Lists 16 Countries with the Highest Infant Mortality Rates in the World in 2017 Published on December 13, 2017 at 9:38 am by Alexandria I. in Lists Share Tweet Email << PrevPage 8 of 17Next >>See All 10. Burkina Faso8 pointsThe lifetime risk for pregnant women here is one in twenty-eight. Also, the number of midwives per one thousand births is only five.Pixabay/Public Domain Share Tweet Email << PrevPage 8 of 17Next >>See All SlideshowList XFinance15 unhappiestchild mortality rateniger infant mortalityinfant deaths in nigeriainfant mortlaity in chadinfant mortality rate ukmortality rate by countrydr of congo infant deathsburkina faso infant deathsmozambique 2017 birth rateinfant mortality in somaliainfant mortality rate indiainfant mortality rates 2017us infant mortality rate 2017us infant mortality rate 2015baby mortality rate in angolainfant mortality rates in 2017guinea bissau infant mortalitysierra leone baby mortality ratelikelihood of infant death in malisouth sudan 2017 infant death raterate of infant deaths in afghanistanhighest infant mortality rate in 2017equatorial guinea infant death rate 2017States with highest infant mortality ratesmalawi worst countries for infant mortality10 states with highest infant mortality ratescentral africa republic infant mortality ratemost depressing and saddest countries in the worldus infant mortality rate compared to other countriestop 5 countries with the lowest infant mortality rateswhich country has the lowest infant mortality rate 2016unhappiest most depressing and saddest countries in the world16 Countries with the Highest Infant Mortality Rates in the World in 2017Show more...Show less Related Insider Monkey Articles35 Entry Level Job Opportunities for Economics Majors10 Best Selling Consumer Products in China11 Biggest Insurance Companies in the US16 Most Sexually Active Cities in the World10 Best Apps to Hide Pictures and Videos on Android and iPhone10 Best and Worst Nationalities of Women According to Microsoft Bing?