Great news for green entrepreneurs because we have got 16 popular green business ideas with low investment.
Going “green” is extremely trendy nowadays which is good both for our businesses as well as the environment. More and more people are becoming concerned with what state our environment is in, and so they are eager to do their part in preserving the planet so that we have something to leave to our children. According to The Balance, a global survey in 2014 showed that about 55% of consumers are willing to pay higher prices for products and services from environmentally-friendly companies. And the results of another study conducted in 2013 showed that 71% of Americans think of the environment when they shop. This gives us hope for the future, and hopefully, the percentage of those who care for our lovely planet will continue to grow.

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This awareness of how important it is to preserve our precious environment continues into 2018 which is why we have prepared a list of green business ideas for those with a modest budget. Companies worldwide are now adopting eco friendly business practices, and so earlier we came up with a list of 19 green business ideas for eco-friendly entrepreneurs. Besides the obvious benefit of preserving the environment, green business companies tend to attract consumers concerned with the same issues, and so the company can improve its bottom line. According to Chron, some of the benefits of going green for businesses include cost saving, creating a healthier workplace, public relations, etc. According to the same article, creating a healthier workplace can significantly decrease the number of sick days used by the employees, and if this piece of information doesn’t make companies want to go green, I don’t know what will. There are also incentives for companies that try to become greener, and these incentives are in the form of tax credits.
But starting a business can be a daunting task mainly due to financial difficulties. People are more willing to start a business today than have a regular 9 to 5 job which is great, but they can’t forge out huge amounts of money which brings us to another trend — business ideas with low investment and high profit.
If you are interested in think green business ideas but you are on a tight budget, you can relax because there are so many ways to go green without spending a lot of money. Here you can find useful tips on how to develop your eco friendly business plan, and if what you seek are innovative environmental business ideas, then stick with us.
We searched for popular green business ideas as well as environmental management business ideas that don’t require a lot of money, so we visited Profitable Venture and Entrepreneur to find them. Upon careful selection, we compiled a list of 16 popular green business ideas with low investment.
16. Eco-Consultant
A trained eco-consultant visits people’s homes and advises them on what changes to make in order to save energy, water, and money. Green Irene, founded by PJ Stafford and Rosamaria Caballero Stafford, has eco-consultants in about 35 states. The company is based on direct sales models so you can join this fascinating team and enjoy flexible hours. It’s a low-cost opportunity that allows you to work from your home. Nevertheless, it’s a way cheaper then to buy one of the green franchises.

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