While reading these 15 worst beauty pageant answers of all time, you simply won’t be able to refrain yourself from laughing, wondering, and sometimes thinking: “And they let her get away with THAT???”. Despite their unfortunate answers, some of these beauties actually managed to obtain certain titles (though not the supreme one).
Beauty pageants – you can love them, or you can hate them. Either way, hardly anyone is impartial to the display of the gorgeous female features. True enough, beauty contests always leave us a bit amazed. Firstly, the girls who are competing are outstandingly beautiful. Secondly, they know how to show off their best traits, walk the walk, and give us their best smile. The judges indeed have a tough time determining the most beautiful of them all, but that’s where the part of questions and answers comes in. Often enough, we can have a really good laugh about beauty pageant blunders. The discrepancy between the looks and the brains makes the whole event more memorable and absolutely hilarious.
Unfortunately for the contestants, the most popular beauty pageant fails are retold over and over again, making the pressure even greater. At times, it can really be said that the girl was too scared or nervous to provide a proper answer. For instance, a simple question (which required a little bit of imagination, though): “If you could be either water or fire, which would you be and why?” was given a really “interesting” answer, to say the least. The Serbian contestant for Miss Universe responded she didn’t know how to be fire or water because she was human. And girls have emotions, while fire and water don’t.
Perhaps it would’ve been easier if they had asked her to say the chemical formula for water or fire.
Truth be told, some questions can be quite strange, as you will see in our list of 15 funny beauty pageant questions. Put yourself in their shoes for a moment. If the judges asked you what fruit you would be, what would you respond? Pineapple? Apple? You haven’t given it much thought, have you? And the most dreaded follow-up question word: why?
Also, some questions such as these 10 hardest beauty pageant questions and answers are very difficult, but you will definitely find both the most awkward and the best beauty pageant answers here. For instance, a brilliant answer to that age-old question what message to send to the opponents of beauty pageants. The contestant simply replied this is one of the ways to gain ground to succeed in any field – politics, army, or business. Pretty smart, right?
Bu today, we are looking at some of the worst beauty pageant answers of all time. We found them at several sources: Did You Know Fashion, Cosmopolitan, NY Daily News, and even IB Times. The one rule we were guided by was that in no way could any of these questions be too complicated or too hard to understand, so there was no logical reason to justify these absolutely ridiculous answers.
Anyway, check it out for yourself. Here are 15 worst beauty pageant answers of all time!
15. Q: “What are your feelings on making euthanasia a legal practice?”
Answer: “That’s one of the things I’m not educated on, so I need to look up on what it means…But I do know that’s a vaccine.”
This is one of the most simple Miss America questions, but the original answer made it a true classic when we talk about dumb Miss America quotes.
14. Question: Recent polls have shown a fifth of Americans can’t locate the US on the world map. Why do you think this is?
Answer: “I personally believe that US Americans are unable to do so, because uh, some uh, people out there in our nation don’t have maps and uh, I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and, I believe that they should, our education over here in the US should help the US, uh, or uh, should help South Africa and should help Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future. For our children.”
Well, this has to be one of the dumbest Miss America comments there are. And it makes one wonder if she can locate the US on her own.
13. Q: “What can men learn from women?”
Answer: “I believe they can learn a lot, because thanks to us women, the men are here in this beautiful theatre, seeing this beautiful contest and applauding me because I am a beautiful woman!”
One thing is for sure: nobody learned anything from this answer, hence its rightful place in 15 worst beauty pageant answers of all time.
12. Q: “If you were given a chance to choose to become beautiful but not too smart or very smart and not too beautiful, what would you prefer to be and why?”
Answer: “Well, um, quiet please! Okay. Well, I’d rather choose to be, uh, beautiful. Um, because, um, to be beautiful like, um, it’s natural. But, um, being smart, you can learn. You can learn, um, a lot of things. You can learn from the experience. You can learn from a lot of things to be smart.”
It’s sure to say she’s not the smart one.
