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15 Most Powerful Navies in the World

This article will look at the 15 most powerful navies in the world. You can skip our detailed analysis and head straight to our list of the 5 Most Powerful Navies in the World.

US Navy Spending

As of 2021, the US spending on military defence was 3.5% of its GDP. The United States Navy’s 2024 budget request includes $253 billion worth of funding, $67.3 billion of which is earmarked for procuring ships, submarines, weapons, and other systems. According to the FY 24 budget request, the US Navy plans to operate a fleet of 293 battle force ships, three less than their current number. These ships will be distributed across global theatres.

Currently, the US Navy has 98 ships deployed in the North Atlantic, 2 in the South Atlantic, 23 in Europe, 11 in the Middle East, 67 in the Western Pacific, and 95 in the Eastern Pacific. 

The United States Navy also plans to build a Modified Virginia Subsea and Seabed Warfare (Mod VA SSW) submarine, with a single boat, at the cost of $5.1 billion, which is almost a billion more than the baseline Virginia Class. The new submarine will be specially designed for covert spy missions deep beneath the waves.

How big is China’s Navy?

According to a report by the US Defense Department, China has the largest Navy in the world in terms of the number of warships, with 355 frontline ships in 3 fleets, compared to the US Navy’s 305 frontline ships. However, American vessels’ average size is larger than Chinese vessels.

The report also revealed that China plans to add 70 more warships to its Navy by 2030, while the US may only add 42. The report highlights the growing naval power of China and the potential challenges it poses to the US in the Asia-Pacific region.

Do numbers tell the complete story?

It is pertinent to highlight here that the power or strength of any navy is not determined by just the number of vessels or ships alone. The technological advancement, the training of the personnel, the efficiency of logistics, the strength of naval alliances, and the availability of funds play an equally crucial role in determining how well a navy may do.

The navy is typically concerned with military operations at sea, and its control of the sea is often powerful in war. It is an instrument utilized for projecting power beyond the shores of countries. As reported by Aljazeera on April 20 2023, Iran’s navy commander, Shahram Irani, claimed that an American submarine violated Iran’s territorial waters in the Gulf and was forced to surface by an Iranian submarine.

The event highlighted the perpetual military and political tensions in the Persian Gulf, a strategic and significant region for Iran and the US. The two countries have a long history of political conflicts, including the 1979 Iranian Revolution, the Iran-Iraq War, and the US withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

Artificial Intelligence in the Navy – A new reality?

The US Navy’s Task Force Hopper has launched Project OpenShip, an initiative to establish “low lift, high impact” artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) applications that can create value from the data captured on ships every day.

According to Captain Peter Kim, the project marks a new “surface enterprise-wide effort to develop and deploy software in novel ways to create decision tools for operators by integrating disparate sensor and information data available on ships today”.

The platform is aimed at enabling officials to collect terabytes of labeled training data that naval ships already collect hourly at sea.

On the other hand, the Royal Navy has teamed up with Wavemaker to develop a conversational AI tool to direct and help candidates in the recruitment process. The Royal Navy Virtual Guide will provide customized content and assist them through the tedious application process, delivering the right information to the right person at the right time.

In hopes of providing a more engaging and comfortable recruitment process, the AI tool will offer a convenient space for candidates to ask potentially uncomfortable questions, such as about menstruation during exercise, that they may feel uncomfortable asking a human recruiter.

Key Companies

Hyundai Heavy Industries’ Shipbuilding Division holds the distinction of being the largest shipbuilding company globally. With its incredible research team in action, the company has the capability to tailor ships to specific requirements and it continues to research and develop cutting-edge shipbuilding technologies.

Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE:LMT) is another significant company. Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE:LMT) has developed powerful aircraft like the F-35. The F-35 was created with the intention of replacing outdated fighter aircraft, such as the U.S. Air Force’s F-16s and A-10s, the U.S. Navy’s F/A-18s, the U.S. Marine Corps’ AV-8B Harriers and F/A-18s.

Huntington Ingalls Industries, Inc. (NYSE:HII) is a company that specializes in designing, building, and maintaining both nuclear and non-nuclear ships for the United States Navy and Coast Guard. Huntington Ingalls Industries, Inc. (NYSE:HII) operates through two main business divisions, Newport News Shipbuilding, and Ingalls Shipbuilding.

There are many other companies apart from Huntington Ingalls Industries, Inc. (NYSE:HII) and Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE:LMT) that grab DoD contracts.

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For our methodology to list the most powerful navies in the world, we will use TrueValueRating (TvR) from WDMMV to rank navies. This rating system goes beyond a simple count of warships and submarines, considering other factors such as logistical support, modernization, attack and defence capabilities, and overall strength. Most of the information on naval assets in our list also comes from WDMMW. The list is in ascending order.

