Lists 15 Worst Times and Places To Take A Selfie Published on November 28, 2016 at 3:37 am by Jasmin Cilas in Lists Share Tweet Email << PrevPage 3 of 16Next >>See All 14. In Front of a Speeding TrainYou don’t want to be hit by a train, do you?matthew siddons / Share Tweet Email << PrevPage 3 of 16Next >>See All SlideshowList XFinanceselfie during sexselfie on a funeralselfie in memorialsselfie while drivingunappropriate selfiesselfie during a laborwhere not to take a selfie?worst time to take a selfiebest smartphone for selfies?worst places to take a selfieselfie while commiting a crimeselfie in front of the urinalsselfie with people on deathbedselfie in front of a car crashselfie in front og a burning houseselfie while sitting on the toiletselfie visiting a concentration camp15 Worst Times and Places To Take A Selfieselfie while being chased by a wild animal10 Smartphones with Highest Megapixel Cameraselfie At a Gas Station Restroom While Getting Circumcised By a ClownShow more...Show less Related Insider Monkey Articles7 Most Successful Project Runway Contestants16 Most Annoying Business Phrases and Buzzwords10 Countries that Are Running Out of Oil15 Countries That Have Won Eurovision The MostTop 10 Countries With Zika Virus in The Americas10 Smartphones with Highest Megapixel Camera