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20 Best Marketing Campaigns of All Time

In this article, we shall discuss the 20 best marketing campaigns of all time. To skip our detailed analysis of some of the trends affecting the global marketing industry in 2023, go directly and see 10 Best Marketing Campaigns of All Time.

Marketing is the bedrock of any successful business. It is one of the most valuable tools in creating brand awareness, driving profitability and growth, retaining customers, and enhancing engagement. However, as technologies and sensibilities continue to evolve in the rapidly changing macroeconomic landscape, companies are also keeping up by increasing investments in influencer marketing. According to McKinsey, influencer marketing is a collaboration between popular social-media influencers and brands to promote a company’s products or services. Although these partnerships have been an ongoing process since the advent of the social media age, the market was regulated by the US Federal Trade Commission in 2009. Some of the largest players in the marketing industry, like WPP plc (NASDAQ:WPP), Omnicom Group Inc. (NYSE:OMC), and the Interpublic Group of Companies Inc. (NYSE:IPG), are significantly increasing their focus on the rise of influencer marketing. To read more on the scale of innovation currently underway within the marketing industry, check out our coverage of the Top 20 Digital Marketing Companies and Agencies in The World.

Marketing and the Rise of Gen AI: An Analysis

According to a report by McKinsey and Company, artificial intelligence and machine learning continue to revolutionize and push the horizons of what is possible in the realm of marketing. However, with the advent and evolution of generative AI, the use of open-source platforms penetrating into the marketing frontlines is at an all-time high. Considering the increasing complexity and sheer pace of conducting business operations in a digital-first landscape, these technologies are becoming increasingly critical in delivering the best marketing campaigns of all time. According to the report, forward-thinking C-suite leaders are navigating this new environment with precaution, especially since AI is well placed to significantly disrupt marketing and sales in every sector. This is a result of massive shifts in consumer sentiment and fast-paced technological evolution.

Engagement models across industries are rapidly transforming. And although consumers still prefer a perfect combination of traditional, remote, and self-service channels, continued growth in customer preference for influencer marketing and online advertisements is to be expected. Marketing companies, like WPP plc (NASDAQ:WPP), Omnicom Group Inc. (NYSE:OMC), and the Interpublic Group of Companies Inc. (NYSE:IPG), are being pushed to adapt to these changing dynamics by utilizing advanced marketing technology, build hybrid marketing teams, tailor strategies for third-party and company-owned marketplaces, and deliver hyper-personalization, which refers to one-of-a-kind promotional messages for individual decision makers tailored to their requirements, profile, behaviors, and interactions—both past and predictive). By following this recipe, these companies are likely to become better geared to deliver some of the best marketing campaigns of all time.

According to the report by McKinsey, more than twenty percent of current marketing and sales team functions can be automated. As AI is evolving at unprecedented pace, it is becoming inherently easy and affordable to implement in day-to-day operational processes to deliver the best marketing campaigns, all the while ensuring ever-accelerating complexity, nuance, and pace that far supersedes human capacity. Furthermore, new horizons are being explored with the rise of gen AI and venture capital investment in AI has increased 13-fold in the last decade.  This has directly opened the door to an explosion of usable data and accessible technology. This data can be used for foundational-model training by enhancing computational capacity.

The onset of gen AI is projected to impact marketing and sales in three key areas, namely customer experience (CX), growth and productivity. When it comes to CX, hyper-personalized content is expected to be predicated upon individual consumer behavior, personality, and transaction history. Moreover, artificial intelligence can be used to boost overall growth by catalyzing top-line performance and handing marketing teams the correct analytics and customer insights to appropriately capitalize upon increasing demand. Furthermore, AI has the potential to significantly enhance marketing effectiveness and performance via the automation of tedious activities, freeing up the cognitive capacity  of individuals to spend a greater amount of time with current and prospective customers (while reducing cost to serve). However, in all these actions, personalization is absolutely critical. To read more on how the marketing industry is capitalizing on the technological shifts in the business landscape today to deliver some of the best marketing campaigns, check out our article on the 15 Best Marketing Software for Small Businesses.

Marketing in the Metaverse: An Overview

The advent of the metaverse has taken the business world by storm. Although the concept of the metaverse is still substantially dynamic, it encompasses immersive environments using virtual or augmented-reality technology. It exists in real time and is powered by a fully functional virtual economy, built on cryptocurrency and digital assets like NFTs. According to a report by McKinsey, metaverse-related companies like Meta Platforms Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) and Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) reportedly raised more than $10 billion in 2022, more than twice as much as they did in the preceding year. The metaverse is best described as an evolution of modern internet and for marketing officials, it represents a vast plain of potential to deliver some of the best marketing campaigns of all time, all the while engaging with customers in innovative ways while pushing internal capabilities and brand innovation in previously unchartered territory.

