20 Best European Countries to Find a Girlfriend

In this article, we will take a look at the 20 best European countries to find a girlfriend.

While the ease of meeting new people has never been greater, it turns out that location plays a significant role in one’s dating prospects. However, it should be noted that not all countries offer the same opportunities for love or even sexual encounters. If you find yourself perpetually single, you might want to consider visiting one of the best countries in Europe to find a partner.

As Tinder remains a dominant force in the realm of dating apps, alternatives like Lovoo, Badoo, and Bumble Inc. (NASDAQ:BMBL) are making strides in narrowing the gap. Dating apps have become the norm over the past few years, but many singles are growing weary of the sometimes aimless swiping or scrolling, a phenomenon often referred to as “dating app fatigue.” Take a look at the 10 Easiest Ways to Get Laid on Tinder, to learn the different techniques in order to succeed in the dating world.

Consequently, there is a rising desire for more genuine ways to meet potential partners, including singles events and speed dating. Even Tinder has adapted to this shift, introducing features like blind date mode. It appears that dating apps are evolving to meet the demands of a post-pandemic world, where people are no longer confined to the comfort of their homes. Tinder CEO, Gary Swidler, has noted that new user sign-ups “have not returned to pre-pandemic levels,” reflecting changing dating dynamics in our evolving social landscape.

In a comprehensive research study conducted by U.S. News, involving a diverse group of 17,000 individuals from various countries, the top 5 best countries for women were Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, and Switzerland. These rankings were determined based on various factors, including their commitment to human rights, promotion of gender equality, and efforts to address income disparities, among other key criteria. Notably, these countries also stand out as the most faithful countries in Europe in terms of their commitment to values and societal principles.

20 Best European Countries to Find a Girlfriend

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Our Methodology

Our rankings of the 20 best European countries to find a girlfriend are based on a compilation of data from 7 different sources (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). We initiated our research by identifying more than 25 countries referenced in these sources. Whenever a country was mentioned along with specific rankings related to its single residents, dating app usage, and social activities, we organized this data and allocated corresponding points. Through a thorough analysis of these data, we eventually formulated a list of the best countries to marry a woman or to find a girlfriend.

20 Best European Countries to Find a Girlfriend

20. Switzerland

If you want to find a foreign girlfriend, then you need to include Switzerland in your checklist. Various factors can influence a Swiss woman’s inclination to date someone from a different country. These factors may include their encounters, cultural heritage, and individual inclinations. Some Swiss women may exhibit an openness to dating individuals from other nations due to their curiosity about exploring diverse cultures and experiences. Conversely, others may lean toward dating within their own country or culture, driven by shared values and experiences.

In essence, the most effective method for getting a Swiss woman’s interest in dating someone from another country, involves engaging in open, respectful communication, and candidly expressing your interests, and intentions.

19. Norway

In Norway, a man typically gets acquainted with a woman by spending time together at work, school, or in the company of mutual friends. Conversations involving private matters are usually reserved until after discussions that can include her friends, have taken place. By this point, both parties usually have a good sense of whether they’d like to spend more private time together, and finding an opportunity to ask, becomes more straightforward.

If you already have a reasonably good rapport, perhaps from your handful of encounters with a Norweigan woman, it might be an appropriate time to express your interest, and enjoyment of her company. You could ask if she’d like to join you for coffee or a casual drink. Keep it relaxed, and not overly formal for the first meeting. If she enjoys your company, you’ll likely have more opportunities in your next dates.

18. Netherlands

A Dutch woman is an excellent choice for those interested in European ladies. However, they differ from Eastern European women, who often adhere to traditional values and take on most household responsibilities themselves. Dutch women are known for their high degree of independence and confidence, a characteristic that aligns with the country’s remarkable gender equality achievements. They tend to engage in more casual dating until their 30s, and on average, marry later than their counterparts in other European countries. Additionally, Dutch women prioritize building a career, achieving financial stability, and attaining independence before committing to marriage and starting a family.

As per a Statista survey, the majority of single ladies in the Netherlands, totaling 60%, are utilizing Tinder as their preferred dating app for seeking relationships. This positions Tinder as the top-choice dating application in the country. You can check these 11 Tinder Dating Success Stories to get an idea about how to successfully utilize Tinder when looking for a partner.

17. Belgium

Exercising patience in getting to know a Belgian woman can prove to be highly rewarding, as many of the country’s cultural characteristics embody attractive qualities. For instance, Belgians are commonly regarded as well-mannered, reliable, composed, and diligent individuals. They are also known for their straightforward approach to love, avoiding games, and valuing long-term relationships. This emphasis on commitment is certainly favorable for those in search of a lasting partnership.