Here are the 15 most powerful navies in the world:

15. Bangladesh Navy

Number of Units: 50

TvR: 58.6

The Bangladesh Navy is responsible for safeguarding the country’s maritime territory of over 118,813 square kilometres. Its primary role includes defending important military bases, harbours, and economic zones while protecting Bangladesh’s economic and military interests domestically and internationally. With a frontline disaster management force in the country, the navy also actively participates in humanitarian causes overseas.

14. Korean People’s Army Naval Force

Number of Units: 186

TvR: 67.9

The Korean People’s Army Naval Force is the naval service branch of the Korean People’s Army, which contains each branch of the North Korean armed forces.

The North Korean Navy is often called a brown water navy and functions mainly within the 50-kilometre exclusion zone. The fleet included East and West Coast squadrons, which could not support each other during the war with South Korea. The limited range of outdated and worn-out vessels means that, even during a peaceful time, it is virtually impossible for a ship on one coast to visit the other.

13. Egyptian Navy

Number of Units: 107

TvR: 72.4

The Egyptian Navy currently follows a Western approach to naval warfare. Its main role is to protect Egypt’s Mediterranean and Red Sea coastlines. It has the largest naval force in Africa and the Middle East, including two French Mistral-class helicopter carriers/amphibious landing ships. It is the only African/Middle Eastern Navy with aircraft carriers. Its submarine force accounts for 7.5% of its total strength.

12. Republic of China Navy

Number of Units: 91

TvR: 74.6

The Taiwanese Navy, officially known as the Republic of China Navy, is focused on protecting the territories of Taiwan and the sea routes under its authority against potential blockades, attacks, or invasions. It conducts maritime patrols in the Taiwanese Strait and nearby areas, and is prepared for counterattack and counter-invasion operations during the war.

In 1999, the Kidd-class ships were known for their enhanced anti-aircraft capabilities and were based on the Spruance-class destroyer design. 

11. Turkish Navy

Number of Units: 90

TvR: 80.5

The Turkish Navy is the naval warfare service branch of the Turkish Armed Forces. The navy has established a strong domestic defence industry with ambitious projects underway. It now has the capacity to establish sea control in the surrounding seas. The commissioning of the landing helicopter dock TCG Anadolu marks a new era for the Turkish Navy, with its capability to transport over 700 naval infantry personnel, tanks, vehicles, and helicopters anywhere in the world. The Turkish Navy marked the inauguration of its latest flagship, the TCG Anadolu, on April 10, 2023.

10. Italian Navy

Number of Units: 54

TvR: 80.7

The Italian Navy is equipped with various ships, including aircraft carriers, destroyers, modern frigates, submarines, amphibious ships, and oceanographic research ships. It is also a member of NATO and has participated in many peacekeeping operations. Thus, the Marina Militare (Italian Navy) is considered one of the world’s strongest navies.

9. British Royal Navy

Number of Units: 51

TvR: 88.3

The Royal Navy is the maritime branch of the UK’s military organization responsible for the national defence at sea, safeguarding shipping, and fulfilling international military agreements. It has a balanced force structure that includes different types of ships, such as multi-mission warships, frigates, submarines, destroyers, and aircraft carriers. 

Owing to Britain’s exceptional defense capabilities, UK topped our list of 25 strongest countries in Europe by military power.

8. French Navy

Number of Units: 65

TvR: 92.9

The French navy is a modern, multi-role force focusing on airpower, surface combatants, and undersea boats. The fleet comprises one aircraft carrier, ten submarines, and a modern destroyer force, while the mine warfare fleet consists of up to seventeen vessels. The navy aims to address its ageing nuclear-attack submarine fleet, frigate firepower, and offshore patrol capabilities.

There are plans to build a new nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, but the initiative is still in its early stages. Despite these challenges, the French Navy’s outlook remains largely positive.

7. Indian Navy

Number of Units: 102

TvR: 99.1

The Indian Navy is the naval branch of the Indian Armed Forces; the other two forces included in safeguarding the country are the Indian Army and the Indian Air Force. The active naval inventory comprises 102 units, including frontline commissioned vessels. However, it excludes smaller patrol vessels, auxiliary/survey ships, replenishment ships, and historical ceremonial types.

6. Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force

Number of Units: 102

TvR: 121.3

After World War II, the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) was dissolved, and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force was established. It is also referred to as the Japanese Navy and is responsible for safeguarding Japan’s naval defence.

The Japanese Ministry of Defense has awarded Japan Marine United Corporation a contract to build 12 next-generation offshore patrol vessels for the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, starting in 2023. The contract is worth around 9 billion yen per ship. Japan Marine United’s ship design was chosen over Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, which will be the subcontractor.

Click to continue reading and see the 5 most powerful navies in the world.

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Disclosure: none. 15 Most Powerful Navies in the World is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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