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15 Most Popular Deli Meats in the US

In this article, we will explore the 15 Most Popular Deli Meats in the US. You can skip our comprehensive analysis and proceed directly to the 5 Most Popular Deli Meats in the US.

Let’s delve into the nitty-gritty; what is lunch meat in America? Also known as deli meat or cold cuts, lunch meat refers to various pre-cooked and sliced meats, which are commonly used in sandwiches, salads, and other quick meals. These meats are widely popular in the United States due to their convenience, versatility, and delicious flavors. The demand for deli meats has soared over the years, transforming the food industry and leading to the emergence of specialty and artisanal options.

As per Technavio, the deli meat market is projected to experience substantial growth over the period from 2022 to 2027, with an impressive Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 7.78%. This growth is expected to result in a significant expansion of the market size, with a forecasted increase of $76.75 billion.

Exploring Specialty Deli Meats and Cured Meats

America stands second amongst the Top 20 Countries with the Highest Meat Consumption, and deli meats have become a significant focal point for food enthusiasts. Artisanal producers have stepped up their game by offering unique and high-quality options, appealing to consumers looking for the best-selling cold cuts with distinctive flavors and premium quality.

So, what are the most famous deli meats? Some of the most common deli meats include turkey, ham, beef, chicken, salami, bologna, and pastrami, among others. Specialty deli meats often undergo traditional curing and aging processes, resulting in intense flavors and textures. 

During 2020, the growth trend for fresh deli meat sales varied across different types, with chicken and turkey taking the lead, experiencing remarkable growth rates of 4.7% and 4.4%, respectively. Beef and pork also demonstrated positive growth, with sales increasing by 3.8% and 3.3%, respectively, during the same period.

Amidst this flourishing market, numerous distinguished companies stand at the vanguard. Notably, Tyson Foods, Inc. (NYSE:TSN) emerges as a prominent player in the food sector, with a formidable presence in the deli meat market. Equally remarkable competitors are SYSCO Corporation (NYSE:SYY) and Hormel Foods Corporation (NYSE:HRL).

Market Trends and Influences: Factors Driving the Demand for Deli Meats

While preferences may vary, turkey stood as the number one selling lunch meat in the US given data on its sales from 2017. Its versatility, mild flavor, and ability to pair well with various ingredients make it a popular choice for sandwiches and wraps. Varieties like prosciutto, pastrami, and mortadella have also become favorites among culinary enthusiasts and chefs alike. These premium cold cuts have contributed to the rising popularity of charcuterie boards, which feature an assortment of fine meats and cheeses perfect for entertaining guests.

The growing demand for deli meats can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, the fast-paced lifestyle of modern consumers drives the need for convenient and ready-to-eat meal options. Deli meats fit this requirement perfectly, offering quick solutions for those with busy schedules.

Additionally, the rise in health-conscious consumers has influenced the demand for leaner and lower-sodium deli meats. Many producers now offer nitrate-free and organic options to cater to health-conscious consumers seeking better choices.

According to data from Statista, the deli department (in superstores) sales have experienced substantial growth in sales within the United States, reaching an impressive $21.2 billion between 2014 and 2022. The deli department sales account for approximately 14.47% of supermarket sales as of 2021, highlighting its significant contribution to the retail industry.

In 2021, deli-prepared foods and meals achieved remarkable sales of $20.9 billion, divided into various categories. Notably, deli-prepared entrees experienced a notable 16.3% sales growth in the same year, demonstrating a growing demand for convenient and ready-to-eat options. However, fresh deli-prepared foods in grocery stores saw a slight decline in sales growth, falling by -1.7% in 2021.

The sales growth of prepared deli ham stood out with an impressive 24.5% in 2020, indicating consumers’ preferences for this particular deli meat. Moreover, it was found that a significant number of people, approximately 171.43 million, frequently opt for fresh cuts or deli cold cuts, and in 2020, certain types of cold cuts emerged as the most popular choices in the United States.


To identify the 15 Most Popular Deli Meats in the US, we employed a rigorous and consensus-based methodology. Our approach involved gathering data from reputable sources such as Statista, List Challenges, Price Of Meat, and Reddit. Each deli meat’s appearance on these sources was given a point to determine its overall popularity.

We further refined our list for tiebreaking by analyzing the best-selling deli meats at Walmart, an eminent retailer in the US. This step ensured that our rankings accurately reflected the preferences of a large consumer base. Finally, based on the cumulative points and refined data, we meticulously arranged the deli meats in ascending order, presenting the definitive list of the 15 top deli meats in the US.

