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15 Worst States to Work in the US

In this article, we will look at the 15 worst states to work in the US. We have also discussed the state of labor unions and occupational fatal rates in the US that have direct implications for workers. If you want to skip our detailed analysis, head straight to the 5 Worst States to Work in the US.

In 2022, the United States witnessed 5,486 fatal work injuries with a 5.7% increase from the previous year. This equated to a worker dying approximately every 96 minutes due to a work-related injury, highlighting a concerning trend. Violence and other injuries by persons or animals increased by 11.6%, with homicides accounting for a significant portion of these fatalities, representing an 8.9% increase from the previous year. Furthermore, unintentional overdoses reached a series high of 525 fatalities, reflecting a continuing trend of annual increases since 2012.

Transportation incidents remained the most frequent type of fatal event, constituting 37.7% of all occupational fatalities. Workers in transportation and material moving occupations experienced the highest number of fatal work injuries in 2022, followed closely by construction and extraction workers. Despite consecutive increases in 2021 and 2022, transportation incidents were still down 2.6 percent from pre-pandemic levels in 2019. However, roadway incidents involving motorized land vehicles reached a series high.

In 2023, the United States witnessed a concerning trend in labor union membership, with rates hitting record lows despite headline-grabbing strikes across various sectors. Despite efforts to bolster membership, the union membership rate dropped to 10.0%, down from the previous record low of 10.1% in 2022. However, the number of union members increased slightly to 14.4 million, although this growth was overshadowed by the overall rise in employment among wage and salary workers. This decline in membership rates underscores a broader challenge facing organized labor in the country.

While there were some successes in union organizing, particularly among people of color, the private sector continues to face issues. Private-sector union membership remained stagnant at a record-low 6%, indicating ongoing difficulties in organizing efforts. Additionally, the erosion of the wage premium traditionally enjoyed by union members is a cause for concern. Over the years, the weekly pay gap between union and non-union workers has narrowed, highlighting the changing dynamics of the labor market and the challenges faced by unions in negotiating favorable terms for their members. To read more about unions, see States That Have America’s Strongest Unions.

Despite these challenges, unions still wield political influence, particularly in key states like Michigan and Pennsylvania. However, declining membership rates and ongoing struggles to maintain wage premiums suggest a need for labor unions to adapt to changing economic realities and employer tactics. The surge in strikes and organizing efforts in 2023 demonstrates a growing discontent among workers, but the effectiveness of these actions in reversing the decline in union membership remains uncertain.

To read more about the best states for jobs, see the best states for job seekers right now. It is also worth highlighting that California and New York are known to be two of the best states in USA for working whereas Utah and Massachusetts are popular to be two of the best states to live in the US.

Let’s talk about companies that are providing several career opportunities in 2024., Inc (NASDAQ:AMZN) recently announced the opening of applications for its 2024 grants through the Amazon Literary Partnership. Since its establishment,, Inc (NASDAQ:AMZN) has been instrumental in supporting writers and their narratives. The Literary Partnership, established in 2009, has disbursed over $16 million in grants, aiding authors in various stages of their careers. In 2023 alone, they provided close to $1 million in funding to 93 literary organizations across the United States. These grants aim to empower writers by facilitating publication opportunities, educational initiatives, and platforms for diverse voices in storytelling.

Furthermore, the Amazon Literary Partnership collaborates with esteemed organizations such as the Academy of American Poets and the Community of Literary Magazines and Presses (CLMP) to administer grants like the Poetry Fund and the Literary Magazine Fund. These partnerships reflect, Inc (NASDAQ:AMZN)’s promise to support a vibrant literary landscape by supporting organizations that champion underrepresented authors and storytellers. Applications for the 2024 grants are open until April 15, offering opportunities for nonprofit literary organizations to secure funding and continue their invaluable work in the literary community.

On the other hand, Walmart Inc (NYSE:WMT) is embarking on an ambitious expansion plan that will largely impact employment opportunities across America. Over the next five years, Walmart Inc (NYSE:WMT) aims to build or convert more than 150 stores, creating hundreds of jobs with each new store opening. Additionally, Walmart Inc (NYSE:WMT) plans to remodel 650 existing locations in the next 12 months alone, a decision that will generate tens of thousands of jobs to support these renovation projects. With approximately 1.6 million people already employed directly by Walmart Inc (NYSE:WMT) in the United States, these initiatives are set to further increase job creation and economic growth in communities nationwide.



We’ve compiled a list of the 15 worst states to work in the United States, utilizing two primary metrics. Firstly, we considered the union affiliation rank, which was determined by the percentage of employed individuals represented by unions. These percentages were sourced from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, with the lowest percentage receiving a rank of 1. Secondly, we incorporated fatality ranks of workers in each state, based on data from AdvisorSmith’s report, where the highest fatality rate was assigned a rank of 1. By averaging these ranks, we obtained an overall average rank for each state, with the list arranged in ascending order.

The choice of these metrics was based on their direct impact on the working conditions and safety of employees within each state. Union affiliation rates reflect the level of collective bargaining power and protection afforded to workers, while fatality rates provide insight into the overall safety measures and workplace conditions within a state. By considering both factors, we aimed to provide a comprehensive assessment of the challenges and risks faced by workers across different states.

