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16 Google Analytics 4 Alternatives: Free and Low-cost Options

In this article, we will take a look at 16 free and low-cost alternatives to Google Analytics 4. If you want to skip our detailed analysis, you can directly go to 5 Google Analytics 4 Alternatives: Free and Low-cost Options.

According to a report by Research and Markets, the global digital advertising and marketing industry had a market size of $531 billion in 2022. The global digital advertising and marketing industry is expected to grow to a valuation of $1.5 trillion by 2030 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.9%. The growth of the industry has heavily contributed to the rapid proliferation of companies offering marketing software and web analytics tools. Check out some of the best marketing software for small businesses and the top digital marketing agencies in the world.

Google Analytics 4: At a Glance

Digital marketing is one of the fastest growing and dynamic industries. This explains why companies like Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) constantly innovate to offer the best solutions. Google Analytics 4 is an analytics tool that allows users to measure traffic and engagement across multiple platforms. 

On August 2, Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) introduced new features to its Google Analytics 4 Platform. The recent upgrade enables users to enhance their campaign performance through a range of new features categorized as; robust audience tools, additional performance-uplifting tools, web-to-app conversion management, and enhanced campaign management for iOS. Among these categories, some tools allow users to reach customers who have not been conventionally targeted through push notifications. According to Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG), only 37% of users enable push notifications when they download an app.

Moreover, Google Analytics 4 offers users access to an exciting capability, Google Analytics 4 builder on Google Ads. This new feature facilitates businesses in building audiences on Google Ads simultaneously, without any extra effort. Other important additions to the toolset include Google Signals and Gbraids, to name a few. These tools uplift campaign and data performance, while also improving privacy and data protection.

Google Analytics 4 has been under the limelight for a number of reasons, especially related to data privacy and protection. On July 3, TechCrunch reported that the Swedish data protection watchdog fined two firms for using Google Analytics over privacy concerns. The regulator stated that the IP address used by Google Analytics was not enough to ensure data privacy and protection. The Swedish watchdog further issued notices to four firms in the country to stop using the tool until further notice. Such bans may have significant implications for the standing of Google Analytics in Europe. However, as discussed above the company is continuously improving to make the tool safe for businesses and consumers alike. 

Big Names in the Web Reporting Market

Google Analytics by Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) is a great tool to assess web analytics and user behavior. However, some big names offer comparable tools to business owners with enhanced privacy features. These include Clarity by Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) and Adobe Experience Cloud by Adobe Inc. (NASDAQ:ADBE).

Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) offers its analytics tool under Clarity. Clarity offers valuable insights by tracking and analyzing user behavior on a website. The best part about the tool is that it is free and provides information on how people use your site. On October 5, the company published a September recap for Clarity. Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) introduced a new feature, Conversion Heatmaps, for Shopify store owners. Conversion heatmaps provide important information to business owners and assist them in developing better retention strategies. The conversion heatmaps can also be paired with Clarity’s standard heatmaps to gain a holistic picture of website usage. The company also introduced new filters to capture the right audience and significantly improved the quality of its heatmaps.

Adobe Inc. (NASDAQ:ADBE) offers its analytics tool under the Adobe Experience Cloud. Adobe Inc. (NASDAQ:ADBE) goes beyond web reporting with its Adobe Experience Cloud. The tool offers customer data management, campaign management, analytics and reporting, and content management. On March 17, Adobe Inc. (NASDAQ:ADBE) was named the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant leader for the sixth consecutive time. The report also suggests that Adobe Inc. (NASDAQ:ADBE) has an unmatched data management system, contributing to its position.

Adobe Inc. (NASDAQ:ADBE) continues to offer groundbreaking features to its users in every domain, contributing to its standing in the market. On September 14, Adobe Inc. (NASDAQ:ADBE) reported earnings for the fiscal third quarter of 2023. The company reported earnings per share of $4.10 and outperformed EPS estimates by $0.12. The company reported a revenue of $4.89 billion during the quarter, ahead of market consensus by $22.79 million. The company reported a year-on-year revenue growth of 10.31%

While Clarity is free to use, small business owners may need more resources to dedicate to companies like Adobe Inc. (NASDAQ:ADBE). With that, let’s look at the top 16 free and low-cost options among the Google Analytics 4 alternatives.

Our Methodology

For our article, 16 Google Analytics 4 Alternatives: Free and Low-cost Options, we went for a consensus approach. We employed 5 sources to narrow down names for our title. We used credible reports by Semrush, Hotjar, searchengineland, MeasureSchool, and RSH Web Services. We shortlisted over 20 analytics tools that are on par with Google Analytics. We then studied the pricing plans of each tool and ranked the analytics tools based on their starting monthly price. Companies offering services at the same starting monthly price were ranked based on the number of times the tool appeared across the five sources. The list is in descending order of the starting monthly price.

It is to be noted that throughout the list, the “number of events” refers to the number of actions taken by users on a website. Most tools charge businesses based on the number of events on a website.

16. Kissmetrics

Starting Monthly Price: $25.99

Item Count Across 5 Sources: 3

Kissmetrics is an analytical tool that is highly focused on providing individual user tracking, therefore providing more comprehensive insights on the customer journey as compared to Google Analytics. The plans offered by the company cost as low as $25.99 a month and increase as the number of events increases.

