If you are seeking the answers to whether or not the United States still segregated, or what are the most segregated cities in America, then you will definitely find them in this article.
The United States has been the beacon of freedom and equality for the rest of the world for a very long time, but, you will be surprised to learn about the most segregated cities in America 2017 like Jackson, Mississippi (honestly, there’s no surprise with this one) and Detroit, Michigan. Segregation refers to the physical separation of ethnic and racial groups within a metropolitan area. However, in this article, we will only talk about citywide segregation and not about the most segregated states in America. But thankfully, the future is not as bleak, if you take a look at the least segregated cities in America like Tucson, Arizona and Sacramento, California, you can easily see that these cities have integrated their population fairly well. These cities are thriving and serving as models for other such cities. Check out the 10 Least Segregated Cities in America to learn more.

If you are interested enough and raise enough concern, we will certainly work on figuring out most segregated states in America 2017, but for now, let’s just talk about the most segregated cities. In these highly segregated cities, the life of a black person and the life of a white person could not be more different. There are glaring differences in standard of living, income and even the locations where different ethnic communities reside in the city. The 10 Most Racist Cities in America Ranked by Hate Crimes will give you an idea what segregation can do to a community and in extension an entire nation.
To create this list of most segregated cities in America, we basically looked for relevant data from the Internet, and thankfully there were several sources of information. For our research, we utilized data provided by John R. Logan at Brown University and Brian J. Stults at Florida State University, City-Data, Wired and 24/7 Wall Street. We also put Google’s search engine through its paces for finding out additional information as well. In our research, we found that although segregation has been legally abolished since the 1960s evidence suggests that segregation is still around in practice.
We based our ranking on the percent of people belonging to the same racial group living in close proximity. For example, if the majority of the black population of a given city lives in designated neighborhoods (usually in a poverty-stricken area) for blacks, then we can consider that city to be segregated. Please keep reading, and things will become clearer as we step into the list section of this article. So, let’s get the list of 17 most segregated cities in America started.