That golden business rule “The customer is always right” doesn’t seem to be the motto of these 10 worst companies for customer service. Even so, some of them are actually big and famous companies and among leaders in their industries. Two things can explain this – either customer service satisfaction isn’t that important (hard to believe) or these companies hold some kind of monopoly and people are unable to switch to another company (easier to believe). Whatever the case it is interesting to notice that most of the companies on this list are telecommunication, internet, and TV providers. And, on the other side the road, companies with great customer service are mostly restaurants. I guess people working in restaurants are more aware of the simple fact that their business really depends on the customer satisfaction. But there are other big companies (not restaurants) that get this. Take Apple for example, it has one of the highest indexes (82) when it comes to customer services this year, and it is also among the most money making companies in the world. Naturally, none of those companies on our list below is on the linked list too.

We figured out which are the worst companies for customer service by using American Customer Satisfaction Index’s Benchmarks By Company table, in which companies are rated by the customer satisfaction index. If the company is rated in various sectors it operates, we averaged indexes in order to get the ultimate rating for the company. We’ve used only the indexes for the current year, to get the newest rating of the companies that can’t boast about being friendly and helpful to their customers. There are 16 companies in total on our list, and only 11 “ranking places”, because some of them share a spot. Eager to find out which are the worst companies for customer service? Let’s start with the list then!