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20 Best Beer Countries Heading into 2024

In this article, we are going to discuss the 20 best beer countries heading into 2024. You can skip our detailed analysis of the global beer market, the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on the global beer sector, and sustainability in the beer industry, and go directly to 5 Best Beer Countries Heading into 2024

The importance of beer is recorded in one of the first recorded laws. The famous Code of Hammurabi decreed a daily beer ration to citizens of ancient Babylon. The drink was distributed according to social standing – common laborers received two liters daily, while priests and bureaucrats got five. In ancient Egypt, beer was essential for laborers, like those building the pyramids of Giza, who were provided with a daily ration of over 10 pints of the delicious brew. Despite traditional belief, it was not slaves but a paid labor force that built some of the most iconic buildings in world history. And it was beer that fueled that labor.

Global Beer Market:

If your idea of relaxing at the end of the day involves cracking open a cold one, you’re not alone. Beer is the Most Consumed Alcohol in the World. As we mentioned in our article – 20 Best Beers for Beginners in 2023 – the global beer market was valued at $793.74 billion last year and is projected to grow from $821.39 billion in 2023 to $1.07 trillion by 2030, with a CAGR of 3.88% during the forecast period. The overall demand for premium and low-calorie beers, the rising popularity of craft beer, and the expansion of distribution networks in emerging markets are expected to continue driving growth in the global beer market over the next few years.

Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War: 

After Russia began its aggression in its neighboring country, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy urged international companies to turn their back on the Russian market. This led to brewing giants like Carlsberg and Heineken N.V. announcing their exodus from Russia in March 2022. The move was especially onerous for Carlsberg, as the Danish company held a 27% share of the Russian market through its ownership of the country’s largest brewer, Baltika.

Carlsberg sought a full disposal of their business in Russia, however, it has been reported that the Russian state has taken control of the company’s stake in Baltika effective immediately, according to a decree signed by President Vladimir Putin on the 16th of July 2023. Carlsberg has announced that the prospects for full disposal of its business in Russia are now highly uncertain. 

It was also reported in August that Heineken N.V. has completed its exit from Russia by selling its operations there to the country’s Arnest Group for a symbolic $1. The world’s second-largest brewer said that the deal had received all the required approvals and was likely to leave it with exceptional losses of $324.8 million. Heineken had seven breweries in Russia and 1,800 employees, who will receive employment guarantees for the next three years.

Similarly, Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV (NYSE:BUD) also disclosed in April 2022 that it would be selling its share in a joint venture with the Turkish brewery Anadolu Efes, which operates in Russia, expecting to take a $1.1 billion charge as a result. The venture contributed $1 million to Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV (NYSE:BUD)’s profits in 2021. 

The beer behemoth has been facing some headwinds in the American market after the recent controversy regarding its best-selling brand Bud Light, which resulted in the iconic brand losing its crown as the Top-Selling Beer in America after nearly two decades. However, despite its current problems, Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV (NYSE:BUD) ranks among the 12 Best Alcohol Stocks to Own According to Hedge Funds

Sustainability in the Beer Industry: 

The modern consumer has become increasingly aware of the climate emergency we unfortunately find ourselves in, and actively seeks out sustainable brands, even if it means paying extra. So, as beer makers find themselves in an increasingly competitive market, committing psychologically and economically to reducing their impact on the planet may also be the only means to make their businesses sustainable in the long run.

Keeping this in mind, the industry giant Diageo plc (NYSE:DEO) announced plans last year to invest over $220 million in a purpose-built carbon neutral brewery on a greenfield site in Ireland. The new facility will brew brands including Rockshore, Harp, Hop House 13, Smithwick’s, Kilkenny, and Carlsberg, with a full operational capacity of 2 million hectoliters. 

The ‘state-of-the-art’ brewery will be powered with 100% renewable energy and will harness the latest process technology to minimize overall energy and water consumption. This will enable the facility to avoid up to 15,000 metric tons of carbon emissions annually. 

Diageo plc (NYSE:DEO) also announced earlier this year that it has provided funding to establish the British Aluminium Consortium for Advanced Alloys (BACALL) – a collective of industry experts who will create a circular economy for aluminum in the U.K. This is all in line with the Guinness-maker’s Society 2030: Spirit of Progress plan that promotes sustainability from grain to glass.

Diageo plc (NYSE:DEO) sits among the Largest Alcohol Companies in the World in 2023

With that said, here are the Best Beer Countries in the World

Photo by Wil Stewart on Unsplash


To collect data for this article, we referred to sources such as CNN, VinePair, The Beer Connoisseur, reddit threads on the topic etc., looking for Countries with the Best Beer. We picked countries that appeared at least thrice in these sources, assigned them a score based on their number of appearances, and ranked them accordingly. When two countries had the same score, we ranked them by their total beer production in 2022. 

By the way, Insider Monkey is an investing website that tracks the movements of corporate insiders and hedge funds. By using a similar consensus approach, we identify the best stock picks of more than 900 hedge funds investing in US stocks. The top 10 consensus stock picks of hedge funds outperformed the S&P 500 Index by more than 140 percentage points over the last 10 years (see the details here). Whether you are a beginner investor or professional one looking for the best stocks to buy, you can benefit from the wisdom of hedge funds and corporate insiders. 

20. Latvia

Insider Monkey Score: 3

Beer is by far the most popular alcoholic beverage in Latvia, and the locals’ love of the good stuff means they create some exceptional varieties too. Owned by the Carlsberg Group, Aldaris is a popular beer brand in the Baltic country. 

