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20 Best Personal Injury Lawyers in NYC

In this article, we will take a look at the 20 best personal injury lawyers in NYC. If you would like to skip our discussion on personal injury statistics, you can go to the 5 Best Personal Injury Lawyers in NYC.

Preventable injuries, like motor vehicle accidents, slips and falls, and medical malpractice, result in an alarming number of deaths in the United States. Personal Injury statistics reveal that in 2021, preventable injuries resulted in 200,000 deaths. Meanwhile, there were 6,102,936 reported vehicle accidents, with 38,680 causing serious injuries that proved fatal. This translates to a car crash death rate of 0.7%. The unfortunate trend reveals an increase in fatal car crashes in recent years, with the number rising by over 16% from 36,835 in 2018 to 42,795 in 2022.

Additionally, personal injury cases requiring medical treatment are on the rise, with 39.5 million cases reported every year in the USA, approximately 126.3 cases per 1000 individuals. This increase in cases has contributed to the personal injury lawyers market size reaching $59.8 billion as of 2024. The industry is expected to grow further due to factors like the increasing number of vehicle accidents and the aging population. As of 2024, the personal injury law industry in the USA employs over 183,000 individuals. Although there is significant competition among smaller firms, the key players in the industry control a substantial portion, with the top four companies contributing 32% of the market revenue.

With the increasing prevalence of personal injury cases, there is a growing demand for more personal injury lawyers in the market. One of the largest personal injury law firms in the US, Morgan & Morgan, has gained prominence, following the once highly popular Celino and Barnes. In the late 1990s, Celino and Barnes established their partnership, acquiring a memorable phone number that played a crucial role in their success. Their advertising strategy, featuring a catchy singsong tone promoting their phone number, resulted in widespread recognition. Celino and Barnes became widely known throughout New York, establishing themselves as the go-to legal team for personal injury cases. However, in May 2017, Ross Cellino Jr. initiated a lawsuit against his partner, Stephen Barnes, seeking to dissolve their firm. Despite the legal proceedings, the firm initially announced its intention to continue normal operations. However, by June 2017, they revealed ongoing conflicts in various business operations, including management, client selection, legal practice, and marketing strategies. Additionally, Barnes sought a restraining order in July 2017, alleging that Cellino attempted to recruit lawyers and cases from Celino & Barnes, contributing to the rift and ultimately leading to the company’s downfall.

Moving forward, recent personal injury lawyer trends suggest a cautious approach among lawyers regarding national advertising campaigns. Legal professionals are mindful of potential effects on public perception and the overall image of the legal profession. National advertising efforts, especially in sensitive areas like personal injury law, can sometimes lead to public disdain, portraying lawyers as opportunistic or unprofessional. Such advertisements may pose a risk of damaging the reputation of lawyers, influencing potential clients negatively, and even impacting juries’ views, thereby raising questions about the integrity of the legal profession. Consequently, personal injury lawyers are increasingly opting for targeted advertising strategies to maintain a positive reputation within the legal community.

You can also check out the Best Motorcycle Injury Lawyers in Each of 30 Biggest Cities in the US here.

The rise in the number of injury cases has also contributed to the growth of other industries, such as insurance. The increase in car accidents, resulting in approximately 6 million personal injuries annually in the US, has led to the growth of insurance companies. These businesses are responding to the rising demand for coverage and compensation following accidents. Among the leading players in the insurance industry are The Allstate Corporation (NYSE:ALL), Progressive Corp (NYSE:PGR), and Chubb Limited (NYSE:CB).

Here’s what Artisan Partners said about Progressive Corp (NYSE:PGR) in its Q3 2023 investor letter:

The Progressive Corporation (NYSE:PGR) was also a strong performer this quarter. The period started poorly for Progressive as shares were down 13% on July 13. The company reported weak prior-year development in its first-half results as well as high costs for catastrophes. Claims inflation has been an industry problem, and investors feared Progressive would be unable to offset rising claims inflation through pricing, which could hurt policy growth. We added aggressively to our position on weakness given our confidence in Progressive’s low-cost model and excellent underwriting. Claims inflation is not a Progressive-specific issue, and we felt it would be able to pass on the costs and still retain its competitive advantage given its low-cost model. The company recently reported results that showed the business is recovering margin and still growing policies. The share price has more than recovered the July losses.”

Pixabay/Public domain

Our Methodology

To compile our list of the best personal injury lawyers in NYC, we first conducted a comprehensive analysis of various Reddit threads, such as r/AskNYC and r/LawFirm, to gain insights from individuals’ first-hand experiences and shortlist the most well-known personal injury lawyers. We then consulted Google Reviews to select personal injury law firms or lawyers in NYC with the highest ratings and reviews. All the personal injury lawyers shortlisted have a minimum of 150 reviews and an average minimum rating of 4.5 out of 5 or higher. The best personal injury lawyers in NYC have been ranked in ascending order of the number of Google reviews.

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20 Best Personal Injury Lawyers in NYC

20. Barasch & McGarry

Average Google Rating: 4.8

Google Reviews: 150

Barasch & McGarry, with over a decade of experience in personal injury law, has built a solid reputation. In addition to securing $3 billion for 35,000 9/11 victims, the firm has other success stories, including recovering $3,700,651 for a disabled NYC police officer dealing with leukemia.

