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16 Countries That Allow Multiple Citizenship in the World

In this article, we will take a look at 16 Countries That Allow Multiple Citizenship in the World. You can skip our detailed analysis and go directly to the 5 Countries That Allow Multiple Citizenship in the World.

Citizenship is an extraordinarily significant status for an individual. Your connection with a country can greatly determine your position in the world– whether powerful or weak– and influence the opportunities or hurdles you face, as well as the growth or stagnation you experience. While the humanitarian doctrine of equality may sound accurate, the realities of life dictate otherwise. Vast differences among countries are an undeniable fact of our world and are, indeed, one of the major causes of widespread immigration. In the midst of this scenario, countries that allow for multiple citizenship attain staggering importance.

Dual/Multiple Citizenship Prevalence Across Countries

Of the total world population, only about 15% hold citizenship from developed countries, including the EU, Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea, and the US. Individuals not only benefit from their citizenship within these nations but also experience an enhanced value of their passport when traveling abroad. For more than half of the 20th century, the concept of dual/multiple citizenship was considered an anomaly and strongly discouraged. However, as the global village phenomenon unfolded, the world shifted from restriction towards acceptance. By 2020, 76% of countries had adopted an accepting attitude toward dual/multiple citizenship— a remarkable change from the 62% restrictive behavior observed in 1960. Oceania countries led with the highest acceptance rate (93%), followed by the Americas (91%), Asia (85%), Europe (80%), and then Africa (70%).

Despite the general acceptance of multiple citizenship, some countries still prohibit it, though policies in this regard undergo frequent changes. For example, Japan does not recognize dual citizenship, particularly when a Japanese-born individual acquires another citizenship through naturalization. However, a change in policy has been initiated for other citizenship acquired through birth. Similarly, there are countries that permit multiple citizenship but only with specific countries (e.g., Slovenia, Spain), while restricting it with others. Some countries allow semi-citizenship, like India, or condition it on prior government permission, as seen in Germany. It is noteworthy that out of 190 countries, 49% accept dual citizenship for both immigrants and emigrants, 17% accept it only for emigrants, 12% accept it only for immigrants, and 22% do not accept it for either emigrants or immigrants.

Multiple Citizenship as an Economic Strategy

Multiple citizenship offers a myriad of benefits. Explore our article on Dual Citizenship Advantages, Disadvantages, and Requirements for a comprehensive overview of the subject. In this era of economic supremacy, the significance and momentum of multiple citizenship have grown. For instance, Americans are actively seeking multiple passports as a hedge against life and economic upheavals. While satisfied for years with holding the best citizenship in the world, Americans are now considering Europe as a viable second home. In fact, according to Forbes, recent research has revealed that about 40% of Americans could be eligible for EU citizenship based on ancestry.

The recent pandemic and changing climatic conditions have prompted many U.S. residents, especially high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs), to explore alternative escape routes. Increased global mobility can open up numerous economic avenues. Therefore, it is not surprising that many millionaires from the country are relocating to Europe or Caribbean Islands by utilizing citizenship-by-investment schemes. In this pursuit of lucrative investment options, firms like Altisource Portfolio Solutions S.A. (NASDAQ:ASPS) and Janus Henderson Group Plc (NYSE:JHG) can prove extremely beneficial.

Altisource Portfolio Solutions S.A. (NASDAQ:ASPS) is a service provider and marketplace for the real estate and mortgage industries, facilitating US investors in business transactions and mortgage servicing. Notably, Altisource Portfolio Solutions S.A. (NASDAQ:ASPS) received accolades in HousingWire’s Tech100 Real Estate Companies of 2024.

Janus Henderson Group plc (NYSE: JHG) is a global asset management group, headquartered in the British-American realm, providing financial products to individuals, intermediary advisors, and institutional investors. It serves as a valuable resource for US investors looking to diversify their portfolios. Here are some comments from Janus Henderson Group plc (NYSE:JHG) earning’s call for the fourth quarter of 2023, overlooking their performance:

“Diversified Alternatives, which includes multi-strategy hedge funds and enhanced index funds, generated positive flows and over 35% AUM growth in 2023. Our suite of active ETFs experienced a very successful year. Net flows were a positive $6 billion and AUM finished the year at $12 billion, equating to an annual growth rate of 65% since 2018. With this growth, Janus Henderson is now the fourth largest provider of active fixed income ETFs in the U.S. Impressively, during 2023, roughly one out of every $5 net invested into an active fixed income ETF went to Janus Henderson. We have momentum in active ETFs and we aim to do more in the space in 2024. In 2023, we established several new products and vehicles based on what our clients are telling us.”

16 Countries That Allow Multiple Citizenship in the World


In compiling our list of the 16 Countries That Allow Multiple Citizenship in the World, our methodology is based on the premise that people often relocate for a better quality of life, improved education, and higher-paying employment opportunities. To encompass these factors, we leverage data from our articles on the 25 Countries with the Best Quality of Life, 20 Countries with the Best Education, and 20 Best Countries To Work And Make The Most Amount of Money. Additionally, we include the Caribbean Islands to provide a more comprehensive list.

