16. A joke with religious and cultural significance
“Girl, were you born on Diwali? Because you are a ‘Pataka’”
The annual Indian celebration of Diwali has ample subject matter for jokes. The above is one such example where you refer to a potential partner as a firecracker which might be a risky strategy but still manages to work way better than the much-derided you-are-the-bomb-joke. Jokes with a religious and social tinge make you look a modern and sophisticated Indian man. Another example of this sort might be you referring to how your Kundli (birth horoscope) matches with your potential partner, as it is a tradition in India for families to rigorously examine the prospective couple’s birth horoscopes to ensure compatibility and matrimonial bliss. And while we hope you find your star-crossed lover on Tinder, a word to the wise; be careful not to overstep the lines or step on any toes as India remains a deeply conservative society. Try keeping jokes about cows or the Islam tasteful and to a minimum and be sure not to offend any sensibilities.

Dasha Petrenko/Shutterstock.com