If you’re really nervous about finally proposing to your girl, read on to find 20 antique engagement rings to buy from Etsy. You can also read it if you just want to browse some beautiful antique rings, too.
Engagement, or near engagement, can be an extremely stressful period of life. Especially for the guy. Will she say yes? Is this really meant to be? Are you finally going to have a partner and best friend for life?
Not to mention, how much is this all going to cost? First there’s the ring, then there’s the swanky suit you planned to wear on that special night, then there’s the night itself. And we haven’t even talked about the wedding expenses yet.
No fear, we’re here to ease at least some of your anxiety by providing you with a few gorgeous rings that are surefire. They’re unique, relatively inexpensive and best of all, antique.

Copyright: dimjul / 123RF Stock Photo
Antique often means frumpy, but these rings are far from it. They’re rare beauties that can’t easily be found in stores, but they’re much more desirable than any modern creation for some, if not most, women.
That’s why we went to Etsy, where you can “shop for anything from creative people everywhere.” Antique dealers and experienced jewelry collectors are selling so many beautiful rings on this site, and we’re highlighting just a few. (For more great Etsy finds, see 10 Most Successful Etsy Shops in 2015.)
We sorted the antique engagement rings to buy from Etsy by price from most expensive to least, with our last ring ringing in at under $100 (see what we did there?) We only included rings under $2000 that had the word “Antique” in their titles.
But before we plunge in, are you ready for a million disclaimers?
First, we didn’t exactly consider all ring sizes. Some of these rings are available in all sizes, while others have just one available in a certain size, so beware.
Also, if you have any doubts about the authenticity of any of this jewelry, don’t blame us, blame the seller. Purchasing expensive jewelry online can prove to be risky business, and while oftentimes you get what you want, other times you’ll be disappointed. Etsy sellers are usually trustworthy, but keep in mind the risk and be on the lookout for anything fishy.
You may also want to be sure that your girl will actually like a vintage ring first, too. Some of these pieces don’t exactly look typical, and that can be good or bad, depending on your girl’s taste. We don’t want you to confidently pop the question, reveal the ring and find out she doesn’t like it. That could definitely bring your odds of getting a yes down a few notches.
Otherwise, here goes! 20 antique engagement rings to buy from Etsy.