15 Most Profitable Crops in the World

You probably investigated about most profitable plants to grow and sell when you came across this article about most profitable crops in the world. Your search has come to an end because this article will answer all of the questions about choosing the most profitable crops. I’m sure you probably heard someone bragging how they started to use superfoods as part of their everyday nutrition and how their energy levels changed afterward or how they wish that they started using these pretty expensive plants even before. Although many of them sound exotic and originally come from the Orient, most of this crops can be cultivated (almost) anywhere with the help of modern technology. Don’t worry; you can also become a cultivator of fancy superfoods and earn good money from it. So, to know where to start, you can take a look at our list of most expensive specialty crops in the world. It is a solid proof that you can earn a good living by the cultivation of these crops.

In order to draw maximum from the land you own, it is important to choose crops which will bring the most profit for you. If you want to know about most profitable crops for small farms, we’ve prepared an article on most profitable crops to grow on a small farm. Although many people think that you have to have a huge chunk of land to earn money from agriculture, this is not completely true. If you are smart enough to choose the right crop, you can earn a lot even on a small farm. Some of the most profitable agricultural crops per acre include hemp, garlic, ginseng, tomatoes and gourmet mushrooms. To see the rest of the list of best cash crops for 1 acre, take a look at our article about best cash crops with the highest profit per acre.

15 Most Profitable Crops in the World


Although some of the most profitable crops for greenhouse can be grown almost anywhere in the world, it is important to consider topographic features such as climate type, humidity and physical and chemical properties of the soil. Due to these factors, most profitable cash crops around the world differ and what is considered to be a high profit cash crop in India might not be a high profit cash crop in America. Even in India, most profitable cash crops vary depending on the location and climate. In some areas, most profitable crops include rice, daal (lentils) and cotton while in other parts of India farmers earn a lot of my by growing flowers.

Our investigation started with Insider Monkey’s articles on most expensive specialty crops, most profitable crops to grow on a small farm and cash crops with the highest profit per acre, we already mentioned above. Profitable Plants website provided additional information on most profitable cash crops to grow and how to use the land you have to its full capacity. Since the crops we’ve chosen for this list of most profitable crops in the world are not comparable in terms of pricing per measure units, yield per acre, or annual profit per acre, we’ve decided to rank them according to the average price per pound. It is a neat way to rank these crops according to their profitability. However, don’t forget that a lot depends on soil quality, climate and seed quality, meaning that annual harvest and profit can significantly fluctuate due to these factors. Now, let’s see our list of most profitable crops in the world.

15. Tomatoes

Price per pound: $3 and up

You are probably wondering how tomatoes ended up on our list of most profitable crops in the world when the average price per pound is around $3. Tomato yields per acre are very high, and profit per acre in 2002 was $45,000. In 2003 it was $27,000, according to New Leaf records. This fluctuation shows how hard it is to give exact predictions on harvest and amount of tomatoes you farm can produce. Western Farm Press published a very interesting article about a phenomenon in California in 2009 when yields per acre were as high as 75-80 tons. Do your math, and it will become clear why we put tomatoes on our list of most profitable crops in the world.

15 Most Profitable Crops in the World

Nejron Photo/Shutterstock.com

14. Fingerling Potato

Price per pound: $4.00

Fingerling potatoes are a new trend around the world. As a potato lover, I have to say that these small potatoes are absolutely delicious and easy to prepare since it takes less time to prepare them and there is no waste (forget about peeling them). Demand for fingerling potatoes is growing every day (partly thanks to various cooking shows) which means that you can easily find customers for your products especially if you decide to grow organic potatoes.

15 Most Profitable Crops in the World

Pixabay/Public Domain

13. Strawberries

Price per pound: $4.93 (for organic strawberries)

Growing strawberries is a profitable yet risky business to get into. Strawberries are sensitive crops which is probably the main reason why a lot of pesticides are used while growing strawberries. Demand for organic strawberries is increasing which explains higher prices for organic strawberries. However, be aware that it requires even more effort to grow the organic product.

15 Most Profitable Crops in the World


12. Gourmet Mushrooms

Price per pound: $5 – $16

We are continuing our list of most profitable crops in the world with oyster mushrooms and shiitake that are two of the easiest gourmet mushrooms to grow because they can grow on various “waste products” such as sawdust and straw but farmers usually use logs for cultivating these mushrooms. According to KigaliFarms.com, on a per acre basis, mushrooms are unbeatable simply because they are fungi rather than plants and as such do not require sunlight for growth. USDA producer price for fresh shiitake is from $4 to $5.50 per pound while according Mushroom People, the price for shiitake ranges from $5 to $16 per pound. Prices go even higher for dried mushrooms, and it is an option you can always choose because once you dry them, you don’t have to worry if they will start to rot.

15 Most Profitable Crops in the World

Pixabay/Public Domain

11. Tobacco

Price per pound: $5.09 – $7.25

Despite well-known health hazards related to tobacco usage, tobacco usage is pretty high around the world. Growing tobacco is a long process, but the reward is worth it. According to some data, tobacco is the most lucrative crop in America and farmers can earn $1,500 per acre.

10. Willow

Price per pound: $7

Not all cash crops are edible, and this is the case with the willow. It has a high biomass potential because it yields more biomass per acre than any other hardwood and it can be used for basketry and furniture as well. It is easy to grow because willow requires fewer pesticides for healthy growth. One acre of well-managed willow can produce 4 to 5 tons of marketable rods. Prices for basketry willow range from $6,50 to $10 per pound and even more for processed rods.

