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15 Top Selling Energy Drink Brands in the US

In this article, we will be taking a look at the 15 top selling energy drink brands in the US. If you do not want to learn about the energy drinks market overview. head straight to the 5 Top Selling Energy Drink Brands in the US.

Global Energy Drinks Market Overview 

The global energy drinks market is experiencing impressive growth and is projected to reach USD 188.15 billion by 2031, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.47% from 2023 to 2031. This market expansion is driven by energy drinks as they expand, known for their immediate energy, mental stimulation, and improved physical fitness capabilities. 

Energy drinks are incredibly popular everywhere; millions of people frequently drink them. Even while exact global addiction statistics are hard to come by, research shows that energy drink use is quite common, especially among young adults. Approximately 34% of college students admit to regularly consuming these drinks due to their ability to increase energy, improve concentration, and enhance athletic performance.  

When we zoom in on the US, we see that it is the biggest regional market and accounted for nearly 35% of worldwide revenue in 2021. According to CDC estimates, between 30 and 50 percent of teenagers and young people in the US frequently consume energy drinks. Tens of millions of people in the US alone are part of this enormous consumer base, who often turn to energy drinks to meet their energy demands and improve their performance. 

The Non-Alcoholic Beverage Market: The Dynamics and Effects of Energy Drink Consumption 

Energy drinks hold a significant market share of 16% to 18% in the non-alcoholic beverage category, where they battle intensely. The main competitors are ready-to-drink teas and sodas, which are very competitive because of their high caffeine and antioxidant content. Furthermore, the new trend of energy shots, which is especially popular in developing nations, has boosted competition and is being driven by rising demand in major countries like the US and the UK. As a result, the energy drink sector is growing. 

Energy drink sales in the United States have increased dramatically in recent years, as seen by the industry’s current valuation of $21.1 billion, which is expected to rise to $22.7 billion by 2023. This strong increase highlights the significant and increasing demand for these drinks throughout the nation. 

Research suggests that there is a gender difference in the consumption of energy drinks, with men drinking them at a significantly higher rate than women. According to a report, 39% of Americans who drink energy drinks are men, indicating a market that is biased in favor of men. 

Energy drinks are distinguished from other coffee-flavored drinks by having a notably higher caffeine content. Energy drinks can have anywhere from 70 to 250 mg of caffeine per container, whereas a standard cup of coffee has about 100 mg and a typical soda has about 35 mg. Their increased caffeine level is a major factor in their appeal since it gives customers a stronger energy boost. 

However, worries about potential negative health effects have been raised by energy drinks’ high caffeine content. These include elevated blood pressure, heart rate, and risk-taking actions like binge drinking. These possible hazards highlight how important it is to think about the health effects of consuming energy drinks, especially for younger customers. 

Leading Players in the Energy Drinks Market 

The companies that are at the forefront of the global energy drinks market include Monster Beverage Corporation (NASDAQ:MNST), PepsiCo, Inc., National Beverage Corp. (NASDAQ:FIZZ), and The Coca-Cola Company. These companies have been largely dominating the market with their great products.  

Monster Beverage Corporation (NASDAQ:MNST) is the second-biggest industry player in the world, With a 39% market share, only behind Red Bull. The company, which was first founded in 1935 as the family-run juice company Hansen’s, switched to energy drinks in 1997 with the introduction of “Hansen’s Energy” and rebranded as Monster Beverage Corporation (NASDAQ:MNST) in 2012. Among the noteworthy breakthroughs include the launch of the Monster Energy brand in 2002, the growth into new markets with the launch of Reign Total Body Fuel and Reign Storm, and the 2022 acquisition of Bang Energy. Monster Beverage Corporation (NASDAQ:MNST)’s success has been driven by clever marketing strategies, especially in action sports, and a relationship with Coca-Cola, under the direction of co-CEOs Rodney Sacks and Hilton Schlosberg.  

In terms of finances, Monster Beverage announced record-breaking fourth-quarter net sales in 2023 of $1.73 billion, up 14.4% from the previous year. The net income increased by 21.6% to $367.0 million, while the gross profit increased to 54.2% of net sales. 36.8% of total net sales came from international markets, which saw a significant increase across several countries.  

On the other hand, National Beverage Corp. (NASDAQ:FIZZ), a major competitor in the global energy drink market, has unveiled some noteworthy developments, to strengthen its position. Notably, the company’s Rip It brand has grown significantly, and OCA, a new organic energy drink, demonstrates a dedication to product diversity with its distinct flavor of prickly pear and lime. In addition, efforts to satisfy consumer desire for healthier options are seen in the introduction of sugar-free and calorie-free products under the Rockstar Energy Drink brand that are infused with hemp oil and vitamin B.  

