If you are wondering who is leading the world when it comes to the medical advancements, just keep reading our article on most medically advanced countries in the world in 2018, and you’ll get your answer.
The amount of cash poured into medical analysis on a daily basis is incredible. Countries around the world pay big money for finding cures for the world’s most threatening diseases. In an exceeding span of 30 years, having an HIV went from a definite death sentence to a manageable condition. Moreover, most of the cancer varieties are treatable these days, especially if caught early. However, despite all the funds spent on advancing drugs, typically the progress is painfully slow. If we check out the rankings of top 10 countries with the best healthcare in 2017 in best healthcare in the world 2017 reports, Japan and China, for example, accounted for 13.8 % and 3.1 % of the world’s total medical research spending. After all, these countries saw a surge in investment from the private sector. According to The Guardian, Japan’s investment in the medical sector increased by $20 billion in just 5 years, and when it comes to China, investments rose from $1.5 billion in 2007 to $6.3 billion in 2012. For years, the USA was the number one on the lists of most advanced countries in medicine. However, nowadays advanced medical technology has redesigned and developed healthcare systems in Asian and European countries as well, and some shifts on the lists of most medically advanced countries are a possible outcome.

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Unfortunately, the quality of the healthcare is not same everywhere, and different models of healthcare are used around the world. That’s why there are many parts of the world where population have less access or no access at all to the medical facilities thus facing the worst healthcare in the world. In some of the countries, like the USA, advanced medical facilities and fantastically trained personnel don’t guarantee equal access to quality healthcare to their citizens. That’s why the USA has not positioned that well in healthcare rankings by country. But, let’s put aside debate on whether the universal healthcare in the United States could happen, and get back to our topic. But first, do check out 10 Most Advanced Countries in Medicine we wrote a while ago, compare it to our today’s lists and see if there are some major shifts in rankings. We are sure that people with serious medical conditions from around the world would be grateful to live in one of these countries. So, today we are talking about the medical progress. Plainly put, about the countries that have the foremost impact in advancing the medical sector. Also, the list is heavily dominated by what we tend to call the first world countries, primarily EU and North America countries, with few notable exceptions.
To make the list and rank the most medically advanced countries in the world in 2018, we have collected the data from US News, USAToday, The Guardian, to name a few. We also checked Prosperity Index’s health sub-index. The countries which are the most medically advanced, according to their research spending and medical equipment, rank higher on our list. The countries with the lowest research spending are positioned lower on the list.
Shall we proceed?
15. Canada
We start our list of the most medically advanced countries in the world in 2018 with Canada. The country’s national healthcare system is known as Medicare. It’s publicly-funded, and it provides universal healthcare to all Canadian citizens. It’s no wonder this country ended up on our list considering recent reports on medical breakthroughs regarding the use of marijuana as a medicine. Moreover, have you heard about Toronto Health Innovation Week “where health means business”? It’s probably the largest health investor gathering in the country, where hospitals and research institutes are given an opportunity to bring their (medical) ideas to life.
