In all the hustle about the graduation of your children, the last thing you need is spending too much time on picking the best college graduation gifts for son. We have some suggestions for you here, so you can focus on planning a party or a nice family lunch.
Surely you would like to give your son something special, that would remind him of this important point in life. That is why you should probably go looking for some meaningful college graduation gifts for son. Since we are focusing on the best college graduation gifts for son here, as a parent you might also check out some other ideas like 15 Best College Graduation Gifts from Parents or 10 Sentimental Graduation Gifts for Daughter.

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We have focused here, in order to make a choice for your son’s college graduation gift choice the unique and best, on some practical college graduation gifts. And we have also tried to avoid average college graduation gift amount from parents because it is nice that you present your children with something unique and memorable.
So, we have sought help in order to get some ideas about the matter of the best college graduation gifts for son on USA Today, Brighthub, Esquire, College Parent Central, and Unigo. We have also visited some discussions on this issue that parents had between themselves on College Confidential’s forum. There were many suggestions indeed, and we have tried to make a list of those that most parents agreed on as being the best gifts for their sons.
And you should also have in mind some of the 16 Inexpensive Graduation Gift Ideas for Friends that your son might get from his friends, so try to surprise him with something else. That’s why we are here in the end, so let’s see which some ideas for the best college graduation gifts for son are:
17. Gym Membership
Now when he has finished studies, it is time to get back in (or maintain) the form! Gym membership is a good reminder.