We then utilize information from the CIA’s World Fact Book and Global Citizens Solution to identify which of these countries allow dual/multiple citizenship, and we compile our list accordingly. While countries that permit dual citizenship typically also allow multiple citizenship, we cross-reference with the data provided by Global Citizens Solution that further specifies multiple citizenship for a list of countries. To present the countries in a certain order, we factor in the number of Visa-free destinations from VisaIndex’s Passport Ranking 2024.

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Now that we have combed through several resources, we present to you the 16 Countries That Allow Multiple Citizenship in the World.

Note: All types of citizenship methods like birth, descent, marriage, naturalization, and investment are subject to specific country rules and conditions.

16. Jamaica

Visa-free Destinations: 86

Beckoning expats with its fabulous music, beautiful beaches, and warm, friendly culture, this Caribbean island has become a favorite for many seeking relocation. Various paths lead to gaining citizenship, such as citizenship by birth, descent, marriage, or naturalization. The good news is that this country recognizes dual/multiple citizenship. The only caveat is to ensure that your home country also allows dual citizenship.

15. Dominica

Visa-free Destinations: 142

With various pathways to citizenship– birthright, naturalization, marriage, or investment etc. — Dominica offers expats numerous benefits. The Caribbean island boasts stunning scenery, quality healthcare and education facilities, and visa-free travel to many countries. Importantly, the country recognizes dual/multiple citizenship.

14. Grenada

Visa-free Destinations: 143

The dual/multiple nationality for this Caribbean island comes with numerous benefits, ranging from the breathtaking natural beauty that surrounds it to tax exemptions and hassle-free visa travel to numerous countries in the Schengen area, as well as China, Russia, etc. Citizenship can be acquired through descent, birth, marriage, naturalization, and investment.

13. Saint Lucia

Visa-free Destinations: 143

For those seeking a second passport in this incredible Caribbean island without relinquishing their original citizenship, the country offers a lucrative low-investment program (with a minimum investment of $100,000). Citizens can enjoy a comfortable lifestyle and gain higher global mobility.

12. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Visa-free Destinations: 152

A favored destination for millionaires, tourists, and artists, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines has emerged as a viable option for acquiring a second citizenship. Its acceptance of dual citizenship is a significant advantage. Various pathways, including birth, descent, marriage, investment, and naturalization, make this possible. The country’s primary language being English also adds to the ease for all expats, especially English speaking ones like the US, to settle in the region.

11. Antigua and Barbuda

Visa-free Destinations: 152

Clearly stipulated in the 1981 constitution, Antigua and Barbuda allows its citizens to retain their citizenship of the country and also acquire citizenship in other nations. Typical grounds for citizenship observed in other countries also apply here. Additionally, they include citizenship through repatriation, adoption, employment with the government of the country, and special services to the state.

10. Saint Kitts and Nevis

Visa-free Destinations: 154

Section 93 of the country’s constitution allows dual citizenship. Excellent healthcare and educational facilities, a plethora of diverse activities, and numerous attractions have attracted expats from around the world to this Caribbean island. Furthermore, the citizenship-by-investment program– the longest standing CBI program in the world, asking a minimum investment amount of $250,000 — along with other pathways to citizenship, is one of the major reasons why people find dual nationality even more appealing.

9. Canada

Visa-free Destinations: 188

As a developed nation, Canadian citizens can enjoy many life perks. Not only does the country offer a high quality of life with access to excellent health, education, and a diverse culture, but the Canadian passport also opens up numerous avenues. The country presents great investment opportunities, making it appealing for those seeking dual nationality for economic prosperity. Canada is one of the countries that allow multiple citizenship, and all standard citizenship methods are applicable here.

8. Australia

Visa-free Destinations: 188

The Australian government’s acceptance of dual/multiple citizenship brings forth many advantages. This includes not only the right to vote and participate in politics but also the opportunity to access a broader pool of job opportunities, including government positions. Furthermore, holding Australian citizenship allows one to move and live permanently in New Zealand. Citizenship in Australia can be obtained through birth, descent, investment, and conferral.

7. United States of America

Visa-free Destinations: 188

As one of the most powerful citizenship globally, it is also among the most coveted. Boasting a highly developed economy with immense opportunities, the country attracts and hosts millions of immigrants. Its diverse culture facilitates easy settlement, and the acceptance of dual/multiple citizenship is an enticing prospect for most expats. Citizenship can be obtained through common means such as birth, descent, marriage, investment, and naturalization.

6. Switzerland

Visa-free Destinations: 190

As a dream location in Europe, Switzerland’s allowance of multiple citizenship is bound to excite many expats. It stands out as one of the best countries for enjoying a luxurious and high quality of life, with easy access to nearby European areas being just one of the many benefits that come with its citizenship. Switzerland offers standard pathways for attaining citizenship, including birth, descent, marriage, naturalization, and investment.

Click to continue reading and see our 5 Countries That Allow Multiple Citizenship in the World.

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Disclosure: None. 16 Countries That Allow Multiple Citizenship in the World is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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