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16 Countries with the Most Number of Islands

In this article, we list and discuss the 16 Countries with the Most Number of Islands. If you would like to skip our detailed discussion of the topic, you can go directly to the top 5 Countries with the Most Number of Islands.

More than 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water, and between these waters lie hundreds of thousands of islands. By definition, an island is a land mass surrounded by a body of water. 

Although continents fall under this definition as well, they are still not considered islands due to their enormity. To put into perspective, Australia, the smallest continent with a land area of almost 7.7 million square kilometers, is more than three times the size of the largest island in the world — Greenland — which has a landmass of over 2.1 million square kilometers. 

Officially, there are over 600,000 islands in the world, but this data is neither 100% accurate nor set in stone.

Officially, there are over 600,000 islands in the world, but this data is neither 100% accurate nor set in stone. Partly, this is due to the sheer number of Islands in the world, and the constant emergence of new islands due to natural processes like volcanic eruptions or through movement of tectonic plates. Furthermore, while many new islands appear over time, the old ones disappear as well through erosion and subsidence and natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis.

Apart from size, climate, and the kinds of organisms that inhabit them, these islands vary greatly in geographic features as well. Some islands, like the Aleutian Islands in the US state of Alaska, are cold and covered with ice throughout the year, while others, like Tahiti, are warm and on tropical waters. Regardless of climatic features, islands are generally known as the magnets for the tourism industry. For instance, Taiwan, an island country in East Asia, ranked 34th on the list of most visited countries in the world in 2024. 

Islands and Tourism Industry

Out of the top 10 countries that heavily rely on tourism, six are island nations; island-rich countries leverage their natural assets to generate economic output through tourism. Small island nations are especially reliant on this industry because they have small economies and their excellent island beaches bring economic activity to the country. As evident by the number of countries with well-developed seaside facilities, beaches are one of the favorite spots for tourists. 

Being an island country, Maldives is an ideal example of this. It is an island country with a population of 550,000 people dispersed across 185 islands, and it relies heavily on tourism to sustain its economy. In fact, tourism accounted for one-third of the country’s economy in the first half of 2023. Moreover, its overall revenue from tourism accounted for $4.2 billion in 2022, which equaled 68% of the GDP of the country.

Island-rich countries like Maldives have a great travel and tourism market, attracting key players like Intercontinental Hotels Group Plc (NYSE:IHG), Marriott International Inc. (NYSE:MAR), and Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc (NYSE:HLT) in the tourism and hospitality industry. 

Intercontinental Hotels Group Plc (NYSE:IHG) is one of the leading companies in the hospitality industry. Back in September 2019, Intercontinental Hotels Group Plc (NYSE:IHG) made its debut in Maldives by opening a luxurious resort –  InterContinental® Maldives Maamunagau Resort. The resort features 81 luxurious rooms available in three different categories and private pools with each room.

Meanwhile, Marriott International Inc. (NYSE:MAR) is a global hotel and resort company with nearly 8,700 properties across 139 countries and territories. Last year, in November 2023, Marriott Maldives Business Council, an affiliate of Marriott International Inc. (NYSE:MAR), partnered with USAID to expand economic opportunities for residents across the islands in Maldives.  

On the other hand, Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc (NYSE:HLT) also contributes significantly to Maldives’s hospitality and tourism industry. The company has a broad portfolio of managing and franchising hotels, resorts, and timeshare properties. Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc (NYSE:HLT) made one more addition to its portfolio in July 2022, with the opening of Hilton Maldives Amingiri Resort & Spa, making it the fourth resort managed by Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc (NYSE:HLT) in Maldives. 

16 Countries with the Most Number of Islands

Our Methodology

For our list of the 16 countries with the most number of islands, we first shortlisted the countries listed by other reliable sources across the web as countries with the most islands. We then verified our collected data from the official figures as listed by the government agencies for geography and tourism of the top 25 countries. We’ve then shortlisted and ranked only the top 16 countries with the highest number of islands, based on the official data listed by these countries. Note that the number of islands in the country is subject to change, and the island counts mentioned in our list are accurate to 2024. 

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16 Countries with the Most Number of Islands

16. Greece 

Number of Islands: 3,054  

Situated in southeastern Europe, Greece is best known for its mythology, remarkably preserved ruins, and archaeological museums. The country is also home to some of the most popular islands in the world today, like Santorini — one of the most hyped tourist destinations on social media due to its breathtaking sunsets and picturesque infrastructure. Other islands in the country are also popular for more or less the same reasons, with the Cyclades being known for their white infrastructure, and the Ionian Islands being known for their greenery.  In 2022, according to the World Bank, Greece’s GDP stood at $217.58 billion. Out of this, a huge chunk comes from tourism, food and tobacco processing, and textile industries. 

15. North Korea 

Number of Islands: 3,579  

Ranked 15th, North Korea has a large number of islands, particularly along its west coast. However, due to the country’s political isolation and stringent rules, tourism is highly restricted in the country. Travelers, especially American ones, face a constant risk of arrest and wrongful long-term detention, which is why the US Travel Advisory marks North Korea as a do not travel country. Although the way that the country benefits from these islands by North Korea is not well-documented publicly, it is known that the country utilizes some of these islands for military purposes and to maintain control over its maritime borders.  