National Beverage Corp. (NASDAQ:FIZZ) revealed impressive financial success for the fourth quarter and the upcoming fiscal year 2023. Record-breaking Q4 net sales of $287 million were achieved, while gross margins rose to 36% of sales. Several factors have contributed to this achievement, including the use of price to offset cost increases, a persistent focus on LaCroix’s unique offers, the successful introduction of new products such as Shasta Zero Sugar variations, and efficient marketing techniques. 

A hand pouring a cool can of a carbonated non-alcoholic beverage with a smiley face on it.


Our Methodology 

For our methodology, we have ranked the top-selling energy drink brands in the US based on the dollar sales of these drinks for 52 weeks ending in April 2023. For the accuracy of data, we relied on Caffeine Former

 Here is our list of the 15 top-selling energy drink brands in the US.

15. Prime 

Total Dollar Sales: $43 million

With sales surpassing $1.2 billion in 2023, Prime—co-founded by Logan Paul and KSI—ranks among the fastest-growing beverage companies ever. Major sports sponsorships with the Los Angeles Dodgers of Major League Baseball, Arsenal FC, and the UFC have propelled its rise from $250 million in revenue in 2022. With 40 million Instagram followers combined, Prime makes extensive use of social media. There have been over 16.1 billion views on the TikTok hashtag.  

14. V8 

Total Dollar Sales: $58 million

The Campbell Soup Company introduced V8 in 2012 as a better energy drink choice. It includes vitamins and a moderate amount of caffeine from black and green tea in its V8 energy range. It’s seen as healthier even if certain additives, like sucralose, have caused controversy. However, others are concerned about its caffeine content, particularly for young users. V8’s popularity is clear from its approximately 6% sales gain in 2020. While there is competition in the US energy drink business as a whole, V8 faces off against industry heavyweights like Red Bull, Monster, and Rockstar.  

13. Full Throttle 

Total Dollar Sales: $117 million

Customers looking for a pick-me-up often choose Full Throttle, one of the top selling energy drink brands in the US made by Coca-Cola, because of its strong taste and powerful energy boost. According to customer testimonials, each 16-ounce can have more than 100 milligrams of caffeine in addition to nutrients like taurine, ginseng, and B vitamins, which together provide a visible and long-lasting boost in energy and alertness.   

12. Alani Nu 

Total Dollar Sales: $371 million

Katy Hearn launched Alani Nu, a company that sells energy beverages that are popular among active women. These sugar-free, low-calorie drinks also include taurine and B vitamins in addition to 200 mg of caffeine. The company sells a variety of wellness items, such as protein powders and supplements, in addition to energy drinks.  

11. Mtn Dew 

Total Dollar Sales: $377 million

With 180 mg of caffeine and chemicals like citicoline, MTN DEW, a popular energy drink brand in the US, is renowned for enhancing mental focus and providing a caffeine rush. The reason for MTN DEW’s success is its zesty taste, strong advertising, and devoted fan base. MTN DEW’s standing as a top energy drink brand has been solidified by PepsiCo’s commitment to growing the brand, which includes variations including MTN DEW Rise Energy.  

10. Ghost 

Total Dollar Sales: $389 million

Ghost energy drinks come in sugar-free varieties, tempting flavors including Cherry Limeade and Warheads Sour Watermelon, and 200 mg of caffeine each can. Reviews laud their flavor and potency, citing a quick and pure energy surge. Although not regarded as “healthy,” they are thought to be acceptable for persons in good health when consumed in moderation; caution is suggested to avoid going over the 400 mg daily limit of caffeine.   

9. C4 

Total Dollar Sales: $401 million

Compared to other brands, CQ Energy Drink has less sugar and more natural components like quercetin and herbal extracts, which places C4 among the top selling energy drink brands in the US. Reviews show how well it works to replenish fluids and provide energy. One user even called it “a game-changer” for their training regimen.   

8. Adrenaline Shock 

Total Dollar Sales: $412 million

Adrenaline Shock is a popular energy drink known for its high caffeine content and complex flavors like Mango Orange and Acai Berry. Reviews praise its powerful taste and energy boost, without the jittery effects of other brands. 

7. NOS 

Total Dollar Sales: $490 million

NOS, highly regarded for its smooth flavor and ability to help users focus, is an energy drink that is sold in large quantities. It was introduced around twenty years ago and has since gained popularity with customers. When compared to rivals like Monster or Red Bull, reviews characterize its original flavor as a smooth, somewhat sweet, and tangy beverage.  

6. Reign 

Total Dollar Sales: $648 million

Monster Beverage Corporation’s best-selling energy drink, Reign, is notable for having 300 mg of caffeine per can, making it a great choice for people looking for a strong energy boost. However, because of its intensity, it should only be done by well-established adults. Reign’s distinctive flavors, such as Razzle Berry and Reignbow Sherbet, are well-liked by customers and taste better than those of their rivals. Its recipe, which contains no sugar and no artificial sweeteners, also draws in health-conscious people.  

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Disclosure. None: The 15 Top Selling Energy Drink Brands in the US is originally published on Insider Monkey. 

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