Belgians often take a gradual approach when it comes to expressing their interest in a potential romantic partner. Consequently, it may require some patience as they gather the confidence to initiate a date invitation. In situations where you’ve met through mutual acquaintances, a common occurrence in Belgium, you may find that you interact with them several times before they take the step to ask you out for a coffee or a date.

16. Hungary

Demonstrating a humble personality is an effective approach to attracting Hungarian girls. Excessive talking should be avoided, and emphasis should be placed on tangible actions. Rather than repeatedly expressing your affection verbally, it’s advisable to manifest your genuine intentions through your actions. In addition, it’s advisable to refrain from directly inquiring whether she has romantic feelings for you.

Hungarian girls are known for their open-minded and friendly nature, enjoying typical hangout spots such as coffee shops, clubs, and pubs, just like any other girls. If you possess a good sense of humor, you should have no trouble catching their interest.

Additionally, Hungarians are known for their straightforwardness. They are genuine people who don’t engage much in small talk. This directness is never intended to be hurtful, because it’s simply their communication style.

15. Croatia

Croatian women take immense pride in their country, and if you aspire to date them, it’s crucial to keep this in mind. Their strong sense of patriotism is a key aspect to consider. If you genuinely appreciate Croatia, and have some knowledge of its culture, you already have an advantage over other men.

Croatian ladies are not inclined to hurry. They savor a more relaxed and unhurried way of life. It’s vital to note that rudeness is an absolute no-go and a major turn-off for the vast majority of Croatian women. If you aim to meet and connect with Croatian girls, it’s essential to understand that they have no tolerance for impoliteness, disrespect, or negative forms of masculinity. Furthermore, it’s important to note that the majority of Croatian women, tend to exhibit qualities of kindness, tolerance, open-mindedness, and supportiveness.

14. Czech Republic

Czech women typically prioritize starting a family at a relatively young age. It is common for them to have children before the age of 30. Consequently, it’s relatively uncommon to encounter a single Czech woman who is over 30 years old and does not have children.

In terms of language, the younger generation generally has a good command of English, but the older generation may not. Therefore, if you are interested in dating a woman over 40, there is likely to be a language barrier. This isn’t to say that it’s insurmountable, but it will require a willingness to overcome it from both parties involved. But if a man is intelligent and appealing, even if he hasn’t completely mastered the Czech language, and if he is genuinely committed to both starting a family, and learning Czech while embracing the woman’s family as his own, then certainly he can see his relationship with Czech woman flourishing.

13. Sweden

An intriguing aspect of Swedish women is their remarkable approachability and ease of conversation. If you have the confidence to approach them, you’ll rarely perceive any coldness in their demeanor. However, it’s important to be mindful of their strong sense of independence. A Swedish wife is likely to expect you to share household responsibilities, take paternity leave, and treat her as an equal in every aspect of your partnership. If this aligns with your interests, don’t hesitate to pursue it.

12. Spain

Spanish women are known as some of the most alluring individuals in the world, and this reputation extends beyond their physical appearance. It encompasses their unique qualities, perspectives, values, and life priorities. Spanish women are characterized by their fiery personalities, often marked by intense emotions and sensitivity. Their passion and dynamism can be both an asset and a challenge, contingent on how one approaches a relationship with a Spanish woman.

One certainty is that life with a Spanish girl is anything but dull. In Spain, there’s a distinct sense of unhurried living—a mindset where Spanish girls relish life without being constantly bound by schedules. They exhibit spontaneity and optimism, which can have a positive influence on their partners as well. Love is paramount to them.

11. Greece

Greek women are known for their warm and welcoming nature, which facilitates easy connections with locals and the formation of meaningful relationships. If you happen to have a Greek friend, don’t hesitate to accompany them on evening outings and get to know their group of friends. Similar to many European countries, Greeks also make use of dating apps to meet new people and potential partners.

Furthermore, Greek women possess not only intelligence and grace but a multitude of other commendable qualities. When it comes to the physical appearance of contemporary Greek women, one might be intrigued by the subtle variations in their features, resulting from the blending of genes from various Greek tribes and other cultures. Regardless of these variations, Greek women continue to exude a timeless beauty that garners admiration both within their homeland and beyond its borders.

10. Austria

Austrian women are typically recognized for their reserved and conservative demeanor. However, once you succeed in breaking down these barriers, you can anticipate unwavering loyalty from your Austrian partner. Austrians, regardless of gender, tend to have a strong emphasis on education and manners, valuing traditional aspects of life. This inclination extends to the institution of marriage as well. Austria, being a predominantly traditional Catholic country, upholds the significance of marriage as a significant rite of passage.

