If you have been planning to visit Mexico, but you don’t feel safe, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t consider these 15 safest places to visit in Mexico that are beautiful and cheap.
We see a lot of unpleasant things on TV about a certain place or read about awful murders in the newspapers, and then we completely avoid a beautiful destination with a lot of attractions. While we do have reasons to be concerned for our safety sometimes, it is completely irrational to avoid an entire country because of a few possibly dangerous places. If you do your research before planning a trip somewhere, you can check whether the place is safe or not.

Jess Kraft/Shutterstock.com
Mexico is a very popular tourist destination, and according to The New York Times, tourism contributes about $19.6 billion to Mexico’s economy. That is why recent bloody events linked to gang wars have affected Mexico’s tourism. Many people are afraid to travel there even though it used to be their favorite vacation destination. If you are wondering where not to go in Mexico, according to the warning issued by the U.S. Department of State in August, there are several areas to be avoided. However, the warning further states that resort areas and tourist destinations in Mexico don’t see the level of crime and violence that happens around the border or along major trafficking routes. It means that tourists are safe even in those places where the shootings occurred. For example, when shootings linked to gang wars occurred in Cancun, Los Cabos, and San Jose del Cabo, they haven’t affected the tourist areas, and police and military patrols have been added to increase security in these regions. However, one must be precautious.
When it comes to safest places in Mexico 2017, the truth is that those ghastly drug-related murders usually happen far from the tourists, and there are so many beautiful places where you can feel completely safe. Earlier, we wrote about them in our article about best places to visit in Mexico that are beautiful and safe, and today we bring an updated list according to the latest events.
On the other hand, travelers interested in other destinations and who prefer to travel in fall should check out our article about 15 best places to travel in October in Europe, Asia and tropical destinations. We also wrote about best countries for African Americans to visit, so you may check that out as well to learn more. (insert link)
Our list of the safest destinations in Mexico 2017 is compiled according to the warning issued by the U.S. Department of State meaning, that we only included places for which no advisory is in effect at the moment, and of course, excluded those places that are dangerous. With the help of Trip Advisor, we provided the lowest prices we found per one night for all destinations.
Check out our 15 safest places to visit in Mexico that are beautiful and cheap.
15. Mexico City
Mexico’s capital city certainly is at the top of best cities to visit in Mexico with so much history and great cuisine. The city center is perfectly safe, so you don’t have to worry, and the prices are pretty great in Mexico City. Drinks and food are inexpensive so you can fully enjoy your vacation. The lowest price we found for Mexico City is about $80 per night. As for the best places to visit in Mexico City, check out TripAdvisor’s advice.

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