15 Most Profitable Crops in the World

Pixabay/Public Domain

9. Garlic

Price per pound: $8

Health benefits of garlic are numerous and its no wonder that everyone uses it on a daily basis. It reduces risks of getting lung or brain cancer and has a beneficial effect on the overall health of cardiovascular system. It can also reduce the frequency of colds in adults. This miraculous plant is also very profitable so might consider starting your own garlic farm.

15 Most Profitable Crops in the World

Pixabay / Public Domain

8. Rapeseed/Canola

Price per pound: $9.40 (seed)

Up next on the list of most profitable crops in the world is rapeseed that is liquid gold for those who decide to cultivate this crop. Canola is lower in saturated fats than any other vegetable oil making it a very healthy choice for cooking. According to data we found, profit is $10,75 per bushel or around $430 per acre.

15 Most Profitable Crops in the World


7. Herbs

Price per pound: $12 – $32

The food we eat every day would be completely different without herbs and spices which add additional flavors. Your profit depends on the type of herbs you decide to grow. Just to give you a small insight, we’ll take the example of culinary classic, basil. Leaf yields range from 1 to 3 tons per acre (dried), and for fresh leaves, the range is even larger (6 to 10 tons). According to gardening forums, prices for basil vary from $12 to $32 per pound, depending on the type of basil with Italian basil having the lowest price.

15 Most Profitable Crops in the World

Pixabay/Public Domain

6. Goji Berries

Price per pound: $15 – $20

Goji berries can be grown in the USA but yields per acre are significantly lower than in China, where maximum yields are 7000 Ib/acre. However, since interest in American-grown goji berries is constantly growing, prices can be raised as well. Price for dried organic goji berries is around $20 or more per pound which is already pretty high. We’re halfway through our list of most profitable crops in the world, and the prices are only getting higher further on. Of course, you have to pay attention and investigate about yields per acre for each of the crops on the list.

15 Most Profitable Crops in the World

Pixabay/Public Domain

5. Lavender

Price per pound: $18 – $30

Although I’m not a fan of lavender myself, I know quite a few people who enjoy being surrounded by anything that smells of lavender, the next one on our list of most profitable crops in the world. You can earn a lot of money by producing lavender bags, aromatherapy oil, lavender soaps and other cosmetic products containing this magnificent plant. If you prefer simply growing lavender, you can be a supplier of raw lavender and let others do the rest of the work. Anyhow, you can earn some really good money by growing lavender.

15 Most Profitable Crops in the World

Pixabay/Public Domain

4. Hemp

Price per pound: $21 (for seeds)

Don’t worry, we’re not encouraging you to start an illegal business since growing hemp is perfectly legal and very profitable. Difference between marijuana and hemp is quite significant, but many people mistake them. Both belong to the same plant species, Cannabis sativa L. but by definition, industrial hemp is high in fiber and low in THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) which is the psychoactive ingredient of marijuana. Hemp is used as a dietary supplement and its usage is getting more and more popular. Also, hemp fiber turned out to be a very durable material which is gaining popularity on the market. One acre of hemp can yield around 700 pounds of grain (which can be turned into 22 gallons of oil) or 5,300 pounds of straw which can be turned into fiber. The five-gallon bucket of hemp oil costs around $150 and potential returns for hemp fiber range from $170 (low yield) to $759 (high yield) per acre.

15 Most Profitable Crops in the World

el Comandante/Shutterstock.com

3. Bamboo

Price per pound: $30 – $100

Growing bamboo, that ranks 3rd on our list of most profitable crops in the world, is a very lucrative business, but you need to think ahead about the end product and potential market. If your target market is biomass industry, you would need large-scale cultivation which is not the case if you decide to focus on furniture and handicrafts.

15 Most Profitable Crops in the World


2. Ginseng

Price per pound: $500 – $600

It sounds strange and looks strange, but ginseng has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. It can be used to fight off infections, improves heart health, decreases LDL cholesterol levels, and it is believed that it can improve athletic performance and help with erectile dysfunction. Proof that ginseng found its place on U.S. market is the case of Larry Harding, Maryland-based ginseng farmer. He earns (depending on weather conditions) between $250,000 and $1 million a year. His case is pretty interesting (besides becoming a millionaire by growing this strange root) because he actually grows ginseng in America and exports it to China. While you might think that this is a Chinese plant, Americans have been collecting it since the 1700s, and Native Americans have used it for centuries before that.

15 Most Profitable Crops in the World

Pixabay/Public Domain

1. Saffron

Price per pound: $500 – $10,000 depending on the quality

Dubbed “The King of Spices,” saffron is the most expensive spice in the world. Production of saffron is a very laborious process since stigmas have to be hand-picked and it takes around 200,000 stigmas to produce one pound of saffron. The plant itself requires warm and sunny weather to thrive, so it is not easy to grow saffron everywhere in the world. It has a very strong taste, and a tiny quantity of saffron will add amazing flavor to your food. This luxurious Persian spice is also called “red gold” because it can cost even more per gram than precious metal. I believe we definitely have a winner for our list of most profitable crops in the world.

15 Most Profitable Crops in the World

Pixabay/Public Domain