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16 Countries Where It’s Easy to Get a Job as an American

In this article, we will look at the 16 countries where it’s easy to get a job as an American. We have also talked about the growing trend of Americans working abroad. If you want to skip our detailed analysis, head straight to the 5 Countries Where It’s Easy to Get a Job as an American

The trend of American workers being hired by international companies increased by 62% last year, as per the State of Global Hiring Report from Deel. This increase predominantly stems from roles that offer remote work arrangements, with specific hubs emerging as prime locations for such arrangements. Among these, San Francisco stands out, followed by New York, Chicago, and Austin. These cities not only have highly competitive job markets but also offer major opportunities for remote employment, reflecting the global shift towards flexible work models. To read more about these cities, see the 30 Best Places to Live While Working Remotely.

Moreover, the report highlights key sectors where American talent is in high demand, including research, sales, software engineering, content creation, and product development. This demand underscores the value that international companies place on American expertise, especially in tech-driven fields. As businesses worldwide grapple with talent shortages, the embrace of remote work opens doors for professionals seeking opportunities beyond borders, shaping a landscape where geographical boundaries matter less in the pursuit of talent acquisition and collaboration. To read more about labor shortages, read our article on countries with the highest labor shortages in the world.

It is also interesting to note that according to a survey conducted by Preply among 3,000 Gen Z Americans aged 18 to 26 expressed a desire to move abroad, with an average response of 3.1 out of 5 indicating a preference for living outside the US. Among the top reasons cited for this desire were the availability of social programs (25.6%), the opportunity for new cultural experiences (18.9%), and dissatisfaction with the political climate (17.7%). 

Additionally, concerns over issues such as gun violence played a major role, with 59% indicating it influenced their desire to emigrate. The survey also revealed preferred destinations, with countries like the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, and the Netherlands ranking among the top choices for potential relocation, with English-speaking countries being particularly favored. 

As Americans explore opportunities to work overseas, American companies are simultaneously expanding their presence abroad while also empowering the competitiveness of other countries on the global stage.

For example, Microsoft Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT) has launched ADVANTA(I)GE INDIA, a program aimed at training 2 million individuals in artificial intelligence (AI) skills by 2025. With 90% of Indian business leaders recognizing the necessity for AI skills in new hires, but only 22% of workers currently possessing such capabilities, the initiative addresses a critical gap. The program is designed to reach different segments of society, including 500,000 students in rural areas, 100,000 young women in smaller cities, and 400,000 students in remote tribal areas. Additionally, it aims to equip 250,000 government officers and convene a summit for 2,500 nonprofits. Through these efforts, Microsoft Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT) seeks to democratize access to AI skills and empower India’s workforce for the future.

Moreover, G42 and Microsoft Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT) have announced plans to establish a sovereign cloud in the UAE, alongside expanding Microsoft Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT)’s data center infrastructure in the country. This collaboration aims to provide secure access to cloud and AI services compliant with local regulations, benefiting UAE’s public sector and regulated industries. Capitalizing on Khazna Data Centers, a joint venture between G42 and e&, Microsoft Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT) will extend its Azure services footprint. 

On the other hand, Starbucks Corp (NASDAQ:SBUX) continues its impressive growth trajectory in China, surpassing the milestone of 7,000 stores in mainland China alone. With a net revenue of $735 million in the first quarter of fiscal year 2024, the company marked a stable 20% year-on-year growth. This growth is also confirmed by a 10% increase in same-store sales and a huge 21% increase in same-store transaction volume. Moreover, Starbucks Corp (NASDAQ:SBUX) China’s digital business, including initiatives like Starbucks Delivers and Starbucks Now, accounted for a record-breaking 52% of total sales.

Driving this expansion are strategic initiatives such as localized product innovations, exemplified by the “Intense” series tailored specifically for Chinese consumers, and continued investment in digital infrastructure. Starbucks Corp (NASDAQ:SBUX) CEO Laxman Narasimhan reiterated the company’s ambition to open 9,000 stores in China by 2025. This formidable growth in China contributes to Starbucks Corp (NASDAQ:SBUX)  global success, as evidenced by its record-breaking $9.4 billion in overall net revenue for the quarter.

A driverless train traversing vast countryside, illustrating the companies long-distance rail transport services.

Our Methodology

To list the countries where it’s easy to get a job as an American, we utilized Reddit threads related to the topic. Upon analyzing various responses for Americans about their respective experiences of moving to another country to work, immigrating to another country for a professional career and finding a job in another country and their processes as an American, we guaged the ease of the processes through a consensus method. Hence, we were able to shortlist a total of 16 countries as these are the countries repeatedly described as relatively easy for Americans to move to for work. We have scored each country out of a total of 30. The list is presented in ascending order. 

