15 Occupations with Most Suicides

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7. Arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media

Rates of suicides per 100,000 people: 24.3

Both arts and sports are known for having people who are highly ambitious and competitive. Athletes are known to go through the unnatural efforts to win the race, sometimes even using illegal substances, and thus making their life evolving only around one thing – victory. Ambition to this extent is unhealthy and can cause serious problems. People in the arts are always thought of as a little different than “normal” people, often regarded as eccentric. And, if their eccentricity doesn’t kill them, desperation in the case of failure due to unrealistic expectations (once again – crazy ambitious) will. Not to put all blame on them, being a celebrity can be very hard. Not being able to live your life normally like any other “regular” person may be one more reason why there are so many suicides among artist, athletes and other people who are constantly under the spotlight.

15 Occupations with Most Suicides

Leonard Zhukovsky / Shutterstock.com

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