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15 Most Popular Social Networks In The World

In this article, we will be taking a look at the 15 most popular social networks in the world. If you are not interested in reading the details, head straight to the 5 Most Popular Social Networks In The World

In today’s interconnected digital landscape, social networks have become the beating heart of global communication, bringing people from all corners together in a virtual tapestry of shared experiences, ideas, and interactions. Among these digital hubs, a select few have risen to astonishing prominence, transcending cultural boundaries and time zones to weave an intricate web of relationships, entertainment, and information.

From the brief and real-time bursts of thought on Twitter to the visual storytelling on Instagram, the expansive networking on Facebook by Meta Platforms, Inc. (NASDAQ:META), the professional reach of LinkedIn, and the engaging videos on TikTok, one of the most fastest growing social media platforms, these platforms have redefined how we connect, communicate, and consume content. As the pulse of modern society quickens, these popular social networks continue to shape the way we express ourselves, fostering communities and enabling conversations that resonate across the globe. 

The social media landscape is primarily dominated by Meta Platforms, Inc. (NASDAQ:META), the owner of Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp. Meta Platforms, Inc. (NASDAQ:META) has also recently (July, 5, 2023) launched threads, an alternative to Twitter.

Threads became an instant hit after its launch, with over 100 million users already signed up. However, the enthusiasm for the social network already seems to be withering, with daily active users falling from 49 million in July, 7 to 23 million by mid-July.

Connecting Cultures and Communities: Worldwide User Base 

Through social media, online forums, and other digital platforms, people from all walks of life can share their experiences and perspectives, which can help to break down barriers and foster greater understanding and empathy between different groups. A recent study showed that 72% of people believe that social media helps to connect them to people from different cultures and backgrounds.  

Another way to connect cultures and communities is through travel. By visiting other countries and experiencing their cultures firsthand, we can better appreciate their customs, traditions, and way of life, which can also help to create economic opportunities and promote cultural exchange. In 2019, the travel and tourism industry generated 10.4% of global GDP and supported over 319 million jobs worldwide.  

Ultimately, connecting cultures and communities is about building bridges, not walls. It requires us to be open-minded, curious, and respectful as we seek to learn from one another. We can create a more inclusive and harmonious world for all by embracing diversity and celebrating our differences. 

From Sharing to Shopping: E-Commerce Integration in Social Platforms 

In recent years, social media platforms have increasingly integrated e-commerce capabilities into their platforms, allowing users to seamlessly shop without leaving their favorite social media app, leading to a significant increase in online shopping activity, with e-commerce increasing by $244.2 billion in 2020 alone. Meta Platforms, Inc. (NASDAQ:META)’s facebook marketplace is a prime example in this regard. 

One of the most essential advantages of e-commerce integration in social platforms is the ability to easily share products with friends and family. According to a recent survey, 82% of consumers said they had purchased based on a recommendation from a friend or family member on social media.

Our Methodology 

For our methodology, we have ranked the most popular social networks in the world based on their monthly active users as of 2022.  

Here is our list for the 15 most popular social networks in the world.

15. Reddit  

Monthly Active Users: 430 million  

Reddit is a top-rated social network with over 430 million active users as of 2022. Its uniqueness lies in user-created subreddits for specific interests, each with rules and moderation, fostering solid communities. The upvote/downvote system promotes quality content and deters spam, enhancing the user experience. 

Revenue has notably risen, reaching $519 million in 2022 from $100 million in 2019. This growth is attributed to Reddit’s advertising platform, enabling targeted ads in relevant subreddits. With the ongoing expansion, Reddit remains a significant player in online communities and advertising. 

14. Pinterest, Inc. (NYSE:PINS)

Monthly Active Users: 442 million  

Pinterest, Inc. (NYSE:PINS)’s popularity is fueled by its role as an expansive hub of inspiration and ideas, featuring a user-friendly interface and a positive atmosphere and stands among one of the fastest growing social media platforms. Its robust search functionality and intelligent algorithm cater to individual preferences, with a remarkable revenue of $2.8 billion in 2022 and a user base exceeding 440 million.  

The platform’s appeal lies in its navigational ease, accommodating both novices and enthusiasts and its commitment to fostering a constructive online environment for personal growth. Success on Pinterest, Inc. (NYSE:PINS) hinges on crafting visually compelling content of value to the audience, while its rapid ascent from relative obscurity to a leading social networking site, gaining over 100 million monthly active users in a year in 2020, has been concentrated primarily in the U.S., extending to Germany and France. Founded in 2010 by Paul Sciarra, Ben Silbermann, and Evan Sharp, Pinterest’s journey underscores its transformation into a significant source of inspiration and influence. 

13. QQ

Monthly Active Users: 574.4 million  

QQ Stands as a widely embraced social network due to its multifaceted appeal. Offering an array of features such as instant messaging, voice/video calls, online games, and music streaming, QQ caters to diverse user interests. Its success is attributed not only to its versatile features but also to its user-friendly interface, robust security, and privacy commitment.

The platform’s consistent updates maintain engagement and relevance. Its popularity emanates from its capacity to provide a secure, enjoyable, and interactive space for connecting with friends, discovering content, and staying updated on trends and news, encompassing activities from chatting and gaming to music exploration and content browsing. 

12. Sina Weibo  

Monthly Active Users: 582 million  

Sina Weibo is a social network that has gained immense popularity in China thanks to its user-friendly interface, easy-to-use features, and massive user base of over 500 million people. The platform has seen impressive growth in recent years, with advertising and marketing revenues of over $1 billion in 2022. Its powerful search functionality allows users to search for keywords, hashtags, and users, making it easy to find precisely what you’re looking for on the platform. But what sets Sina Weibo apart from other social networks is its sense of community and connection, making it a go-to platform for millions of people across the country.   