In general, the methods of forming romantic relationships in Austria closely resemble those in other European nations. Adolescents typically commence socializing with their peers at school, within their neighborhoods, or through participation in social activities and local clubs. On the other hand, older generations often expand their social circles within existing friendships and broader networks.

9. Italy

Italian women are often characterized as ‘demanding,’ but well, they are indeed passionate, generous, and spontaneous individuals. They possess a great sense of humor and thoroughly enjoy having a good time, relishing in parties and celebrations. Their beauty and elegance are undeniable, and they have a deep appreciation for fashion.

When you’re trying to make a favorable impression on an Italian woman, it’s crucial to be authentic to yourself. Even if you believe she may expect more, it’s best not to flaunt or show off. Italian women are not accustomed to welcoming advances from strangers, so it’s advisable to approach them as a friend and adopt a patient, long-term approach. This approach will not only make you feel more at ease but also put you on an equal footing, both navigating the uncertain path of getting to know each other.

8. Romania

Romanian women are widely recognized for their beauty, intelligence, and unwavering commitment, making them highly sought after by men looking for serious, long-lasting relationships. They frequently possess strong educational backgrounds and independence, qualities that render them exceptional companions in both personal and professional spheres of life.

Romanian women represent a harmonious blend of the finest qualities of both Slavic and South European women. Romanian brides are exceptionally attractive, consistently putting effort into looking their best, and displaying confidence and sociability. They often have a strong inclination towards marriage, while also maintaining their independence.

7. Poland

Women from this nation excel as life partners due to their genuine affection for children, their inherent kindness, unwavering loyalty to their spouses, and their steadfast commitment to preserving family unity, which is reflected in the notably low divorce rate compared to other Slavic countries.

Polish women are also known for their remarkable beauty, independence, and their genuine desire to bring joy to their partners and family members. Additionally, they have a strong desire to date foreign men.

6. Russia

Many Russian girls often express their frustration with Russian guys, finding it challenging to find a decent man. However, if you have a stable job, exude masculinity, embrace romance, and maintain stability in your life, you are likely to find success with them. This is especially true for the many smart, educated women in their 30s to mid-30s, including divorcees and single mothers, who are eager to meet foreign men and are open to relocating to a different country.

5. France

French women possess a unique blend of fragility and femininity, accompanied by a strong and determined character, setting them apart from other women globally. They expertly employ the art of flirtation, exhibit impeccable manners, and effortlessly captivate men. These women find happiness within themselves, valuing personal space, and thus, they maintain a sense of freedom within relationships and marriages, without demanding significant financial investments from their partners.

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4. Portugal

Portuguese women possess an allure, combining the captivating beauty of both Mediterranean and Hispanic origins, making it an irresistible blend for many men. However, their appeal extends beyond their physical charm. Portuguese women are notably easy-going and open, creating an ideal dating experience where one can always feel self-assured in their company. Portuguese women are not only enjoyable and expressive but also incredibly feminine, kind, and supportive, qualities that render them a splendid choice for long-term partnerships.

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3. Germany

Ranking 3rd on our list of the 20 best European countries to find a girlfriend is Germany. In contrast to some cultures that are comfortable with the idea of meeting a stranger briefly before setting up a formal date, German women have a preference for a more gradual approach. They typically prefer to meet potential partners within trusted social circles, allowing them to gradually build a connection before committing to a relationship.

When it comes to dating in Germany, there are no strict guidelines governing where to go on a date, how long to wait before making a call, or when to become intimate, as German women generally prioritize taking their time to get to know someone. However, punctuality holds significant importance for Germans, and they expect the same punctuality from their partners. Furthermore, dates are typically planned well in advance, so casually suggesting a meet-up may not be well-received.

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2. Ukraine

Regardless of personal preferences, it’s undeniable that the majority of Ukrainian women are exceptionally attractive. Their allure is attributed to their innate natural beauty, impeccable makeup skills, inherent femininity, and sense of style.

However, their appeal extends far beyond their physical appearance. Ukrainian women are known for their unwavering loyalty to their partners, remarkable patience and kindness, culinary expertise, and inclination towards more traditional family roles, where they take on the responsibility of caring for their husbands and children and managing household chores.

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1. England

Ranking 1st on our list of the 20 best European countries to find a girlfriend is England. In the realm of dating, British women tend to adopt a relaxed attitude. Unlike certain European nations, dating in England frequently revolves around socializing over drinks at the neighborhood bar or pub, especially during the early stages of acquaintanceship.

In the English dating scene, it’s customary to go on dates with a single person until it becomes evident whether the relationship will progress. When involved with a woman from England, it’s essential to bear in mind that although marriage holds significance, it typically takes place after several years of being together.


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Disclosure: None. 20 Best European Countries to Find a Girlfriend is originally published on Insider Monkey.