If you are looking for some quick fun and easy team building activities for small groups, you’ve come to the right page. In this day and age, no one seems to have enough time. We are walking fast, eating fast, breathing fast, thinking fast… and still, many of us don’t seem to have even 5 minutes daily just for ourselves, for something we like. To relax. Hence, many people look only for quick team building games and that is what this article is about. It includes even a 5 minute team building activities, and if you can’t spare 5 minutes to help your employees work easier together, then you don’t deserve a good working environment. What you give is what you get, it is that simple.
And, speaking of simplicity, today we‘ve focused only on simple team building activities, as we’ve already covered many company team building activities indoor and event ideas, including best simple fun indoor team building problem solving activities for adults. Actually, we already had an article named Quick and Easy Team Building Activities for Small Groups, but that was way back in 2015. Today we offer some new team building exercises for small groups. But if you need a plenty team bonding activities for a small number of participants you can check that article as well.

Africa Studio/Shutterstock.com
For all those kindergarten teachers, we recommend some team building exercises for kids, as they can learn about friendship and collaboration more easily than adults. Hence, it is great when they get the chance to play this type of games while still being very young. Who knows, maybe future generations, those who grow up playing these games, won’t have the need to practice these activities as adults too. Any team building game for children we recommend? There are many, but for today, we’ve picked one very simple, free, easy, and quick. It is called: Don’t wake up the dragon! Kids should imagine that they live in a beautiful place, but near a sleeping dragon. They need to line up in order of height, but without talking to each other (not to wake up the dragon). Once they are lined up correctly, they should yell ‘Boo’ together to scare the dragon, and save their village. Fun, isn’t it?
Back on the main topic. We didn’t want to repeat ourselves, hence for this article we’ve picked 15 quick fun and easy team building activities for small groups that we haven’t covered in upper mentioned articles. A plenty of sources helped us create this list, such as Huddle, RefreshLeadership, and LiveStrong, to name a few.
Precise time each game requires depends on the number of participants, but we’ve provided rounded time as a reference. Most of the activities on our list are indoor team building activities, although they can be played outdoors as well if you prefer. What is more important is that these are free team building activities, as for most of them you will only need basic office material, such as pen and paper for example. There are even a few that don’t require any material at all. If you still need more ideas don’t worry, we got you covered with Best Simple Fun Corporate Team Building Games.
Without the further ado, let’s check out our newest picks that will help you create a great working environment! These are 15 quick fun and easy team building activities for small groups that we recommend.
15. The Perfect Square
Time: 15 – 30 minutes
Number of participants: at least 5
We start our list of 15 quick fun and easy team building activities for small groups with a fun game many of us familiar with. It is very simple. All you need is a piece of rope and blindfolds for your employees. You should put the rope on the ground and ask blindfolded employees to try to form a perfect square. You can create variations, ask them to form a perfect triangle or ask some of them to stay silent to make it more of a challenge.