15. Pepperoni

Insider Monkey Score: 1

The global pepperoni market was worth $2 Billion in 2022 and is anticipated to increase at a CAGR of 2.25% from 2023 to 2028, reaching $2.3 Billion by 2028. Renowned brands like SYSCO Corporation (NYSE:SYY), Hormel Foods Corporation (NYSE:HRL), Applegate, and Boar’s Head offer high-quality pepperoni products, ensuring its widespread availability and consistent taste. Apart from pizzas, pepperoni’s versatility extends to sandwiches, pasta dishes, and salads, making it a cherished favorite among food enthusiasts across the nation.

14. Mortadella

Insider Monkey Score: 2

The well-known brands in the mortadella industry include Cremonini Group, Felsineo, Veroni fu Angelo SpA, Levoni Spa, Fratelli Beretta US, Sofina Foods Inc, Borgo Salumi, Citterio, Dietz Watson, Ferrarini, Salumi Leoncini, and Boars Head Brand. Projections indicate that the Global Mortadella market is anticipated to experience growth at a CAGR of 4.9% throughout the forecast period from 2020 to 2027.

13. Braunschweiger/ Liverwurst

Insider Monkey Score: 2

Braunschweiger, originating from Germany, is a liverwurst sausage made from pork liver, pork meat, and seasonings like onions, nutmeg, and cloves. It has a spreadable consistency and a rich, slightly sweet taste. Popular in the US, brands like Oscar Mayer, Boar’s Head, Hormel Foods Corporation (NYSE:HRL), Johnsonville, Eckrich, Schaller & Weber, and Kayem offer their own delicious versions. Typically enjoyed on crackers, bread, or bagels, braunschweiger is a common deli option for appetizers and sandwiches.

12. Prosciutto

Insider Monkey Score: 3

Prosciutto is one of the top deli meats in America. It is a traditional Italian dry-cured ham crafted through a meticulous process of salting and air-drying. Its distinct flavor profile combines a salty and slightly sweet taste with a rich, buttery texture. In the US, popular brands like San Daniele, Parma, and La Quercia are highly regarded for their artisanal quality.

11. Olive Loaf

Insider Monkey Score: 3

Deli olive loaf has become a beloved culinary delight in the US, capturing the hearts and taste buds of many food enthusiasts. Its unique combination of savory olives and succulent meat has contributed to its soaring popularity across the nation. Renowned brands like Boar’s Head, Hormel Foods Corporation (NYSE:HRL), and Oscar Mayer have consistently delivered top-notch quality and flavor, earning them a special place on deli counters nationwide.

10. Soppressata

Insider Monkey Score: 3

Soppressata, one of the most popular deli meats in the US, is a traditional Italian dry-cured salami, has witnessed a significant surge in demand in the US in recent years. Its rich, bold flavor and versatile usage in various dishes have contributed to its popularity among food enthusiasts and culinary professionals alike. Leading brands such as Columbus, Volpi, Creminelli, and Olli Salumeria have emerged as dominant players in the US market, offering high-quality Soppressata crafted using traditional Italian methods and premium ingredients.

9. Capicola/ Gabagool

Insider Monkey Score: 3

Capicola demand in the US has been steadily rising in recent years due to its growing popularity in Italian cuisine and artisanal sandwiches. As a traditional Italian cured meat, it has captured the taste buds of many food enthusiasts seeking unique flavors. Several leading brands, such as Volpi, Creminelli, Columbus, and Boar’s Head, have capitalized on this trend and offer high-quality Capicola products to meet the increasing demand.

8. Pastrami

Insider Monkey Score: 4

Pastrami, a cherished delicacy among food enthusiasts around the globe, is a delectable cured meat known for its rich and savory flavors. Its fame can be attributed to key manufacturers such as SYSCO Corporation (NYSE:SYY), Hormel Foods Corporation (NYSE:HRL), Foster Farms, Cargill, and Tyson Foods, Inc. (NYSE:TSN). Renowned for their unwavering commitment to quality, these companies have played a significant role in shaping the global pastrami market and ensuring that its irresistible taste captivates food enthusiasts worldwide.

7. Bologna

Insider Monkey Score: 4

Bologna is one of the most popular deli meats in America. Although bologna has been a staple in American households for decades, in 2020, the US witnessed a substantial surge in sales for bologna and several other prepared meats. Its widespread popularity can be attributed to its affordability, convenience, and versatility. Bologna is commonly used in sandwiches, packed in school lunches, and served as a quick snack. It appeals to consumers of all ages due to its mild flavor and ease of preparation.

6. Salami

Insider Monkey Score: 4

Market Research Future has forecasted a robust advancement for the Packaged Salami, Sausage & Bacon Market, with an expected CAGR of 5.20% during the period from 2023 to 2032. Notably, Tyson Foods, Inc. (NYSE:TSN), Creminelli, Busseto Foods, and Fra’Mani have established themselves as notable players in this market, renowned for their premium salami products, and have garnered significant consumer popularity.

Click to continue reading and see the 5 Most Popular Deli Meats in the US.

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Disclosure: none. 15 Most Popular Deli Meats in the US is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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