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20 Best Countries to Teach English Abroad in 2024

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In this article, we will be taking a look at the best countries to teach English Abroad. You can also check out the Top 15 Cities to Teach English in Latin America.

In 2024, The global demand for TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) teachers continues to grow, with over 3,000 job vacancies accessible through TEFL Academy’s online jobs board. In Asia and the Middle East, TEFL-certified teachers are especially in high demand, with salaries ranging from €1,165 ($1260) to €4,668 ($5050) per month. For instance, in South Korea, teachers can earn between €1,750 (1893) and €2,450  ($2650)monthly, while in the Gulf Arab States, salaries can increase up to €4,668 ($5050), making these regions some of the best places for English teachers. To read about countries with the highest demand for ESL teachers, see 25 Countries with High Demand for English Teachers.

The qualifications required for TEFL positions vary but typically include a Level 3 certificate or a Level 5 Diploma, which entail 120 to 168 hours of study, respectively. These credentials open doors to teaching opportunities in countries like China, Japan, Taiwan, and Vietnam, where English education is integral to their educational systems. In Taiwan, for example, teachers may earn between €1,868 and €3,500 per month. While TEFL is a great option to pursue, there are places like India which happen to be one of the countries where you can teach English without a degree or even TEFL certification.

As far as “teaching English abroad with all expenses paid” opportunities are concerned, such programs often cover airfare, housing and a high-paying salary. Countries like South Korea, Japan, and the UAE are quite popular in this domain owing to their high demand for English teachers and attractive benefits packages. For instance, South Korea’s EPIK program offers teachers free housing and a salary ranging from $1,600 to $2,500 per month, along with a settlement allowance and medical insurance.

Owing to the importance of English as a language for organizational success, many US companies are focusing on English instruction for their employees. It is also interesting to note that non-English speakers in the US earn 40% less than their English-proficient counterparts. Companies like, Inc (NASDAQ:AMZN) and Chobani are addressing this by offering on-site and online English classes to help employees improve their language skills and, consequently, their career prospects.

Moreover,, Inc (NASDAQ:AMZN)’s Career Choice program has expanded to offer English-language classes globally that are now available in 13 non-US countries. This initiative addresses the feedback and needs of employees. Particularly, English and local language courses are now offered in countries such as Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, and Spain.

On the other hand,, Inc (NASDAQ:AMZN)’s English-language programs have seen rapid participation growth which also supports its commitment to hire 5,000 refugees by 2024. Similarly, companies like Chipotle and JPMorgan Chase & Co (NYSE:JPM), in partnership with Guild, offer educational benefits that include language training, which 90% of participants say boosts their confidence and likelihood to stay.

Speaking of language training, Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) has recently enhanced its AI-assisted language learning tools with a focus on English conversation practice. Initially launched in October 2023, the speaking practice feature allows users to engage in ongoing dialogues with an AI bot. This tool is currently available to Search Labs users in Argentina, Colombia, India, Mexico, Venezuela, and Indonesia and provides feedback on spoken sentences while helping learners choose the best words and conjugations in context. Unlike traditional language apps, Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG)’s feature is integrated into its Search platform.

Despite lacking a structured curriculum like Duolingo Inc (NASDAQ:DUOL), Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG)’s approach aims to facilitate practical language use. The company has not yet disclosed plans for broader rollout or additional language options

Also see 15 Highest Paying Countries for English Teachers and 12 Best Countries to Teach English Without a Degree.


Our Methodology

We divided our methodology into two parts to identify the best countries to teach English Abroad in 2024. Firstly, we identified the 30 highest paying countries for ESL teachers in the world based on average salaries. Secondly, we looked at the countries with the highest Human Development Index. We obtained average salaries from our salary database and for the HDI, we relied on data from UNDP.

The idea behind the methodology was that when considering a teaching position abroad, teachers may prioritize the financial viability and attractiveness of those teaching positions. They may also consider the HDI as it indicates a country’s quality of life such as healthcare, education, and income. A higher HDI means better living standards, safety, and infrastructure that will ensure a more comfortable and rewarding experience, both personally and professionally, while teaching abroad.

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20. Saudi Arabia

HDI: 0.875

English teachers in Saudi Arabia are paid $39,991 annually on average. Recently, EC English Language Centres have opened a school in Riyadh. The centres aim to cater to students who cannot study abroad due to visa restrictions and financial limitations. The school will employ native English-speaking teachers to offer teaching programs similar to those in the UK and US.

