16 Poorest Metropolitan Cities in America: 2015 List

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5. Stockton – Lodi, CA

This metro area of some 700,000 inhabitants is close to both the Bay Area and Silicon Valley, but this doesn’t help it avoiding a place on this 16 poorest metropolitan cities in America: 2015 list. After the real estate crash and economic recession that followed, Stockton has become the largest city in US history to file for bankruptcy. Of course, Detroit managed to break this infamous record shortly after. Stockton – Lodi metro is still recovering while unemployment is as high as 8.8%. At the same time, 19.9% of metro’s inhabitants are living below the poverty line, and real per capita GDP is as low as $29,768.

16 Poorest Metropolitan Cities in America: 2015 List

Terrance Emerson/Shutterstock.com

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