Here is a list of countries where it’s easy to get a job as an American:

16. Switzerland

IM Score: 10

Switzerland is an attractive destination for Americans seeking employment due to its stable economy, high quality of life, and multinational corporate presence. With a strong emphasis on education and innovation, sectors like finance, pharmaceuticals, and technology offer ample opportunities. Additionally, Switzerland’s central location in Europe facilitates international business, while its multilingual population accommodates English speakers. The country’s efficient visa processes and stable labor laws contribute to a favorable environment for expatriates.

15. Japan

IM Score: 11

As of June 2023, Japan’s Ministry of Justice reported 62,425 American citizens registered as foreign residents, comprising 2.0% of registered aliens. This places Americans as the ninth-largest foreign resident group living in Japan, following Vietnamese, Nepalese, Indonesian, and Burmese residents. Additionally, a high number of American military personnel, civilian workers, and dependents reside in Japan owing to the US–Japan Security Treaty, with about 70% stationed in Okinawa Prefecture. 

14. Hong Kong

IM Score: 13

Hong Kong is increasingly attractive to Chinese Americans seeking employment due to its growing entertainment industry and historical precedent set by figures like Bruce Lee, Daniel Wu, and Coco Lee. Unlike in the US, where American-Asians may be subject to stereotypes, Hong Kong offers opportunities for advancement despite language or cultural barriers. Hong Kong is one of the places that gives jobs to foreigners easily.

13. Taiwan

IM Score: 15

Taiwan has a growing demand for English teachers and professionals in different sectors such as technology and finance. Moreover, Taiwan’s government actively recruits foreign workers owing to its labor shortages and therefore facilitates work visas and support programs conveninently. It is one of the easiest countries to move to for Americans

12. Singapore

IM Score: 18

While it may pose some challenges, Americans can certainly find rewarding opportunities in Singapore with the right approach. The vibrant economy and vast industries offer a wealth of possibilities for those willing to explore. By showcasing their skills, experiences, and cultural diversity, Americans can contribute positively to Singapore’s dynamic workforce. Networking, leveraging international connections, and demonstrating a strong work ethic can open doors to exciting career prospects. It is one of the best countries that offer a job seeker visa

11. New Zealand

IM Score: 18

In 2023, the number of Americans moving to New Zealand doubled, reaching 4,264, with reasons ranging from safety to scenic beauty and a relaxed lifestyle. New Zealand is the country with the highest-work life balance in the world. 

Moreover, there are many examples for people who moved to New Zealand from the US. For example, Garvey Daniels, who first fell in love with New Zealand in 1996, returned with his family in 2022 for a trial period, deciding to stay longer due to the calm atmosphere. Others, like Jon Kroll, left behind the tensions of Los Angeles for the peaceful vibe of Wellington, enjoying the natural beauty and friendly community. 

10. Greece

IM Score: 19

Greece has emerged as the most popular country for wealthy Americans looking for European residency, as Portugal ended its golden visa program. Astons reports a 740% increase in US applications in 2021, attributing the shift to Portugal’s housing crisis and political uncertainties. Golden visas allow residency for investment, with Greece’s costing €250,000 ($269,194), set to double in May. It is one of the countries where it is easy to get work visa in Europe.

9. Portugal

IM Score: 21

While Portugal has consistently enjoyed the status of being a top country for American workers, the allure for Americans seeking affordability is diminishing with the end of its non-habitual resident tax regime in 2024. Once offering a flat tax rate of 20% for foreigners, the shift means newcomers will now face the same tax burdens as locals, potentially doubling or more their tax liabilities. This change impacts over 10,000 Americans residing in Portugal and is likely to deter future migration, especially as housing costs increased 157% in 2021 alone. 

Portugal is the best country with a work permit

8. South Korea

IM Score: 22

To secure a job in Korea as an American, one must focus on understanding their strengths and limitations, particularly in language proficiency. While Korean fluency is beneficial, it’s not always a requirement. It is recommended to explore and consider sectors like law, accounting, management consulting, journalism, or roles promoting international links to get a job in South Korea fast.

7. Philippines

IM Score: 23

American qualifications and work experiences are often highly regarded in the Philippines, particularly in industries such as education, business process outsourcing, and technology. Moreover, cultural similarities and a growing expatriate community have facilitated networking and job opportunities.

6. United Kingdom

IM Score: 24

Americans may find it relatively easier to secure jobs in the UK due to shared language and cultural similarities. The UK values diversity and often seeks international talent, making it open to hiring skilled American professionals. Additionally, qualifications and work experiences from American institutions are generally respected in the UK. It is one of the easiest countries to get a job as an American

Click here to see the 5 Countries Where It’s Easy to Get a Job as an American.

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Disclosure: None. 16 Countries Where It’s Easy to Get a Job as an American is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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