Although the incorporation of the metaverse in modern marketing techniques has been met with its share of skepticism, it is undeniable that the metaverse has significant staying power, owing to current technological advancements, major investments in metaverse infrastructure, a diverse set of use cases, the rise of online commerce, and substantial demographic tailwinds. Hence, despite the fact that the world is still in its initial stages of engagement with the metaverse, insights from companies which have found initial success are quite telling. According to McKinsey, the important aspects of marketing in the metaverse are substantially similar to designing interactive and compelling campaigns in the physical world. However, the implementation of these elements is quite different. To deliver the best marketing campaigns, companies will need to ignore the compulsion of directly driving sales in the metaverse, since the sale of virtual items have not reached the level of physical items.

Marketing companies, like WPP plc (NASDAQ:WPP), Omnicom Group Inc. (NYSE:OMC), and the Interpublic Group of Companies Inc. (NYSE:IPG), will also be needing to identify and invest in platforms which boast the best potential, opportunity and brand fit. Since the metaverse is still in its early stages, there is substantial opportunity for companies to conduct experimentation on a diverse multitude of platforms to carve out a model for success and deliver some of the best marketing campaigns of all time. Subsequently, companies will need to design experiences which compel and attract target audiences. Since customers will likely see any brands in the metaverse as innovative, companies must deliver on this high expectation. They need to realize the correct balance between native advertising, immersive experiences, and real-world activations to truly thrive in the metaverse landscape.

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Our Methodology

To compile our list of the 20 best marketing campaigns of all time, we decided to use a consensus based approach by acquiring data from a variety of different credible sources (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). We picked campaigns that appeared at least twice in these sources, assigning them an average ranking based on the numbers at which they appeared on the lists. Low averages mean that the activity appeared at high ranks overall during our research. For instance, if a campaign ranked number 1 in one list and number 2 on the other, the average ranking it obtained would be 1.5. Alternatively, if a campaign ranked number 20 on one list and number 30 on another, the average ranking would be 25. We then arranged all the entries based on their average rankings, from highest to lowest.

You can read more on interesting ways to compel and attract consumers in our article, 20 Creative Ways to Attract Customers.

Best Marketing Campaigns of All Time

20. “Thank you, Mom” 

Average Ranking: 51

In 2012, right after the London Olympics, Procter & Gamble (NYSE:PG) launched its “Thank You, Mom” campaign. Through videos and other multimedia, the campaign paid tribute to mothers who raised different Olympians. This campaign was popular because it was emotional and touching.

19. “Back to the Start” 

Average Ranking: 46

Chipotle’s (NYSE:CMG) “Back to Start” campaign aimed to promote sustainable farming practices. In the campaign, Chipotle (NYSE:CMG) created a film that featured a farmer using sustainable methods. The campaign was extremely successful in highlighting sustainability and boosting profitability. 

18. “Where’s The Beef?” 

Average Ranking: 41.5

In the 1980s, Wendy’s (NASDAQ:WEN) launched a campaign called “Where’s The Beef?”, in which an actress looked at burgers from other fast food chains and questioned “Where’s The Beef?”. This gave Wendy’s (NASDAQ:WEN) a competitive edge that resonated with the audience with its catchy phrase. 

17. “The Hire” 

Average Ranking: 37

Through its campaign “The Hire”, BMW created several short films featuring a driver who would complete missions while driving a BMW. The campaign won several awards including the Cyber Grand Prix and helped in increasing BMW’s sales to a great extent. 

16. “You’re Not You When You’re Hungry” 

Average Ranking: 35

Snickers’ “You’re Not You When You’re Hungry” campaign is one of the most well-known and longest-running campaigns in history. The campaign used a tagline that connected with the audience as they were able to relate to the humorous yet understandable problem of feeling low when one is hungry. 

15. “Think Small” 

Average Ranking: 32.5

In 1960, Volkswagen began its campaign “Think Small” to change the perspective of Americans about small cars, including the company’s flagship product The Beetle. The campaign aimed at creating a positive association with small cars. The success of the campaign is still taught in marketing courses across business schools due to its innovation and uniqueness. 

14. “It’s Time to DeSide”

Average Ranking: 29.5

Through its campaign “It’s Time to DeSide”, Twix took a unique approach to advertise its chocolate. The campaign asked its consumers to choose a side: the right Twix or the left Twix in a Twix pack, even though there was no difference. It became increasingly popular. 

13. “Flo” 

Average Ranking: 26

Progressive Insurance’s “Flo Campaign” has been known for its innovativeness and consistency. The campaign has been running since 2008, in which the character “Flo” communicates the benefits of Progressive Insurance. “Flo” creates a sense of community and makes the person personal.

12. “The Bottle” 

Average Ranking: 21

Absolut Vodka’s most famous campaigns has to be “The Bottle”, which included multiple print ads showing people using the vodka bottle in different ways. The campaign was known for its uniqueness and for using a visually appealing approach.

11. “Got Milk?” 

Average Ranking: 20.5

The California Milk Processor Board’s “Got Milk?” campaign was an incredibly successful campaign. Launched in 1993, the campaign featured celebrities with a milk moustache saying the tagline “Got Milk?”. The campaign was successful because it targeted existing audiences and increased sales by 7%. 

Click here to continue reading and see 10 Best Marketing Campaigns of All Time.

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Disclosure: None. 20 Best Marketing Campaigns of All Time is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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