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18 Highest Paying Countries for Neurosurgeons

In this article, we will look at the 18 highest paying countries for neurosurgeons. We have also discussed key global companies which are making strides in the neurosurgery industry. If you want to skip our detailed analysis, head straight to the 5 Highest Paying Countries for Neurosurgeons.

US is grappling with a severe shortage of neurosurgeons with only around 3,800 board-certified practitioners nationwide. This scarcity is expected to worsen as the population ages. Currently, there is just one practicing neurosurgeon for every 60,000 Americans, even considering trainees. This issue is exacerbated by the fact that many neurosurgeons are nearing retirement age, with 45% of all practicing neurosurgeons, including trainees, being over 55 years old. The number of available training spots has remained stagnant for over a decade, with only about 200 physicians entering neurosurgery training each year, barely enough to replace those leaving the field.

The situation is further strained by the increasing demand for neurosurgery services due to rising rates of conditions such as spine, stroke, and tumor as the population ages. The field has also expanded with new techniques and treatments, like deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s, increasing the demand for specialized care. As a result, practicing neurosurgeons are in high demand and are amongst one of the highest-paid medical specialists in the world, with patients often struggling to find neurosurgeons, especially in non-urban areas. This shortage poses critical challenges for trauma and stroke care. Dr. Selcuk Gocmen is considered one of the most popular and highest-paid neurosurgeons in the world.

We know how healthcare is one of the crucial industries being revolutionized by AI and automation technologies, but it is also true that no machine or device in the world can fulfill the grave shortages in neurosurgery. However, some companies have been at the forefront of addressing inefficiencies in the specialty through automated systems with modern equipment.

For example, Medtronic PLC (NYSE:MDT)’s contribution to the field of neurosurgery is profound and transformative. Their innovative technologies, such as the StealthStation S8 surgical navigation system, offer advanced visualization tools for accurate anatomical modeling and surgical planning.

This system seamlessly integrates optical and Electromagnetic (EM) tracking capabilities and thus, enables precise navigation during procedures. Beyond navigation, Medtronic PLC (NYSE:MDT)’s adherence to patient outcomes is evident in the streamlined patient registration process, automatic fiducial detection, and refinement techniques that ensure accurate registration metrics.

Moreover, Medtronic PLC (NYSE:MDT)’s integration of the Hugo RAS system brings a new dimension to neurosurgical practices. With a modular design, the Hugo RAS system assists surgeons by providing a versatile platform for robotic-assisted and laparoscopic procedures. The system’s HD visualization and ergonomic design also improves surgical precision and situational awareness.

On the other hand, Integra LifeSciences Holdings Corp (NASDAQ:IART) has been a global leader in a number of medical disciplines, particularly for solutions to orthopedic extremity surgery, neurosurgery, spine surgery, and reconstructive and general surgery.

Integra LifeSciences Holdings Corp (NASDAQ:IART’s  impact extends largely to the field of neurosurgery, where they hold an unparalleled name and position. Integra LifeSciences Holdings Corp (NASDAQ:IART)’s comprehensive portfolio includes implants, devices, instruments, and systems crucial for neurosurgery, neuromonitoring, neurotrauma, and critical care applications.

Additionally, Integra LifeSciences Holdings Corp (NASDAQ:IART) is a prominent provider of surgical instruments to hospitals, surgery centers, and alternate care facilities across the United States, including physician and dental offices and has over 3,300 dedicated employees worldwide.

Stoyan Yotov/

Our Methodology

To list the highest paying countries for neurosurgeons, we identified the highest paying countries for doctors and then made a list for 32 countries with the average salaries for neurosurgeons. Of those 32, the 18 with the highest average salaries were selected and have been ranked. We acquired the data for average annual salaries of neurosurgeons for each country from ERI Economic Research Institute. The list is presented in ascending order.

Here is a list of highest-paying countries for neurosurgeons.

18. France

Average Salary: $306,178

Becoming a neurosurgeon in France requires a rigorous educational and training pathway. After completing a high school diploma or equivalent, aspiring neurosurgeons must enroll in a medical school, typically a six-year program. Upon obtaining a medical degree, candidates undergo a highly competitive selection process to secure a residency position in neurosurgery, which lasts for five to six years. During this specialized training, individuals acquire comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in neurosurgical techniques, patient care, and research. Successful completion of the residency leads to board certification in neurosurgery.