19. Qatar

HDI: 0.875

Many teachers from the UK are choosing to teach in Qatar due to better pay and working conditions, with salaries ranging from 9,000 to 16,000 Qatari Riyals ($2,500–$4,400) tax-free, and benefits like accommodation and transportation. Dissatisfaction with the UK education system, where salaries fell by 11% from 2010 to 2022, and the impact of strikes over funding, workload, and well-being are major factors. The average salary of an ESL teacher in Qatar is $43,806.

18. France

HDI: 0.910

To teach English in France, you’ll need a TEFL certificate and typically a 4-year college degree. Native English proficiency is largely preferred. Non-EU citizens often teach via the TAPIF program, which recruits Americans aged 20-30 as assistant English teachers. With an average salary of $42,903 with an HDI of 0.910, France is one of the best places to teach English abroad.

17. Japan

HDI: 0.920

With an average salary of $35,524 and an HDI of 0.920, Japan ranks #17 in our list of the best countries to teach English abroad in 2024.

16. Austria

HDI: 0.926

To teach English in Austria, you can explore opportunities in public schools, private language schools, and international schools. English is a mandatory subject from kindergarten which creates a consistent demand for English teachers. However, due to the high English proficiency among Austrians, competition for positions can be stiff. English teachers in Austria have an average pay of $42,946 per year.

15. United States

HDI: 0.927

Teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) in the US has become increasingly important due to the country’s growing immigrant population. However, since public schools are often unable to provide bilingual classes, it places ESL learners in mainstream classrooms with limited support. This situation creates challenges such as overcrowded classrooms and high student-to-teacher ratios, particularly in states with high immigration rates. The average pay of English teachers in the US is $83,300 per year.

14. Luxembourg

HDI: 0.927

Apart from having a high HDI of 0.927, Luxembourg is a financial hub with a high demand for English proficiency in business and international relations. The average salary of an ESL teacher in the country is $50,353.

13. Canada

HDI: 0.935

After Covid-19, Languages Canada reported that 20% of schools struggled to find qualified teachers in Canada and the salary disparities were further worsening the issue. Public sector ESL teachers in Ontario earn around $75,000 annually, while private schools in Montréal offer just $18-$24 per hour. On average, Canada pays $76,783 to English teachers, making it one of the top countries where teachers get paid the most.

12. United Arab Emirates

HDI: 0.937

With average salary of $5025 per month, plus benefits like housing and flight reimbursements (depending on the organization and program), teaching English in cities like Dubai and Abu Dhabi is competitive yet rewarding.

11. New Zealand

HDI: 0.939

Apart from its high HDI ranking, the country ranks high among the safest countries globally. Hence, New Zealand provides a peace of mind with low crime rates and high-quality healthcare, including free services. For English teachers, the country offers a high average annual salary of $54,635. Due to these factors, we believe New Zealand is on of the best countries for teachers to immigrate to.

10. United Kingdom

HDI: 0.940

The shortage of English teachers in the UK has reached critical levels, with hundreds of vacancies remaining unfilled for the upcoming academic year. Traditionally, subjects like maths and science struggled with recruitment, but now English has joined the ranks of shortage areas. Last year alone, nearly 40,000 teachers left the profession, as reported by The Guardian. Due to this high demand, UK offers a high average salary of $74,902 for English teachers.

9. Finland

HDI: 0.942

English teaching positions in Finland are usually located in urban centers like Helsinki and offer competitive salaries along with benefits such as relocation allowances and private health insurance. For ESL teachers, Finland has an average salary of $49,264 per year. With a HDI of 0.942, it is one of the best countries to teach English in Europe.

8. Belgium

HDI: 0.942

To teach English in Belgium, you will need a TEFL certification that will provide you with the necessary training for the job. While prior teaching experience isn’t mandatory, having this certification enhances your qualifications. Fluency in English at a native level is expected, though being a native speaker is not obligatory. Additionally, a bachelor’s degree in any field is typically required. The average salary of an ESL teacher in Belgium is $61,857.

7. Australia

HDI: 0.946

Average Salary: $49,539

The demand for English language teachers in Australia remains high, with around 300 colleges registered to teach international students in the ELICOS (English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students) sector, over a third of which are members of English Australia. The average salary of an English language teacher in Australia is $49,539.

6. Netherlands

HDI: 0.946

With a high average salary of $50,024 per year for English teachers, Netherlands ranks 6th in our list and is indeed one of the best countries to teach English and save money.

It is, however, concerning to note that 14 universities in the country have collectively decided to curtail the number of English-taught degrees and reduce the enrollment of international students.

5. Singapore

HDI: 0.949

Average Salary: $33,314

The demand for English teachers in Singapore is steadily increasing as the number of international students choosing to study in the country has been on the rise. This influx has led to a shortage of experienced English teachers.

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