19. Rosenbaum & Rosenbaum, P.C

Average Google Rating: 4.8

Google Reviews: 155

Rosenbaum & Rosenbaum, P.C. provides free consultation services and is available round the clock. With a high success rate, they have achieved victories in cases involving substantial amounts of money. For instance, they secured a win of $22 million for a motor vehicle accident.

18. The Law Offices of Darren T. Moore P.C

Average Google Rating: 5.0

Google Reviews: 167

Despite their relatively brief 5-year tenure, The Law Offices of Darren T. Moore P.C. have maintained an impressive 5-star Google rating and offer free consultation services. The firm has recovered significant amounts for clients, such as $6.5 million in a construction accident case.

17. Hach & Rose, LLP

Average Google Rating: 4.8

Google Reviews: 186

Hach & Rose LLP has over 25 years of experience as a personal injury law firm. In these 25 years, they have been able to win over $1 billion in personal injury cases collectively. The firm’s success is reflected in its high Google rating as well as the recognition and awards it has received.

16. The Klein Law Group, P.C

Average Google Rating: 4.7

Google Reviews: 187

The Klein Law Group, P.C. has more than 30 years of experience as a personal injury law firm. Over the years, they have successfully assisted clients in recovering millions of dollars by handling various cases, including those related to vehicle accidents, catastrophic injuries, slip and fall incidents, and bicycle accidents.

15. Carrion Attorneys

Average Google Rating: 5.0

Google Reviews: 203

Carrion Attorneys employ skilled legal professionals who excel in securing verdicts and settlements that leave clients satisfied, contributing to the firm’s impressive 5-star Google rating. Furthermore, they have a free case evaluation policy. One of the firm’s prominent achievements is the recovery of $5 million in a construction accident. Carrion Attorneys is in fifteenth place on our list of the best personal injury lawyers in NYC.

14. Oresky & Associates

Average Google Rating: 4.9

Google Reviews: 211

Oresky & Associates has more than 30 years of experience dealing with personal injury cases. They deal with all kinds of personal injury cases, including those related to motor accidents, slips and falls, medical malpractice, and pedestrian accidents. Oresky & Associates have recovered $400 million in verdicts and settlements for personal injury cases.

13. Gorayeb & Associates, P.C

Average Google Rating: 4.8

Google Reviews: 218

Gorayeb & Associates, P.C. specializes primarily in handling construction accidents and has achieved a significant milestone with a total of $1 billion in settlements and verdicts. In a recent case, they secured a $15 million settlement for a 63-year-old construction worker. The worker had sustained injuries from a fall off a scaffold attributed to the contractor’s failure to provide sufficient safety gear.

12. The Law Office of Richard M. Kenny

Average Google Rating: 5.0

Google Reviews: 239

The Law Office of Richard M. Kenny has more than 20 years of experience as a personal injury firm and has prepared over 5000 cases for trial. The Law Office of Richard M. Kenny has collectively recovered three hundred fifty million dollars for clients.

11. Pasternack Tilker Ziegler Walsh Stanton & Romano LLP

Average Google Rating: 4.6

Google Reviews: 271

With over 80 years of legal expertise, Pasternack Tilker Ziegler Walsh Stanton & Romano LLP has established itself as a seasoned law firm. Throughout these years, the firm has recovered billions for more than 100,000 clients. The firm has skilled lawyers equipped to deal with all kinds of personal injury cases like vehicle accidents, medical malpractice, or construction accidents.

10. Hansen & Rosasco, LLP

Average Google Rating: 5.0

Google Reviews: 271

Hansen & Rosasco, LLP is a law firm primarily focused on resolving personal injuries resulting from the 9/11 incident. They have successfully secured over $500 million in compensation for victims while also guaranteeing a lifetime fee for healthcare for many of the affected individuals. In addition to personal injury law firms like Hansen & Rosasco, LLP, insurance companies such as The Allstate Corporation (NYSE:ALL), Progressive Corp (NYSE:PGR), and Chubb Limited (NYSE:CB) are also seeing an increase in demand for its services following a rise in injury cases.

9. Ginarte Gonzalez & Winograd LLP

Average Google Rating: 4.7

Google Reviews: 326

Ginarte Gonzalez & Winograd LLP is home to experienced professionals who specialize in handling injuries arising from incidents like motor accidents, medical malpractice, and slips and falls. Their track record includes winning over $1 billion in settlements and verdicts on behalf of their clients. Ginarte Gonzalez & Winograd LLP is in ninth place on our list of the best personal injury lawyers in NYC.

8. Redmond Law Firm, PLLC

Average Google Rating: 5.0

Google Reviews: 344

Redmond Law Firm, PLLC has 20 years of experience in dealing with personal injury cases. The company has a high success rate. They offer free consultations and operate on a ‘no fee until they win’ policy, ensuring client-friendly services.

7. Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP

Average Google Rating: 4.8

Google Reviews: 345

With over 25 years of experience, Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP is a seasoned personal injury law firm. Known for their high success rate, they provide around-the-clock availability for clients. The firm’s positive Google rating is supported by many favorable Google Reviews, highlighting client satisfaction for the cases they have won and the substantial amounts of money recovered.

6. Shulman & Hill

Average Google Rating: 4.5

Google Reviews: 352

Shulman & Hill have more than 10 years of experience in handling personal injury cases. Over the past decade, the firm has won over $400 million in settlements and verdicts.

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