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15 Most Powerful Countries in Africa in 2024

In this article, we look at the 15 most powerful countries in Africa in 2024. You can skip our detailed analysis on the economic potential and the race for power in this critical resource-rich region and head over directly to the 5 Most Powerful Countries in Africa in 2024.

Africa is the second fastest growing region in the world after Asia. Nine of the top 20 countries that experienced the highest rate of economic growth between 2018-2022 were African. Despite facing challenges associated with the coronavirus pandemic first, and later the disruption of global supply chains with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the continent remains resilient and recorded a growth of 3.4% in 2023, which is set to rise to 3.8% in 2024, according to the African Development Bank.

This region of immense cultural heritage and diversity is home to several countries that wield significant influence on the global stage due to their wealth of natural resources, economic prowess, political soft power, and military strength – all key factors that have an impact on the region’s socio-political landscape.

Africa’s Riches

According to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Africa is home to 30% of the world’s mineral reserves, 12% of all oil reserves, and 8% of the world’s natural gas deposits. The continent also has 40% of the world’s gold. Therefore, given the wealth of natural resources present in Africa, it is no surprise that several of the world’s largest mining companies such as AngloGold Ashanti plc (NYSE:AU) and Gold Fields Limited (NYSE:GFI) operate in the region.

AngloGold Ashanti plc (NYSE:AU) has operations in five mines across Africa. These are in Congo at Kibali, Geita in Tanzania, Iduapriem and Obuasi in Ghana, and at Siguiri in Guinea. According to the company’s financials released in November, the total production of gold at AngloGold Ashanti plc (NYSE:AU)’s mines across Africa was 397,000oz for the quarter ended September 2023 – which accounted for 60% of its overall production worldwide.

Gold Fields Limited (NYSE:GFI), which is headquartered in Johannesburg has operations across South Africa and Ghana. In November last year, the company was ranked first among the Top 100 corporations of 2023 list released by the Sunday Times. The company delivered returns of 668% to its shareholders over the last five years, between September 2018 and August 2023. The award is a recognition of Gold Fields Limited (NYSE:GFI)’s financial performance and operational sustainability in Africa’s gold industry.

Regional Power Ambitions

If Africa’s richness of natural resources was not enough, another reason why the continent holds significance is that it is home to several key allies of the western world, some with regional power ambitions.

Egypt for instance is an important strategic partner of the United States in ensuring peace and security across the region, and especially in the war against militant groups. The country spends heavily on defense expenditure, in line with President Sisi’s posturing of Egypt as a powerful state in the global stage.

In January 2022, the US government approved the sale of three SPS-48 land-based radars to strengthen Egypt’s air defense systems. These radars, which are to be produced by L3Harris Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:LHX) for a contract valued at $355 million, will provide the Egyptians with jamming immunity and capabilities to detect even extremely small targets. A year earlier in February 2021, Egypt received RTX Corporation (NYSE:RTX)’s Rolling Airframe Missiles for a deal worth $197 million.

Defense manufacturers in the United States also have an eye on the ongoing arms race between Algeria and Morocco. While Algiers has bolstered its air capabilities by acquiring Russian fighter jets like Su-30 and entered into a fresh deal with Moscow in 2020 for 14 Su-57 stealth fighters, Rabat is scrambling to secure Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE:LMT)’s F-35 fighter jets from the US.

Morocco believes its strong ties with Israel will help secure a deal with the United States for Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE:LMT)’s fifth-generation fighters. Last year in April, the US announced to provide Morocco with HIMARS artillery rocket systems for a deal worth $524 million, with Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE:LMT) as the primary contractor. Moreover, the Pentagon also announced to sell RTX Corporation (NYSE:RTX)’s Joint StandOff Weapons to Morocco as part of a $250 million deal.

15 Most Powerful Countries in Africa in 2024


The most powerful countries in Africa in 2024 are ranked based on four areas of strength – military, economic, political, and cultural. How well each country did on these metrics was determined by seeing where they ranked on each metric in the continent. Their rankings on each metric were aggregated and then divided by the total number of metrics. For instance, if a country ranked second on military strength, third on economic strength, fifth on political soft power, and tenth on cultural influence, it received an average rank of five (2+3+5+10) divided by 4). 

Countries are ranked in descending order of their scores in this article. Rankings on military strength have been sourced from 15 Most Powerful Militaries in Africa, while for economic-strength rankings, we referred to the 20 Largest Economies in Africa Ranked by PPP. Brand Finance’s Global Soft Power Index 2023 was considered for political power rankings.

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Let’s now head over to the list of the most powerful countries in Africa in 2024.

15. Ghana

Military Strength Rank: 15

Economic Strength Rank: 10

Political Soft Power Rank: 7

Cultural Influence Rank: 21

Average Rank: 13.3

We begin our list with Ghana, which is the tenth largest economy in the continent with a GDP of $227 billion in terms of purchasing power parity in 2023. Economic strength has granted the country significant political clout in Africa. Ghana is a regional military force as well, particularly due to its naval and aerial capabilities. 