11. Q: “Among the five senses, what do you prefer to have if you could only have one, and why?”
Answer: “Thank you for that wonderful question. If I have to pick out of five senses, I’ll pick seeing. Because seeing is the best sense that we can ever see… because seeing is believing, and believing until you see is perfect. And, um, out of all senses, um, seeing, could really (more hand gestures)… Be wonderful because thank you. That would be it.”
First of all, the question is not wonderful at all, but rather a morbid one.
10. Q: “Why are you proud to be American?”
Answer: “We are truly the land of the great. From the rocky shores of Hawaii to the beautiful sandy beaches of Hawaii, America is our home.”
In short, America has Hawaii. The end.
9. Q:” If you could make a new law, what would it be?”
Answer: “I think when you down the women can make you up, and I think the women can be said that I have advice for you if you way up, you have to be nice with people, including women, so when you down, women can be nice with you.”
Miss Venezuela, this is probably one of the worst answers in Miss Universe history.
8. Q: “Pop superstar Justin Timberlake once said that the worst thing about being famous is the invasion of your privacy. What is it about fame that makes many people, including you, want to be famous?”
Answer: “All the experiences that I have so far in whole, uhm, my, uhm, experiences have given me fame and I feel like famous. There are though other ways to feel famous and to be famous and those are intelligence and also beauty. Thank you.”
Miss Kosovo, thanks for nothing.
7.Q: “In 40% of American families with children, women were the primary earners. Yet they continue to earn less than men. What does this say about society?”
Answer: “I think especially the men are seen as leaders of this and so we need to figure out how to create education better so we can solve this problem,”
In short, this is how you become Miss Photogenic. And forever quoted in articles with worst beauty pageant answers of all time.
6. Q: “How do you get younger students to understand the importance of education?”
Answer: “No matter what your job is, your education is on your resume, and the education is with you during people skills, during getting a job, and whenever someone looks at you and they can just tell you have an education.”
Well, if you say so. At least if she weren’t Miss Teen Ohio, one would think the poor thing wasn’t very fluent in English.
5. Q: “Do you think women are depicted in movies and on television in an accurate and positive way?”
Answer: “It depends on the movie. “Pretty Woman” is an example of movies that show that ‘woman power’ that I know we all have. We had a wonderful, beautiful woman, Julia Roberts, and she was having a rough time. But, you know what, she came out on top,”
And that’s how you lose the title big time. The second runner-up. Of all the movies out there, she chose the one in which the lead female character is a prostitute.
4. Q: “Should U.S. citizens be granted universal healthcare?”
Answer: “I think this is an issue of integrity regardless of which end of the political spectrum that I stand on. I was raised in a family to know right from wrong and politics, whether or not you fall in the middle, the left or the right, it’s an issue of integrity,”
A very simple Miss America question, and this an example of how to completely ignore the question asked and make up total nonsense.
3. Q: “Should evolution be taught at schools?”
Answer: “Evolution should definitely be taught in schools. There are different ways to view evolution, but as everyone can probably agree upon is that everyone evolves. We evolve, as communities that build ourselves from scratch.Nevada is a very good example of that we have evolved from a very small community to something much more bigger, and much more successful. So, I think that evolution can be taught in many ways. It doesn’t necessarily have to be about people and how people have evolved but communities as well.”
So, communities do not consist of people, probably. A lengthy, confusing answer.
2. Q: “Should evolution be taught in schools?”
Answer: “I think that evolution should be mentioned in school. The thing is that it’s all that you believe in, and it shouldn’t be pushed on you, but you should be knowledged about it.”
For some unfathomable reason, beauties have a hard time answering this beauty pageant question.
1. Q: “Please explain the Confucius quote, “Learning without thought is labor lost.”
Answer: “Confucius was one of whom invented confusion, and that’s why, one of the most ancient, he was one of the Chinese. Japanese who was one of the most ancient,”
Miss Panama’s answer tops our 15 worst beauty pageant answers of all time. Fear not that something was lost in translation (everything was in Spanish). The audience and the judges were certainly left confused, to say the least.