18 Most Famous Atheists in the World

We might live in a modern world, but religion is still pulling plenty of strings out there, and most famous atheists in the world show us that things don’t have to be like that. Many people would agree that the spiritual matters shouldn’t be forced upon general population and that religious institutions and clergy shouldn’t be allowed to have any impact on any country’s government. Still, these situations are ever-present around the globe – especially in turbulent areas where people often cling to religion as their last resort. Atheism doesn’t recognize God, and atheists themselves are often perceived as highly educated, emancipated and independent. That’s mostly because they are. While they might defy God, they still can’t do anything to defy the natural forces. At least not like these 11 architectural wonders that seem to defy gravity.

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Show business, politics, business, scientific circles and many more fields are mostly made out of both religious and non-religious people. A vast number of them are non-religious which would mean that they are atheists. But who are atheists, after all? They are people that don’t believe in the existence of deities – period. Every religion has its own deity, and atheism has none. It isn’t a religion at all. It’s just a term used to recognize those people standing firmly on their ground – when it comes to spiritual matters, at least.

Now that we have established who atheists are (even though you all knew that already), we’ll move on to bring you the list of 20 most famous atheists in the world. Before we start, however, bear in mind the fact that, like every matter spiritual, one’s belief doesn’t have to be determined and sealed. People change opinions, and many atheists have become believers (theists) over the years and vice versa. Russian President Vladimir Putin is a fine example of a former atheist converting to Orthodox Christianity, while Brad Pitt, on the other hand, is now a proud atheist (more like agnostic) even though his upbringing was religious. Take this info with the pinch of salt – especially when politicians are concerned. It might be popularity that drives them. Also, pay attention to a difference between atheists and agnostics. While former disregard any chance of deity’s existence, latter take a slightly more moderate approach and acknowledge that a god might exist. They can’t prove that fact, however, and they can’t prove that the god doesn’t exist at the same time. Our list will only mention pure atheists as differences between these two groups of people (while seeming insignificant), are quite large. As far as determining who of these countless celebrities are the most famous goes – we have decided to rate them equally. We have also striven to deliver you a combined list of both alive and, well, rather not so alive atheists. So, without any particular order, here’s our list of 18 most famous atheists in the world – whether still among us, or long gone from this Earth.

18. Karl Marx

There’s hardly a better way to start an atheist list than with someone who has influenced great many future generations of atheists. Karl Marx was a German philosopher and economist among other things, but he’s widely acclaimed as world’s most prominent socialist thinker. His social theories have influenced many socialist revolutions around the globe and were triggers for both the rise of communism and modern socialism. Even his philosophy has been named Marxism, in his honor. His opinion on religion can be found in many of his works, and one of the best-known quotes is this one: “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.”

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17. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna

Better known as Che Guevara – Argentinian doctor might have been born in a Catholic family, but he was always an atheist at heart. Being one of the leaders of the Cuban revolution (alongside brothers Fidel and Raul Castro) – nothing less could have been expected from the man. All his life, he has striven to liberate his oppressed Latin American brethren from the clutches of capitalism that had only brought cheap labor, economical dependence and poverty south of the US border. For his ideals, he has paid the ultimate price. Influenced by many notable people from his and before his time (including Marx), Che’s views on religion were pretty straightforward: “…In fact, if Christ himself stood in my way, I, like Nietzsche, would not hesitate to squish him like a worm.”

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16. Mark Zuckerberg

There’s an odd chance that you’re just reading this article thanks to Mr. Zuckerberg’s neat invention called Facebook. Oh, who am I kidding – everyone knows who the man is. But, did you know he’s also an atheist? Although Jewish, this doesn’t hinder him from expressing his atheism: “My religion is still Jewish Atheism and will be…” Only odd thing about that statement is that it comes from his Twitter account. Well, a little bit of healthy competition never hurt anybody.

