16 Most Racist Cities in the United States in 2017

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10. Detroit, MI

Number of crimes: 16

Integration/Segregation Index: -6.5

In Detroit, which has segregation index of -6.5, African American account for 79.2% of total population and their median household income is $26,759, while 39.4% live in poverty, which is a little more compared to white poverty rate (35%). It should be added that according to 24/7 Wall Streett, Detroit-Warren-Dearborn, MI, is the second most segregated metro area in America. 24/7 Wall Street’s analysis shows that  “in 18 of the area’s zip codes, more than 80% of residents are black, and those zip codes are home to more than half of the area’s black population”, which is one of the signs that significant segregation is present in the city.

16 Most Racist Cities in the United States in 2017

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