By the way, Insider Monkey is an investing website that uses a consensus approach to identify the best stock picks of more than 900 hedge funds investing in US stocks. The website tracks the movement of corporate insiders and hedge funds. Our top 10 consensus stock picks of hedge funds outperformed the S&P 500 stock index by more than 140 percentage points over the last 10 years (see the details here). So, if you are looking for the best stock picks to buy, you can benefit from the wisdom of hedge funds and corporate insiders.

15. Tennessee

Union Affiliation Rank: 14

Fatality Rate Rank: 21

Average Rank: 17.5

Recently, teenagers as young as 14 were found working in harsh conditions at a factory in Tennessee. The Labor Department’s investigation at the Tuff Torq facility in Talbott revealed a disturbing case of child labor. Ten young immigrants were discovered working in unsafe environments. This highlights not only the exploitation of vulnerable immigrant groups but also the larger issue of inadequate labor regulation and enforcement, especially in states like Tennessee, which are known for their poor worker protections.

14. Utah

Fatality Rate Rank: 4

Union Affiliation Rank: 31

Average Rank: 17.5

One of the reasons why Utah is considered one of the least desirable states to live in is because of its refusal to guarantee equal pay for employees with disabilities. Recently, lawmakers rejected a proposal requiring employers to pay at least minimum wage to such workers, leaving around 600 Utahns with disabilities earning less than minimum wage, according to federal records. Under the 14(c) program, many affected workers receive less than $3.50 per hour, with no mandated minimum wage.

13. Lowa

Union Affiliation Rank: 19

Fatality Rate Rank: 15

Average Rank: 17

In Iowa, the struggle of low-wage workers is a stark reality. Back in 1987, the federal minimum wage was $3.35 per hour, barely reaching $7,000 annually before taxes, while the poverty line for a family of four was $11,611. Fast forward to today, the federal minimum wage remains stagnant at $7.25 since 2009, with the poverty line at $18,595.

12. Georgia

Union Affiliation Rank: 10

Fatality Rate Rank: 22

Average Rank: 16

The Georgia Senate passed a budget, 53-1, allocating $36.1 billion in state funds and $61 billion overall for the upcoming fiscal year. This was a decrease from the current year’s budget, which was supplemented by one-time cash injections, raising it to $38 billion. Nevertheless, public school teachers are set to receive a $2,500 raise effective July 1, alongside a $1,000 bonus distributed in December.

11. Virginia

Union Affiliation Rank: 7

Fatality Rate Rank: 24

Average Rank: 15.5

In 2021, Virginia reported a total of 125 fatal occupational injuries, with transportation incidents being the leading cause, accounting for 26 incidents, followed by violence and other injuries by persons or animals at 39 incidents. Falls, slips, and trips resulted in one fatality, while exposure to harmful substances or environments and contact with objects and equipment contributed to 21 and 18 fatalities, respectively.

10. Oklahoma

Union Affiliation Rank: 16

Fatality Rate Rank: 11

Average Rank: 13.5

In 2022, Oklahoma reported a total of 70 fatal occupational injuries, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Similar to Virginia, transportation incidents comprised the highest proportion at 30 incidents, followed by violence and other injuries by persons or animals. Falls, slips, and trips accounted for 12 fatalities, while exposure to harmful substances or environments resulted in 6 deaths.

9. North Carolina

Union Affiliation Rank: 2

Fatality Rate Rank: 25

Average Rank: 13.5

North Carolina is one of the hardest states to get a job in as the struggle to fill job positions continues to persist, ranking 10th nationally for hiring difficulty. With a job openings rate of 6.50% in the latest month and 6.86% over the past 12 months, the state faces challenges despite a fluctuating unemployment rate.

8. Mississippi

Union Affiliation Rank: 18

Fatality Rate Rank: 6

Average Rank: 12

Mississippi ranks among the most dangerous states for workers owing to its alarming health crisis. With the second shortest life expectancy in the country and high rates of chronic illnesses, including hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease, Mississippians face major health risks.

Mississipi is also known to be one of the hardest states to get a job in.

7. Louisiana

Union Affiliation Rank: 6

Fatality Rate Rank: 13

Average Rank: 9.5

The issue of gender pay disparity in Louisiana persists, with women earning largely less than men. Despite efforts like the Louisiana Equal Pay for Women Act, which aimed to address this gap, private businesses remain unaffected. Recent studies highlight a $14,048 annual difference between genders in the state, placing Louisiana fifth in the country for wage inequality and hence, making it one of the top 10 worst states to work in the US.

To read more about wage disparity, see the States With Biggest Gender Wage Gaps.

6. Arkansas

Union Affiliation Rank: 12

Fatality Rate Rank: 7

Average Rank: 9.5

Unemployment claims in Arkansas saw an uptick last week, as reported by the US Department of Labor. Initial filings rose to 1,484, compared to 1,313 the previous week, indicating potential layoffs. Owing to the rising unemployment, it is one of the hardest states to live in financially.

Click here to see the 5 Worst States to Work in the US.

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Disclosure: None. 15 Worst States to Work in the US is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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