If this topic doesn’t interest you, I don’t know which one will – which are the most sexually active countries in the world in 2022?
This is something both women and men have in common – they like sex. However, there are many differences in how we perceive it. Traditionally, women are considered to be the emotional ones, who always get attached after having sexual intercourse, while the men can sleep with many women without being emotionally involved. Has this image changed? I would say one big YES. There has been a shift when it comes to the what men and women want when it comes to sex. Nowadays, it seems that women aren’t the sensitive ones in a relationship. Most of the women these days don’t mind having a one-night stand. If we go back in history, this would be an unimaginable assumption. Therefore, a lot of studies are conducted mostly on women and their sexual activities. One of them is the research of the most sexually active cities in the world, which will be mentioned in the text that follows.

Marina Svetlova/Shutterstock.com
If we think on a larger scale, the question is: which are the most sexually open countries? What comes first on the top of my mind is Germany, and precisely Berlin. This city is so liberal that they have clubs in which you can enter in your black latex suit – being men or women is not of importance. That’s why, I would also put it on the list of the most sexually active countries in Europe, right beside the romantic Italians. As we promote openness in this text, let’s not just think in terms of Europe. When it comes to the most sexually active countries in Africa, on the top of that list is Nigeria. If we go further, in Asia, that would be Malaysia. Furthermore, when sex industry is mentioned, Thailand and the Philippines are the first countries that pop into your mind, right? Unfortunately, these countries are having a lot of problems with illegal prostitution. In America, most sexually active states are considered to be California and Texas. On the other hand, the least sexually active countries in the world would be Hong Kong and Japan. Finally, we leave you with one question that you can either think about or even answer in the comment section below: which is, in your opinion, the most sexually active race?
Our list of the most sexually active countries in the world in 2022 was created in a few steps. First, we singled out the most repeated suggestions from the already existing lists of the most sexually active countries on several different websites. Overall, we used 5 different websites to compile our list of the most sexually active nationalities. We gave it a point every time a country was mentioned, and in that manner, we made our ranking. Scientifically our rankings are likely to be more accurate than a randomly picked website’s because it reflects the consensus opinion on this topic. Our list goes from the least sexually active country to the most sexually active country in the world. Even though other websites used old data to compile their lists, we don’t think the rankings change from year to year. Moreover, there is still no data for this year. Also, if you want to make a comparison, we suggest you take a look at our previous article – 10 Most Sexually Active Countries in the World.
Now, let’s find out the results of our little research!
15. China
Well, I think we can all agree that the Chinese population wouldn’t be so huge if they were sexually inactive, right? If we look at the Durex research, we can see that they are in the 12th place of the most sexually satisfied countries.

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