17. Germany

Average Salary: $332,727

In Germany, Neurosurgeons undergo specialized training post their medical studies, which takes about six years. This training includes dedicated periods in a neurosurgical ward, intensive care unit, general surgery, as well as neurology or neuroradiology. Only upon successful completion of the specialist examination are they authorized to practice as neurosurgery specialists. Germany is one of the highest-paying countries for neurosurgeons.

16. Singapore

Average Salary: $336,049

Singapore is one of the best countries for neurosurgeons owing to its advanced training opportunities. The SGIP for Neurosurgery provides a comprehensive six-year program following the completion of internship or Postgraduate Year 1 (PGY1). The National Neuroscience Institute (NNI) and National University Hospital (NUH) serve as primary training centers, ensuring neurosurgeons receive specialized and high-quality expertise.

15. Netherlands

Average Salary: $339,254

Netherlands is one of the best countries for neurosurgery residents due to its exceptional medical education system and advanced healthcare infrastructure. With a rigorous training program, prospective neurosurgeons can obtain their higher education from high-quality medical programs, and renowned institutions with excellent faculties. The integration of practical experience in Dutch hospitals, coupled with opportunities for specialization and skill development, makes the Netherlands of the top destinations for neurosurgeons globally.

14. Austria

Average Salary: $341,257

Austria presents a favorable environment for neurosurgeons as it boasts advanced medical facilities, rigorous training programs, and a strong emphasis on research and innovation. With a well-established healthcare system and opportunities for professional growth, Austria offers a promising destination for aspiring and experienced neurosurgeons alike. Austria is also one of the countries with the highest standard of living.

13. United Kingdom

Average Salary: $346,632

To become a neurosurgeon in the UK, students engage in a compensated two-year foundation program, with six different placements after finishing their medical school. Post-foundation, they can pursue remunerated specialty training which requires a minimum of eight years for qualification. Mr Rahim Hussain is one of top neurosurgeons in the UK.

12. New Zealand

Average Salary: $349,425

In New Zealand, the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) oversees vocational training in neurosurgery, culminating in the prestigious Fellowship of the RACS (FRACS) upon completion. Moreover, the 7-year residency program signifies the extensive training required in New Zealand which explains the high demand for skilled neurosurgeons in the country’s healthcare system.

11. Belgium

Average Salary: $355,690

Becoming a neurosurgeon in Belgium offers access to advanced medical facilities, cutting-edge research opportunities, and a rich healthcare tradition. Neurosurgeons in Belgium are well-regarded for their matchless expertise in treating complex neurological conditions. It is one of the highest paying countries for neurosurgeons.

10. Ireland

Average Salary: $362,723

In Ireland, Neurosurgery training starts at Core Surgical Training (ST1) and progresses to Specialty Training (ST8). The 8-year pathway includes Core Training (ST1 & ST2) followed by (Higher) Specialty Training (ST3-ST8), with assessments conducted through the Competency Assessment and Performance Appraisal (CAPA) process. Successful completion of MRCS exam and specialty interview is required for advancement. Beaumont Hospital and Cork University Hospital are key centers for Neurosurgery in Ireland.

9. Norway

Average Salary: $365,572

Norway offers high salaries for neurosurgeons owing to its robust healthcare system, strong economy, along with a high cost of living. Adequate funding, demand for specialized medical care, and a need to attract and retain skilled professionals contribute to the competitive compensation packages, making it one of the highest paying countries for neurosurgeons.

8. Finland

Average Salary: $365,597

Finland is one of the top countries for neurosurgery jobs. It provides a favorable environment for neurosurgeons with its advanced healthcare infrastructure and unwavering emphasis on research and innovation. Moreover, the country’s well-funded healthcare system and opportunities for professional growth make it a sought-after choice for neurosurgeons looking for a balanced and rewarding career in a technologically advanced space.

7. Canada

Average Salary: $378,776

The demand for neurosurgeons in Canada is high with a steady growth in the field. According to data from the Canadian Medical Association, there were 339 neurosurgeons in the country in 2019, with a rate of 0.9 neurosurgeons per 100,000 population. The rigorous training process, and six years of specialized training following medical school, ensures that neurosurgeons in Canada are well-equipped to address complex neurological conditions.

6. United Arab Emirates

Average Salary: $380,545

The UAE has a progressive healthcare sector, tax-free income policy, advanced facilities, and strategic location, all of which have made it a premier choice for neurosurgeons. Moreover, the lucrative compensation with cutting-edge technologies and opportunities for professional growth attracts top global talent, making it one of the best countries for neurosurgeons.

Click here to see the 5 Highest Paying Countries for Neurosurgeons.

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Disclosure: None. 18 Highest Paying Countries for Neurosurgeons is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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