15. Slovakia
Slovakia is considered to be one of the Europe’s rudest countries with strong nationalism since on many occasions over the last few years the country had difficulties when it comes to coping with migration crisis. The Slovakia’s anti-migrant PM Rober Fico even said that “Islam has no place in Slovakia,” and that “tens of thousands of Muslims” are not welcome in this country. A number of anti-immigration rallies are held in Bratislava, and the nation was clear about its feelings towards migrants. On the other hand, those rallies might be the response to the “dictatorship of the EU.” Last year, Fico lost his parliamentary majority, and far-Right Slovak National Party entered the Parliament. It is more than obvious than nationalism in on the rise in this country. As for the rudest part, some of the tourists’ opinions imply that the service in restaurants is poor and that they are full of smoke since smoking is still allowed in some bars. Another thing is that most of the people are chronically unhappy.