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Frederic Legrand – COMEO / Shutterstock.com

15. Joaquin Phoenix

American actor and producer is probably best-known for his role in Ridley Scott’s Gladiator where he portrayed the main antagonist Commodus (Emperor Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Augustus). While his character had a habit of portraying himself as a demigod (thus being a theist – polytheist at that), Joaquin Phoenix is definitely an atheist. On questions about his religious views, he has had this to say: “I don’t believe in God. I don’t believe in the afterlife. I don’t believe in the soul. I don’t believe in anything. I think it’s totally right for people to have their own beliefs if it makes them happy, but for me, it’s a pretty preposterous idea.” Could he have been any more clearer?

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Everett Collection / Shutterstock.com

14. Sigmund Freud

Father of the psychoanalysis can’t be anything other than atheist – right? Maybe not, but it’s true in Freud’s case. Born in 19th century Austrian Empire, Freud wasn’t only a notable neurologist, but an influential atheist at the same time. Among other things, he has said the following: “Religion is an illusion, and it derives its strength from the fact that it falls in with our instinctual desires.”

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13. Ricky Gervais

Unlike most of his predecessors from this list of 18 most famous atheists in the world, Ricky is a comedian. Best-known as the creator of “The Office” (both British and American versions), and for his slurs at the Golden Globe awards, Gervais can’t afford to believe in God given his sense of humor. I’ll just leave this Ricky’s tweet here: “I’ve never been insulted by hateful satanists for not believing in their devil. Only by loving Christians for not believing in their God.” That’s Ricky, all right.

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12. George Orwell

Born as Eric Arthur Blair, George Orwell was one of the most notable 20th-century dystopian novelists and social and political critics. While socialist at heart, Orwell is best-known for his staunch criticism of totalitarian systems, especially communism and fascism. He hasn’t remained blind to his own government’s shortcomings as well, since both British colonial authorities, and those closer to home have often been the targets of his pen. Fighter in Spanish civil war, Orwell knew firsthand how politicians sway the masses and turn them against each other. “1984” and “Animal Farm” are monumental works that are still popular, even 65 and 70 years after their publishing respectively. Inventor of the “Big Brother” term had this to say about religion: “Mankind is not likely to salvage civilization unless he can evolve a system of good and evil, which is independent of heaven and hell.”

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11. Stephen Hawking

My guess is that by now even the little children know that Stephen Hawking is an atheist through and through. This British cosmologist and theoretical physicist is one of world’s biggest scientific minds alive and is currently Director of Research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge. He’s not only an atheist. In fact, his lively work is going against most religious beliefs, and he’s trying to scientifically prove that the God doesn’t exist (not deliberately, of course). A part of his quote pretty much sums this up: “When people ask me if God created the universe, I tell them that the question itself makes no sense. Time didn’t exist before the big bang, so there is no time for God to make the universe in.”

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10. Ernest Hemingway

Nobel Prize for literature laureate, Ernest Hemingway was converted from Congregationalist to Catholic (credits go to his second wife) but has remained an atheist at heart throughout his life. If you don’t believe me, just go through his quote: “All thinking men are atheists”.

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9. Billy Joel

Billy Joel is one of the best-sold solo artists in the US, and he has been performing for exactly half a century. The Golden anniversary hasn’t softened his beliefs on atheism, and his Jewish and Catholic upbringing didn’t manage to snatch him for themselves. He is definitely an atheist and this part of the quote of his proves it: “… I gradually decided that just because I didn’t have or couldn’t find the ultimate answer, didn’t mean that I was going to buy the religious fairy tale. As an atheist, you have to rationalize things.”

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8. Sir Ian McKellen

The 76-year old British actor has moved from his role of white wizard Gandalf to more earthly role of a knight. He has confessed both that he’s gay and an atheist, which might have ruffled a few feathers among his fan base. “I’ve often thought the Bible should have a disclaimer in the front saying this is fiction” is a quote that says a lot about Sir Ian McKellen’s beliefs, and still ruffles feathers across the Christian world.

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Denis Makarenko / Shutterstock.com

7. Napoleon Bonaparte

Well, it’s not fair to brand someone an atheist – especially if a person was highly involved in religious matters. Napoleon, though, was a shrewd thinker – that much is clear. He was crowned Emperor by the Pope and ruled one of Europe’s biggest Christian Empires as a result. French leader was feared across the continent during his short reign and his deeds will be remembered for generations to come. His quotes on religion should be remembered as well. After all, he has said the following: “All religions have been made by men.” If that’s not a clear sign of romantic period’s atheism, then I don’t know what is. In any case, Napoleon deserves a spot on our list of 18 most famous atheists in the world.