14. Vietnam 

Number of Islands: 4,000  

Fourteenth on the list of countries with the most number of Islands, Vietnam is a Southeast Asian country with a 3,444 km long coastline along the South China Sea. The country offers a variety of experiences from tranquil beaches to lively underwater worlds. Among its attractions, three popular islands are Phu Quoc, Hon Tre, and Cat Ba Island, each offering unique and memorable experiences to tourists. Phu Quoc is known for its serene beaches and luxury resorts, Hon Tre is famous for the Vinpearl amusement park, and Cat Ba Island boasts a national park with diverse wildlife and outdoor activities.

13. Cuba 

Number of Islands: 4,195  

Cuba has a remarkable archipelago that offers a diverse array of experiences from vibrant culture, and rich history, to stunning natural beauty. From the bustling streets of Havana to the tranquil beaches of Varadero, Cuba’s islands offer a blend of Spanish colonial architecture and Caribbean charm. The country’s tourism industry is thriving, inviting visitors to explore its lush landscapes, enjoy its world-famous cigars, and immerse themselves in the rhythm of salsa. Cuba’s islands are nothing less than a tropical paradise.

12. South Korea 

Number of Islands: 4,400  

One of the top most visited countries in the world, South Korea offers a warm welcome to visitors with its scenic beauty, warm climate, and abundance of tourist attractions. The country’s rich heritage, picturesque islands, delicious food, and vibrant entertainment scene draw in nearly 17.5 million international tourists every year. (See also: 35 Most Visited Countries in the World: 2024 Rankings) K-pop, in particular, has become a worldwide attraction, pulling in fans with its energetic performances and cultural impact. Moreover, with thousands of islands dotting the coastline, South Korea is a top spot in East Asia for those seeking both cultural depth and breathtaking scenery, with its island tourism contributing significantly to the country’s economy.

11. China 

Number of Islands: 5,000  

Ranked 11th, China’s extensive 14,500 km long coastline boasts impressive islands, providing diverse landscapes and recreational opportunities that merge cultural richness, natural beauty, and economic strength. Being the fourth most visited country in the world, China receives around 65.7 million international visitors on a yearly basis. Visitors are drawn to the country for its generous cultural heritage, iconic landmarks like the Great Wall and Forbidden City, and vibrant cities such as Beijing and Shanghai. Moreover, the country’s natural attractions, including its islands, appeal to travelers seeking adventure and relaxation. Supported by industries like manufacturing, technology, tourism, and agriculture, China is also one of the world’s largest economies in the world as of 2024.

10. Chile 

Number of Islands: 5,000 

Chile’s coastline is home to the 10th highest number of islands in the world, each brimming with natural beauty and diverse landscapes that attract tourists. The country’s economy thrives with support from industries like mining, agriculture, and tourism, with its islands adding to its appeal as an adventure destination. Chile offers activities like hiking, wildlife viewing, and exploring remote coastlines, making it a must-visit destination in South America.

9. Japan 

Number of Islands: 6,852 

Ninth on the list, Japan’s islands offer diverse landscapes and cultural experiences, attracting tourists worldwide. Among them, Okinawa stands out for its tropical beaches, rich marine life, and unique Ryukyu culture, appealing to sun-seekers, divers, and culture enthusiasts. Aside from tourism, Japan is also renowned for its technology, automotive industry, and overall advancements. Japan’s distinctive fusion of contemporary innovation and age-old customs, coupled with its breathtaking natural landscapes and rich cultural legacy, makes it an alluring destination in East Asia.

8. Philippines 

Number of Islands: 7,641  

The Philippines is a country with more than 7,000 islands, known for their beauty and diverse cultures. The national economy relies on important areas like farming, industry, and service sectors, including tourism. The Philippines, with its inviting beaches of Palawan and Boracay and the bustling city of Cebu, draws tourists from around the world. However, it is located in the Pacific typhoon belt and about 9 typhoons hit the islands each year, with nearly half of them causing serious damage. This makes the country one of the most typhoon-prone countries globally.

7. Australia 

Number of Islands: 8,222 

Ranked 7th out of the 16 countries with the most number of islands, Australia is home to over 8 thousand islands spread along its extensive coastline. Among these islands, Australia also has Fraser Island, which is dotted with 100 freshwater lakes, and the Whitsunday Islands, which are famous for the Great Barrier Reef — the largest coral reef system in the world. Australia’s Phillip Island inhabits penguins, while the Rottnest Island is a haven for adorable quokkas and pristine beaches. Finally, Moreton Island is known for its towering sand dunes and submerged shipwrecks, perfect for snorkeling. Apart from its picturesque islands, Australia is famous for its Opals, and according to the CIA, it is the world’s largest supplier of opals.

6. Indonesia 

Number of Islands: 18,307 

With a coastline of 54,716 km and an island count of 18,307, Indonesia has the most number of islands in Asia as well as the most inhabited islands in Asia, with each island offering diverse landscapes and cultural richness. The country is famous for its stunning natural beauty, including Bali’s beaches and Komodo National Park’s dragons, attracting visitors from across the globe. The country’s economy is powered by industries like agriculture, mining, industrial production, and tourism.

Click to continue reading and see the 5 Countries with the Most Number of Islands.  

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Disclosure: None. 16 Countries with the Most Number of Islands is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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