16 Most Annoying Business Phrases and Buzzwords

12. Bleeding Edge

For those times when cutting edge just doesn’t, well, cut it, someone invented even stronger buzzword. It doesn’t just cut, it also makes you bleed, so you know it’s good, and you should give your money to the person who speaks so eloquently.

11. Take Offline

When I hear a person using the phrase “take offline” in the sense of shutting something down, I always imagine the Skynet ordering a factory to stop producing Terminator T-800 model so that it can be retooled for T-1000 production. So unless you are planning to take over the world in a robot uprising, stop using it. You are not taking anything offline, you just want to sound smart, and there are far better ways of doing that, like using the words that actually mean something.

16 Most Annoying Business Phrases and Buzzwords