With an annual per capita beer consumption of 77.4 liters, Latvia is placed among the Countries that Drink the Most Beer per Capita

19. Finland

Insider Monkey Score: 3

Over the last few years, beer culture has become increasingly popular in Finland, resulting in a booming craft beer industry in the country. The most traditional beer style in Finland would perhaps be sahti – a dark, often red-brown, thick and sweet unfiltered natural beer, that was fermented with baking yeast and often spiced with juniper. 

Finland is ranked among the Countries with the Best Beers in 2023

18. Norway

Insider Monkey Score: 4

Brewing has strong traditions in Norway, and since about 1200 B.C. it has been very much a part of the country’s Nordic culture. In recent years, a great interest in craft beers, artisanal beverages, and microbreweries has emerged in Norway, with Nøgne ø being one of the best craft breweries in the country.

17. Sweden

Insider Monkey Score: 4

Sweden’s beer culture thrives on the brilliance of craft breweries. Craft lovers will find a smorgasbord of microbreweries in the Scandinavian country, producing beer as well as other drinks, such as ciders and soda. Organic brewing is becoming more widespread in Sweden, as the country’s beers are attracting more and more attention worldwide. 

16. Japan

Insider Monkey Score: 4

The beer industry is an integral part of beverage manufacturing in the Land of the Rising Sun. While the country is well-known for its high-quality clear liquors such as rice wine (sake) and fruit liqueurs, beer stands at the top of alcoholic beverage production. Beer in Japan mostly comes from the country’s four major breweries – Asahi, Kirin, Sapporo, and Suntory.

Japan is the Best Beer Country in Asia in our list. 

15. Mexico

Insider Monkey Score: 4

Although America’s southern neighbor receives considerable international recognition for its other libations than it does for its beer, Mexico is, in fact, the Top Beer Exporting Country in the World. The country ships out twice as much beer as any other country and single-handedly accounts for 30.3% of the world’s entire export-beer market, meaning that 3 out of 10 beers exported globally are produced in Mexico. The U.S. was the largest export destination for Mexican beers, accounting for 96.2% of the country’s total exports in 2021. Mexico produces some of the best beers in the world, like Modelo Especial and Corona Extra. 

14. Poland

Insider Monkey Score: 5

Poland is well-known for its beer culture and many varieties. The country’s large breweries are all owned by multinational companies, however, Poland’s craft beer scene has seen great evolution over the last decade.

Polish beers are not difficult to find in America, especially in this day and age of online shopping. Brands such as Żywiec, Lech, Dębowe etc. can be easily bought in online shops, or found in local Polish stores. Poland is among the Countries that Export the Most Beer to the U.S.

13. Italy

Insider Monkey Score: 6

Italy has made significant contributions to the world of beer throughout its long history, from ancient Rome to the present. Owned by Asahi Breweries, Peroni Nastro Azzurro is the most popular beer in the country. Produced exclusively in Italy, Peroni is exported to 50 countries and ranks among the Most Imported Beer Brands in the World

12. New Zealand

Insider Monkey Score: 7

New Zealand’s beer industry has boomed over the past decade or so. Thanks to Kiwi ingenuity and the outright refusal to accept poor quality brews, New Zealand is now a hot spot for great beers, with some of its most popular craft breweries, such as Garage Project and Tuatara, beginning to establish a presence all around the globe.  

11. Denmark

Insider Monkey Score: 7

Denmark is known worldwide for its tasty and high-quality beer. The beer market in the country is dominated by two brands – Carlsberg and Tuborg – but there is much more to Danish beer than that. While there were just 17 microbreweries in the country in 2004, there were 120 breweries by 2014, which would have made Denmark the country with the highest number of breweries per capita at the time of those figures. 

10. Canada

Insider Monkey Score: 8

With over 1,100 breweries, the craft brewing industry in Canada has grown and so has the global recognition of Canadian beer. And unlike Canadian cannabis, Americans can easily buy the country’s beers, thanks to importers shipping into the U.S. Labatt Blue and Labatt Blue Light are the top-selling Canadian beers in America. 

9. Austria

Insider Monkey Score: 9

You have to work really hard to find a bad beer in a typical Austrian store or bar. Over 300 breweries in the country produce more than 1,000 beers in total. The biggest brands in Vienna include Ottakringer, Stiegl, Zipfer and Gösser, but you can find plenty of small and private breweries and specialty beers as well, none of which should disappoint the discerning beer palate. 

Austria is among the Best Beer Countries in Europe

8. Australia

Insider Monkey Score: 10

The Land Down Under has a very large variety of beer styles to choose from. IRI Australia, a market research company, has revealed the biggest selling beers at liquor retailers in 2022, with Great Northern coming first for the second year in a row, ahead of Carlton Dry in second place, and XXXX in third.

Australia is placed among the Top 10 Countries for Beer Lovers

7. Netherlands

Insider Monkey Score: 12

Not only is beer the most popular alcoholic drink in the Netherlands, but it is also one of the country’s biggest export products, as famous Dutch beer brands are sold all over the world. The Netherlands is home to Heineken – one of the Most Popular Beers in the World in 2023

6. Ireland

Insider Monkey Score: 15

The Irish craft beer scene has experienced explosive growth, with new breweries popping up across the country at an impressive rate. According to recent statistics, the number of breweries in Ireland has more than quadrupled in the last decade, surpassing the 100 mark and still counting.  

Ireland ranks 6th in our list of Countries with the Highest Quality Beer.

Click to continue reading and see the 5 Best Beer Countries Heading into 2024

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Disclosure: None. 20 Best Beer Countries Heading Into 2024 is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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