11. Snapchat  

Monthly Active Users: 600 million  

Snapchat is a fastest growing social media platform with a global user base, enticing millions with distinctive features like vanishing media and promoting privacy. The platform’s emphasis on creativity, enabled by filters, lenses, and stickers, resonates with users seeking personalized expression. Its financial success is evident, amassing over $4 billion in revenue in 2022 and boasting over 300 million daily active users in the same year. Snapchat’s allure lies in its unparalleled ability to provide a unique and private channel for engaging connections with a creative edge. Notably, 59% of U.S. internet users aged 13 to 24 are on Snapchat, positioning it as the foremost social network for this demographic since 2016

10. Kuaishou 

Monthly Active Users: 612.7 million 

Kuaishou, a burgeoning social network, has rapidly amassed a global following due to its unique and engaging features, including short videos, live streaming, and photo editing tools, fostering creative expression and connections. Its remarkable revenue growth, surpassing $14 billion (94.2 billion yuan) in 2022, underscores its popularity.

Boasting a user base of over 600 million active users as of 2022, Kuaishou provides a vast platform for connection and content sharing, benefiting both individuals and businesses. Diverse and captivating content, spanning from humor to education, further enhances its appeal. Notably, Kuaishou stands out for its live streaming dominance and content recommendation approach, solidifying its significance in the social network landscape.

9. Telegram  

Monthly Active Users: 700 million  

Telegram has swiftly emerged as a frontrunner in social networks, with a skyrocketing user base of 700 million monthly active users worldwide. Its acclaim rests on formidable security measures, encompassing end-to-end encryption and self-destructing secret chats. The platform’s distinct prowess in accommodating groups of up to 200,000 members mainly caters to businesses and communities.

Telegram’s revenue stream diverges from traditional advertising, finding success through donations and in-app purchases, enhancing its allure. Anchored by a user-friendly interface, consistent enhancements, and remarkable financial growth, the platform’s in-app purchases have generated over $1 million in revenue as of October 2022. This success is mirrored in its impressive valuation of $30 billion, and its global presence is reinforced by accessibility across 155 countries. 

8. Douyin  

Monthly Active Users: 743 million  

Douyin, known as TikTok in certain countries like China, has become a globally acclaimed social network for its easily shareable, engaging short videos and stands among the most popular social networks in the world. With an accessible platform and user-friendly interface, it emphasizes creativity, fostering a diverse range of content from dance videos to viral challenges. Douyin’s financial prowess is demonstrated by parent company ByteDance’s $18.3 billion revenue in the first three months of 2022, with over 700 million monthly active users worldwide in 2022. As China’s TikTok counterpart, it thrives as a dynamic marketing channel for luxury brands, incorporating user-monetization strategies and integration with e-commerce platforms like Taobao to empower content creators with revenue opportunities. 

7. WeChat  

Monthly Active Users: 1.5 billion  

WeChat is one of the Most Valuable Social Media Companies In The World with over a billion users, celebrated for its comprehensive communication tools and versatility. It’s a hub where messaging encompasses text, voice, and video, fostering global connections. The “Moments” feature mirrors Facebook’s newsfeed, enabling image, video, and status sharing. Notably, WeChat Pay empowers users for money transfers, bill payments, and online purchases, revolutionizing business transactions. Revenue sources include advertising and charges, generating a remarkable $81 billion as of 2022.

Adaptability remains a hallmark, evident in features like mini-programs, creating an ecosystem of versatile services within the app. Impressively, 98.5% of Chinese mobile users aged 50 to 80 were registered as WeChat users in 2018, while in the U.S., 23% of mobile internet users between 18 and 24 are on the platform, making it a notable consideration for social media marketers. 

6. TikTok 

Monthly Active Users: 1.6 billion 

TikTok’s explosive rise is undeniable, boasting 1 billion active users globally in 2021, making it one of the most popular social networks in the world. Its distinct algorithm customizes content, while its concise video format and editing tools foster seamless creation and sharing. Estimated at approximately $11 billion in 2022, TikTok’s revenue thrives predominantly on advertising, rendering it an essential marketing avenue for businesses aiming to engage younger audiences.

This platform, fostering user-generated content and a sense of community, has emerged as a haven for artists and musicians. Earning both financial success and an extensive user base, TikTok’s impact is comparable only to Facebook and Instagram. Within just two years after its launch, it soared to the top five downloaded apps globally, and in the subsequent year, it claimed the number one spot with an impressive 250 million download lead over its closest competitor, WhatsApp. While TikTok still works to expand its demographic reach, 47% of its U.S. user base falls within the 10 to 29 age bracket. 

Click to see and continue reading the 5 Most Popular Social Networks In The World.

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Disclosure. None: The 15 Most Popular Social Networks In The World is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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Artificial intelligence is the greatest investment opportunity of our lifetime. The time to invest in groundbreaking AI is now, and this stock is a steal!

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A New Dawn is Coming to U.S. Stocks

I work for one of the largest independent financial publishers in the world – representing over 1 million people in 148 countries.

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Should I put my money in Artificial Intelligence?

Here to answer that for us… and give away his No. 1 free AI recommendation… is 50-year Wall Street titan, Marc Chaikin.

Marc’s been a trader, stockbroker, and analyst. He was the head of the options department at a major brokerage firm and is a sought-after expert for CNBC, Fox Business, Barron’s, and Yahoo! Finance…

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He’s used this system to survive nine bear markets… create three new indices for the Nasdaq… and even predict the brutal bear market of 2022, 90 days in advance.

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