14. Angola

Military Strength Rank: 6

Economic Strength Rank: 8

Political Soft Power Rank: 15

Cultural Influence Rank: 22

Average Rank 12.8

Angola is an important country in central Africa, especially because of its military strength. The Angolan armed forces has a manpower of over 107,000 troops, and is equipped with fighter jets like the Su-30 and Su-35. Moreover, Angola’s military is battle-hardened due to its regional conflicts with Congo, as well as insurgency at home. 

13. Ivory Coast

Military Strength Rank: 21

Economic Strength Rank: 11

Political Soft Power Rank: 6

Cultural Influence Rank: 12

Average Rank 12.5

While it may not be known for its military prowess, the Ivory Coast still manages to be one of the most powerful countries in Africa due to its economic strength, as well as the political and cultural influence it holds in the region. The country was ranked 87th on the Global Soft Power Index 2023 – which is the sixth highest for African countries.

12. Congo DR

Military Strength Rank: 12

Economic Strength Rank: 15

Political Soft Power Rank: 12

Cultural Influence Rank: 9

Average Rank: 12.0

The Democratic Republic of the Congo had an average real GDP growth of 4.76% between 2018 and 2022, which helped it rank among countries with the highest economic growth during this period. Much of this was driven by exports and investments in the country’s strong mining sector. Congo also has an able military, which can further be bolstered by leveraging the country’s steady economic growth.

11. Sudan

Military Strength Rank: 10

Economic Strength Rank: 12

Political Soft Power Rank: 9

Cultural Influence Rank: 17

Average Rank: 12.0

Sudan has a nominal GDP of $49 billion, and spent $287 million on defense expenditure last year. It has the tenth strongest military in the continent. According to the Global Soft Power Index, the country is the ninth most politically influential nation in the continent. 

10. Libya

Military Strength Rank: 9

Economic Strength Rank: 13

Political Soft Power Rank: N/A

Cultural Influence Rank: 10 

Average Rank: 10.7

Despite descending into chaos since the fall of Gaddafi’s regime in 2011, after which several militias seized power in different parts of the country, Libya continues to be one of the most powerful nations in Africa. Last year, it had the fourth largest defense budget in Africa and spent over $3.5 billion on military expenditure. Libya also has sufficient cultural influence in the region due to its rich history and heritage.

9. Tanzania

Military Strength Rank: 14

Economic Strength Rank: 9

Political Soft Power Rank: 10

Cultural Influence Rank: 8

Average Rank: 10.3

Tanzania has a nominal GDP of $77 billion, and recorded a real GDP growth rate of 5.68% between 2018 and 2022. Dar es Salaam in Tanzania is a prominent tourist destination and has a commercial port, which drives the country’s economy. Tanzania has lately been using its economic strength to uplift its military as well, and spent $749 million on defense expenditure in 2022. 

8. Ethiopia

Military Strength Rank: 11

Economic Strength Rank: 5

Political Soft Power Rank: 14

Cultural Influence Rank: 3

Average Rank: 8.3

Ethiopia is emerging as one of the most powerful countries in Africa at the back of its economic potential. The country’s economy has grown at an average of over 7% for the last five years. Diplomatically, Ethiopia has forged cordial relations with Russia and China, which are two of its main arms suppliers. Its air force is equipped with 23 Russian fighter jets Mig-23 and Su-27. In January 2023, it purchased 32 SH15 wheeled self-propelled howitzers (SPH) from China to strengthen its ground defense.

7. Kenya

Military Strength Rank: 7

Economic Strength Rank: 7

Political Soft Power Rank: 11

Cultural Influence Rank: 7

Average Rank: 8.0

Kenya has a strong military that is equipped with modern weapons. The country is also partly self-sufficient when it comes to arms procurement as it relies on the defense industry at home for much of its submachine guns and ammunition. Politically, Nairobi enjoys significant influence in the region as it hosts the UN Headquarters for Africa. Kenyan troops are also deployed in peacekeeping missions in Somalia and South Sudan.

6. Tunisia

Military Strength Rank: 8

Economic Strength Rank: 14

Political Soft Power Rank: 4

Cultural Influence Rank: 5

Average Rank: 7.8

Tunisia is among the strongest countries in Africa with a powerful military, whose air force is equipped with a fleet of over 150 aircraft and fighter jets. Moreover, its navy comprises 4,800 personnel and four critical bases at Kelibia, Sfax, Bizerte, and La Goulette. When it comes to economic potential, the country’s GDP was measured at $47 billion by the IMF in 2022 and has a per capita GDP of nearly $4,000. Tunisia ranks 83rd in the world for political soft power, which is the fourth highest position in Africa.

Click to continue reading and see the 5 Most Powerful Countries in Africa in 2024.

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Disclosure: None. 15 Most Powerful Countries in Africa in 2024 is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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