Have you visited these 15 Youtube channels with most subscribers in 2015? Let’s cite them one by one to know why they catch the interest of most subscribers. Last time, we looked at the 10 Youtube channels with most views per video. Now let’s take a look if these channels also have the most subscribers.

Youtube channels were created so that viewers can easily find the content they want to watch by a specific genre, category, or artist. By subscribing to some channel, you know what videos you can expect to see there.
Being a subscriber of a Youtube channel means not just more views, but more consistent views as these viewers will have a regular update for every newly uploaded video by the owner. Youtube Creator Academy stressed out that subscribers are the biggest fans of a channel and are critical to its success on Youtube. And being included in the top Youtube channels with most subscribers is a huge accomplishment nowadays.
In finding these top channels, we went through VidstatsX and Social Blade. Of course, this list won’t be completed without Youtube itself. The total number of subscribers is based on what Youtube posted as of November 2, 2015. So, are you ready to know the 15 Youtube channels with most subscribers in 2015? Here they are.