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6. Hugh Laurie

The British actor, musician, comedian, etc. is – as you can see, many things apart from being an atheist. Probably best-known for his role of Dr. Gregory House, Laurie is as pragmatic in his real life as he was on the show – at least as far as his religious views go. His tweet has stirred up plenty of religious people which goes to say that he’s not afraid to express his beliefs. “Yes, I suppose that it’s odd that atheists sometimes say Jesus, and Oh My God. But odder than the religious saying ‹Let’s be reasonable›?”

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5. Virginia Woolf

I have only now figured out that I have really neglected the fairer gender. Virginia Woolf – apart from being a brilliant writer, was a brave woman as well. The fact that there aren’t many notable female atheists as there are male atheists can be accredited to the system of value which had always favored men. Women were rarely allowed to express their beliefs, but Virginia Woolf didn’t allow the same thing to happen to her as well. Her quote: “For most of history, anonymous was a woman” proves the aforementioned statement. The fact that she was an atheist, however, can be proven from her 1928 letter about Thomas Stearns Eliot, to their mutual friend. Here she says: “I have had a most shameful and distressing interview with dear Tom Eliot, who may be called dead to us all from this day forward. He has become an Anglo-Catholic believer in God and immortality, and goes to church. I was shocked. A corpse would seem to me more credible than he is. I mean, there’s something obscene in a living person sitting by the fire and believing in God.”

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4. John Lennon

During his short time on this Earth, Lennon had achieved a status that rarely any celebrity today can boast with. First among equals in The Beatles – Lennon was always a rebel at heart, thus, it’s not hard to imagine why he was an atheist. His religious beliefs are maybe best described in his song, called “God”:

“God is a Concept by which we measure our pain, I don’t believe in magic, I don’t believe in I-ching, I don’t believe in Bible, I don’t believe in Tarot, I don’t believe in Hitler, I don’t believe in Jesus, I don’t believe in Kennedy, I don’t believe in Buddha, I don’t believe in Mantra, I don’t believe in Gita, I don’t believe in Yoga, I don’t believe in Kings, I don’t believe in Elvis, I don’t believe in Zimmerman, I don’t believe in Beatles, I just believe in me, Yoko and me, and that’s reality.”

Most Popular Beatles Songs of All Time 20 Most Famous Atheists in the World

3. Woody Allen

Woody Allen is known for a plethora of notable works including “The Purple Rose of Cairo”, “Annie Hall”, “Manhattan”, “Zelig”, “Hannah And Her Sisters”, and others. Actor, comedian, and filmmaker is also an atheist. “To you I’m an atheist; to God, I’m the Loyal Opposition.

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2. Daniel Radcliffe

How can Harry Potter be an atheist? He lives in a world full of wizards, unicorns, flying broomsticks, passable walls and monsters, for Pete’s sake! Well, my guess is as good as any’s. You’re right – he’s an Englishman (what’s wrong with you people). Joke aside, youngest atheist among listed celebrities has had this to say: “I’m not religious. I’m an atheist and a militant atheist when religion starts impacting on legislation.” 100 points to Gryffindor!

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1. James Cameron

James Cameron – number one on our list of  18 most famous atheists in the world doesn’t need introduction. Everything this man has touched has turned to gold. He has only failed to win an Oscar for Leonardo DiCaprio, but Leo will get there. Eventually. Though, James Cameron has won plenty of Academy Awards, Golden Globes, and Primetime Emmy Awards. He’s somewhere in between agnosticism and atheism when it comes to his religious views. “I’ve sworn off agnosticism, which I now call cowardly atheism. I’ve come to the position that in the complete absence of any supporting data whatsoever for the persistence of the individual in some spiritual form, it is necessary to operate under the provisional conclusion that there is no afterlife and then be ready to amend that if I find otherwise.” Well, more like agnostic, but I just had to put him on the list.

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