If you are looking for a 360-degree marketing experience, you can check out some of the top alternatives to Google Analytics by Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG). These include Clarity by Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) and Adobe Experience Cloud by Adobe Inc. (NASDAQ:ADBE).

15. Fathom Analytics 

Starting Monthly Price: $14

Item Count Across 5 Sources: 5

According to our methodology, Fathom Analytics is one of the top low-cost Google Analytics alternatives. Fathom Analytics allows users to retain data for an unlimited period of time. The company offers a 30-day free trial, and the plans offered by the company start as low as $14 a month for up to $100,000 monthly pageviews. For up to 200,000 monthly pageviews, the company charges $24 a month, followed by $44 a month for up to 500,000 monthly pageviews. 

14. Simple Analytics

Starting Monthly Price: $9

Item Count Across 5 Sources: 3

Simple Analytics is a privacy-centric analytics platform. The company is one of the top low-cost alternatives to Google Analytics. Data privacy is one of the core goals of the company. The company offers a variety of tools to analyze and visualize data. If a business opts for a yearly plan, it will have to pay as low as $9 a month. However, if a business goes for a monthly billing service, the lowest possible price will increase to $19 a month.

13. Plausible Analytics 

Starting Monthly Price: $9

Item Count Across 5 Sources: 4

Plausible Analytics is an open-source and privacy-friendly analytics software. Data privacy is crucial to an organization’s goals. The company has over 11,000 paying subscribers. The pricing of the company is based on monthly pageviews. At 10,000 pageviews, the plan is worth $9 a month. At 10 million pageviews businesses must pay $169 a month. Custom pricing plans are available for businesses with over 10 million pageviews.

12. GoSquared

Starting Monthly Price: $9

Item Count Across 5 Sources: 4

GoSquared is a web analytics growth platform. The primary goal of the company is to convert website visitors into customers. Over 10,000 websites use GoSquared to generate leads and increase their website revenue. The company offers its web analytics tools at a starting price of $9 a month. The Standard plan is the most popular plan of the company and costs $24 a month. The pricing of the plans is based on the number of pageviews and the number of projects. The $9 plan caters to 3 projects and 100,000 pageviews.

11. Semrush

Starting Monthly Price: $0

Item Count Across 5 Sources: 3

Semrush Analytics by Semrush Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:SEMR) is a comprehensive research tool offering estimates of a business’s website’s desktop and mobile traffic. While Google Analytics limits businesses to studying their own website traffic and usage, Semrush Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:SEMR) allows businesses to study their competitor’s websites as well. Semrush Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:SEMR) offers external services as compared to internal services offered by Google Analytics. The tool offers a free version with access to limited features. Businesses can buy the Pro, Guru, and Business plans for $129.95, $249.95, and $499.95 a month respectively.

10. Mixpanel

Starting Monthly Price: $0

Item Count Across 5 Sources: 3

Mixpanel is a product analytics tool and one of the top low-cost alternatives to Google Analytics 4. The tool assesses and measures user interactions and provides valuable insights allowing businesses to make data driven decisions. Compared to Google Analytics, Mixpanel tracks how users behave on your business website and your products, offering insights into their journey. Since the tool is event-based, the free plan caters to up to 20 million monthly events. The Growth plan starts at $20 per month and caters to up to 100 million monthly events. The enterprise plan starts at $833 a month and caters to up to 1 trillion monthly events.

9. Smartlook

Starting Monthly Price: $0

Item Count Across 5 Sources: 3

Smartlook is a cloud based analytics tool. The tool provides valuable insights into consumer website usage behavior for free. Smartlook offers services in visitor recording, event tracking, funnels, and heatmaps. The free plan offers a myriad of features to businesses, including product analysis, heatmaps, and data retention for a month. The tool is also integrated with Slack. The Pro plan starts at $55 per month with premium features and DevTools add-ons. The company also offers a custom enterprise plan.

8. Countly

Starting Monthly Price: $0

Item Count Across 5 Sources: 3

Countly is a comprehensive open source product analysis application. The tool collects and collates data from your desktop and mobile phones to analyze consumer behavior. The tool is free, however, for more control and ownership, businesses may purchase their custom plan with custom pricing. Countly is among the best low-cost alternatives to Google Analytics 4.

7. Cabin Analytics 

Starting Monthly Price: $0

Item Count Across 5 Sources: 3

Cabin Analytics is a web analytics tool and a free alternative to Google Analytics 4. The tool is highly efficient and loads data for users instantaneously. The free version of the tool allows businesses to manage one website, export data, and enjoy unlimited pageviews. To enjoy unlimited websites, unlimited data retention, unlimited pageviews, CO2 reporting, weekly reports, and data exporting, businesses will have to pay $19 a month.

6. Clarity

Starting Monthly Price: $0

Item Count Across 5 Sources: 3

Clarity by Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) is a leading analytics tool. The tool offers valuable insights to businesses by tracking and analyzing user behavior on a website. The tool offers a range of features including heatmaps, session recordings, and individual user insights, assisting businesses to make better decisions. The tool is a free alternative to Google Analytics 4.

Clarity by Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) and Adobe Experience Cloud by Adobe Inc. (NASDAQ:ADBE) are some of the closest competitors to Google Analytics by Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG).

Click here to continue reading and see 5 Google Analytics 4 Alternatives: Free and Low-cost Options.

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Disclosure: None. 16 Google Analytics 4 Alternatives: Free and Low-cost Options is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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