Get ready to find out which the easiest marathons for beginners in US and Europe are.
First, how long are marathons? Marathon length was established in the 20th century and it is a constant distance of 26.2 miles (42.195 km), and the first modern marathon was held in 1896 in Athens Olympic Games. This mileage was a tribute to ancient Greek marathons which were about 25 miles long. And why this long? The legend says that after Battle of Marathon, which was fought between ancient Greeks and Persians in 490 B.C., a herald soldier named Pheidippides was running for about 25 miles to spread the word about the Greek victory. Today’s marathons are held all over the world with variations such as half-marathon (13.1 miles, which is 21.1 km), or ultra-marathon (more than 26.2 miles or 42.195 km).
The first woman to run a marathon was Marie-Louise Ledru in 1918, but she was not officially included as a racer. The first woman to succeed in that was Katherine Switzer who ran the Boston Marathon in 1967.

Since we are here from the perspective of beginners, let’s see what is the most important to prepare your mind and body in order to run a marathon. First, of course, there is the training and exercise as the physical part of preparations. Then, a very important thing that many people seem to neglect, or simply don’t think about is nutrition and eating healthy. And in the end, there is mental willingness and devotion.
Physical readiness is the most important part of the procedure of how to prepare for a marathon. If you are very beginner, any distance might seem long for you. But don’t give up! In order to get ready for, say, half-marathon you will need about 15 weeks of preparation. You should consider running at least 30 minutes three times a week, each week prolonging your running distance, up to the phase where you can more or less easily run 13 or 14 miles. But be patient and don’t rush. Take an easy pace, the speed that suits you the most at the beginning, because injuries from running (and any other sport especially if you are a beginner) are often. Some of the usual injuries of running are Achilles tendonitis, runner’s knee, hamstring stretches, plantar fasciitis and others, which are nicely explained at Runner’s World. If you are a US resident and want some flat fast marathon courses, you can check them out on Fastest Marathons. The Guardian, on the other hand, suggests some of the fast UK marathon courses.
Mental preparation is an important phase you should consider when thinking of running some of the easiest marathons for beginners in US and Europe. Don’t think of mileage as an unreachable peak, think of the time and boosting morale while running. Think positively, and push your limits, since you have decided to reach some specific goal.
Then the last but not the least, nutrition. Healthy eating is something that is recommended whether you are involved in sports or not. But, of course, if you exercise a lot, you would need to know which food is best for your energy recovery and maintaining a healthy body. Some of the important things you should have in mind are carbohydrates, protein and fat. Carbohydrates include rice, bread, potatoes, beans, and they are important for maintaining the energy. Proteins are consistent, and foods such as meat, milk, eggs cheese or soy, can help to maintain and repair tissues and body cells in general. Fats include sweets, pastry, butter, creams and oils which are also helping in maintaining and gaining energy. You can find some nice advice on healthy nutrition in 6 Easiest Low Carb Diet Plans for Weight Loss.
Now let’s see some of the easiest marathons in Europe, and some of the best marathons for beginners in 2018 in general. One of the conditions of the easiest marathon would also be the importance (in this case absence) of a slope, so flattest marathons would also be a primary category. For the information on easiest marathons for beginners in US and Europe we have sought help from some running and fitness specialized websites such as Fitness Magazine Healthline, Daily Burn, Runner’s World, Let’s Run and Men’s Health. Since marathon is a marathon, meaning, length does not count here; other factors were important now, such as slope, as we have noted. So, choosing the easiest marathons for beginners in US and Europe is, in the end, the matter of subjectiveness and personal preferences. So, we have ranked the marathons on the count of mentions from these resources, and of course on our criterion that it has to be flat(ish).
If you are a beginner, you might not be able to run some of the top 5 European marathons such as Athens, London, Lisbon, Tour de Paris or Rome marathon (Maratona di Roma). But if you decide to continue running, those might be some of your future goals. Let’s get to see some of the easiest marathons for beginners in US and Europe now:
17. California International Marathon
Where: Sacramento, California
When: December
The flat route of California International Marathon will boost your moral as a first-time runner, giving you the opportunity for good timing.

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