16 Most Racist Cities in the United States in 2017

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4. Chicago, IL

Number of crimes: 26

Integration/Segregation Index: -18.6

According to Fivethirtyeigh.com, Chicago is the most segregated city in America. FiveTthirtyEight.com notes that Chicago is at the same time highly diverse, and highly segregated place. On one side, the city’s population is equally divided between whites, blacks, and Hispanics which is the proof of Chicago’s diversity. On the other, residents of the same race tend to live clustered in the same parts of the city, so Chicago has low neighborhood diversity index. Around 834,000 African Americans live in Chicago accounting for 30.7% of total population. Majority of black residents lives in the western and southern parts of the city. Their median home income is some $20,000 lower than white families’ earnings while the percentage of the black population below the poverty level is 31.5%.

16 Most Racist Cities in the United States in 2017

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