this view, suggesting the people are more satisfied in their relationships when sharing laughs with their partners.
And now, let’s set some ground rules for making a swipeable Tinder profile, whether you are tall or short, male or female. First and foremost, upload a full-frontal picture of your face, because that way you’re making an “eye contact” with the viewer, which is practically a foundation of non-verbal communication. Moreover, it’s proved that people who “face forward” in their Tinder photo are even 20% more likely to get matches. So, sit straight and say cheese. Of course, be sure to pinpoint your best features, avoid wearing sunglasses and add a couple of full-body pictures while making sure you’re looking the same on each of them. Because let’s face it, most girls won’t bother with reading your bio if they don’t like what they’re seeing. Nevertheless, you should list your job and education, just in case, and please, be honest because lies have no legs even if a guy who tells them is tall. In the end, add a funny bio that’s not too long. Luckily, for the list below, we managed to find plenty of funny tinder bios for guys and single out those for the tall ones.
When it comes to finding Tinder bio examples for guys Reddit and Quora were of great help. Also, we’ve been dealing with witty tinder bios for female and male in some of our earlier posts, so we knew where to look for the best Tinder bios. For our today’s list we’ve tried to single out bios in which guys are emphasizing they are tall, but without seeming like they’re bragging about it. On the other hand, matches in Tinder are skyrocketing when tall guys put in their height, so one shouldn’t be ashamed of having a natural ‘advantage’ in the dating world. That’s why we also included some witty and a bit cooky bios on our list of the top 20.
So, when you’re ready, swipe right (click next) and check out some of the best Tinder bios for tall guys.